Tuesday, May 7, 2024

How To Know If I’m Having A Heart Attack

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Are There Complications Of A Heart Attack

How to tell if you’re having a heart attack

Complications following a heart attack can include:

  • Arrhythmia your heart may develop an irregular heartbeat following a heart attack due to damaged heart muscles disrupting electrical signals.
  • Heart failure your heart may have ongoing difficulty pumping enough blood, due to its muscles being too weak or stiff.
  • Cardiogenic shock where your whole body goes into shock from extensive heart muscle damage.
  • Heart rupture this is a rare but serious complication in which the hearts muscles, walls or valves split apart.

These can be dangerous if untreated, but your healthcare team will help to manage them if they occur.

Why Choose The Hospitals Of Providence For Your Early Heart Attack Care

The Hospitals of Providence has EHAC teams who genuinely care about you and your loved ones. Our hospitals are located across El Paso to provide accessible care to the communities in this city and nearby areas. At the same time, we have received multiple recognitions for the compassionate care and patient-centered cardiovascular services we offer.

Some of the accreditations and recognitions we received in recent years are as follows:

For Sierra Campus

  • Chest Pain Reaccreditation by the Society of Cardiovascular Care
  • ACC HeartCARE Center Designation by the American College of Cardiology
  • Grade A rating for patient safety in the Leapfrog Groups Fall 2019 Safety Score

How To Get Checked Out

Men may not be aware they had an SMI until weeks or even months later when they see their doctor for a regular visit, or because of persistent symptoms like fatigue, shortness of breath, or heartburn.

SMI is usually detected from an electrocardiogram or echocardiogram, which can highlight heart muscle damage. Another method is a blood test for the molecular footprints of troponin T, a protein released by injured heart cells. That test is often used in emergency departments for patients with heart attack symptoms.

Once an SMI is diagnosed, your doctor can identify your main risk factors and help design a treatment strategy, including changing your diet, exercising regularly, and taking a statin as well as other medication to help prevent a second heart attack .

“If you do notice any symptoms of a SMI, do not brush them aside, even if you do not think they are serious,” says Dr. Plutzky. “Playing it safe is always a better move than risking the potential harmful downside.”

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When Is Chest Pain A Heart Attack

Many people delay calling 999 when having chest pain as they often think it isnt serious. You should dial 999 immediately if your chest pain:

  • is sudden
  • spreads to you arms, back, neck or jaw
  • feels heavy or tight.

Or if:

  • you become short of breath or start to feel sick.

If your chest pain doesnt match these characteristics and you arent experiencing any other heart attack symptoms, there may be other explanations for your chest pain. These include angina, indigestion or a strained muscle.If you frequently experience unexplained chest pain, book an appointment with your GP as its possible you may have an undiagnosed heart condition.

Where It May Hurt

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During a heart attack, the location of the pain can also vary quite a bit from person to person, notes Dr. Rosenfield. It may occur in the arm, shoulder, neck, jaw, or elsewhere in the upper half of the body. “I had one patient who had earlobe pain, and another who felt pain in his wrist,” says Dr. Rosenfield. Other nonclassic symptoms people often dont attribute to a heart attack include nausea, vomiting, and weakness.

During his career, Dr. Rosenfield has seen many thousands of people whove had heart attacks. “Theres no question that women are more likely to experience nonclassic heart attack symptoms, but its important to remember that men can have those symptoms, too.”

Heart attack symptoms

Although the most common sign of a heart attack in both men and women is the classic one discomfort in the center of the chest that spreads through the upper body this symptom doesnt always occur. Some people experience nonclassic symptoms, and these may be slightly more frequent in women and in older people.

Classic symptoms
  • Pressure, aching, or tightness in the center of the chest
  • Pain or discomfort that radiates to the upper body, especially shoulders or neck and arms
  • Sweating

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What’s The Difference Between A Cardiac Arrest And A Heart Attack

The phrases cardiac arrest and heart attack are often confused, however are different.If youre having a cardiac arrest you will be unconscious, not breathing or not breathing normally. Your heart has stopped pumping blood around your body and youll need CPR and medical attention immediately. During a heart attack you’ll be conscious and breathing, but experiencing chest pain or discomfort.A heart attack is a medical emergency and can lead to cardiac arrest so its important to seek medical attention straight away.

What A Heart Attack Feels Like For A Man

The classic symptom of chest pain may not be present in every heart attack, but it remains the most common sign among men. The pain is often described as a pressure or squeezing sensation. Chest pain tends to be located in the center of the chest, but it can be felt from armpit to armpit.

Other common heart attack symptoms for men include:

  • shortness of breath, which sometimes develops before any other symptoms, and may be present when sitting still or moving around
  • back pain, often moving up to the neck
  • arm pain, typically in the left arm, but can be in either or both arms
  • jaw pain that sometimes feels like a bad toothache
  • nausea

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What Is A Small Heart Attack

The full details of Odenkirk’s heart attack are not yet known. Heart attacks vary in severity, but experts say all of them are reason for concern. “Despite a good outcome, a mild heart attack is still a big deal. All heart attacks are serious,” said Joseph Campbell, MD, a cardiologist with the Cleveland Clinic.

A “mild heart attack” is commonly known as a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction, or NSTEMI. That’s due to how the heartbeat looks on an electrocardiogram. “If you were told you’ve had a mild heart attack, it probably means your heart didn’t suffer much damage and still pumps normally,” said Campbell.

Again, it’s not clear if this is the type of heart attack Odenkirk suffered. But it’s important to know the signs of a mild, or even “silent” heart attack.

How Do I Know If I’m Having A Heart Attack

How Do I know If I am Having a Heart Attack? by Dr. Tracie O’Keefe DCH, BHSc, ND

Your arteries carry blood, oxygen and nutrients to the heart and to the rest of the body. A heart attack occurs when an artery of the heart is suddenly closed or blocked by a blood clot.

Although the closure happens suddenly, it often results from plaque that has built up in the arteries over time. This process is called atherosclerosis. It is also known as hardening of the arteries. When the artery closes, the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart drops suddenly and sharply. This lack of oxygen causes damage to the heart.

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Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Heart Disease

Heart disease often develops over time. You may have early signs or symptoms long before you have serious heart problems. Or, you may not realize you are developing heart disease. The warning signs of heart disease may not be obvious. Also, not every person has the same symptoms.

Certain symptoms, such as chest pain, ankle swelling, and shortness of breath may be signals that something is wrong. Learning the warning signs can help you get treatment and help prevent a heart attack or stroke.

Am I Having A Heart Attack The Steps You Can Take To Save Your Life

Am I having a heart attack? It may be the first thing that springs to mind if you experience symptoms like chest pain or extreme shortness of breath.

The first step in surviving a heart attack is being able to identify the symptoms so you can quickly seek help. If you think you are experiencing a heart attack, .

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Causes Of A Heart Attack

Certain factors can make you more likely to develop coronary heart disease, which then puts you at a greater risk of a heart attack. These include if you:

  • smoke
  • have high blood pressure
  • lead an inactive lifestyle
  • are overweight or obese

There are ways you can help yourself by reducing these risks see our section on prevention of heart attack below.

There are also factors that are out of our control, for instance having a family history of coronary heart disease at a young age, getting older and being male. If these factors apply to you, its even more important that you reduce your other risks factors of heart attack as much as you can, by making lifestyle changes.

What Is Angina And How Is It Different From A Heart Attack

Symptoms of Heart Attack

An episode of angina is NOT a heart attack. However, people with angina report having a hard time telling the difference between angina symptoms and heart attack symptoms. Angina is a recurring pain or discomfort in the chest that happens when some part of the heart does not receive enough blood temporarily. A person may notice it during exertion . It is usually relieved within a few minutes by resting or by taking prescribed angina medicine. People who have been diagnosed with angina have a greater risk of a heart attack than other people.

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What Is A Heart Attack Anyway

Before we get into the cause, we have to define what a heart attack is. Many people think it means your heart clamps up and stops working. That’s sort of correct but it’s a bit more complicated. Sections of your heart are supplied by blood flowing in and out of your arteries, which is another name for your blood vesselsimagine them as a muscular tube lined with smooth tissue. The blood flowing through them is oxygen-rich. When the flow stops due to blockage, and a section of your heart cannot get enough oxygen, that section of your heart can begin to die. The blockage needs to be cleared ASAP.

And What Happens If You Have One

So what exactly happens when you have a heart attack? In some cases, the plaque can rupture, and suddenly your oxygen-rich blood is filled with cholesterol and other nastiesthink of an oil spill. Where there was a rupture, a blood clot might form. This causes further blockage. Suddenly, your heart is blocked again. Or your artery could spasm, also shutting down blood flow. When your heart stops receiving the oxygen-rich blood, your brain gets the messagebut sometimes can’t isolate the source of the pain, because of “referred pain”your brain thinks it’s your arm that’s hurting, or your back.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Heart Attack

The major symptoms of a heart attack are

  • Chest pain or discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center or left side of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or that goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain.
  • Feeling weak, light-headed, or faint. You may also break out into a cold sweat.
  • Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, or back.
  • Pain or discomfort in one or both arms or shoulders.
  • Shortness of breath. This often comes along with chest discomfort, but shortness of breath also can happen before chest discomfort.

Other symptoms of a heart attack could include unusual or unexplained tiredness and nausea or vomiting. Women are more likely to have these other symptoms. Learn more about women and heart disease.

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack.1Learn more facts about heart attack and heart disease.

What Are The Risk Factors For Heart Attack

How to know if you’re having a heart attack

Several health conditions, your lifestyle, and your age and family history can increase your risk for heart disease and heart attack. These are called risk factors. About half of all Americans have at least one of the three key risk factors for heart disease: high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and smoking.2

Some risk factors cannot be controlled, such as your age or family history. But you can take steps to lower your risk by changing the factors you can control.

Learn more about risk factors for heart disease and heart attack.

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What Can I Do To Recover After A Heart Attack

Take our quizexternal icon to see how much you know about cardiac rehabilitation.

If youve had a heart attack, your heart may be damaged. This could affect your hearts rhythm and its ability to pump blood to the rest of the body. You may also be at risk for another heart attack or conditions such as stroke, kidney disorders, and peripheral arterial disease .

You can lower your chances of having future health problems following a heart attack with these steps:

  • Physical activityTalk with your health care team about the things you do each day in your life and work. Your doctor may want you to limit work, travel, or sexual activity for some time after a heart attack.
  • Lifestyle changesEating a healthier diet, increasing physical activity, quitting smoking, and managing stressin addition to taking prescribed medicinescan help improve your heart health and quality of life. Ask your health care team about attending a program called cardiac rehabilitation to help you make these lifestyle changes.
  • Cardiac rehabilitationCardiac rehabilitation is an important program for anyone recovering from a heart attack, heart failure, or other heart problem that required surgery or medical care. Cardiac rehab is a supervised program that includes
  • Physical activity
  • Education about healthy living, including healthy eating, taking medicine as prescribed, and ways to help you quit smoking
  • Counseling to find ways to relieve stress and improve mental health

Classic Signs Of A Heart Attack

These are the most commonly expected symptoms of heart attack. If you suddenly experience these symptoms, call 911 or get to your nearest emergency room immediately:

  • chest pain, pressure or discomfort that lasts for several minutes or disappears, then returns
  • pain or discomfort that affects either or both arms
  • back, neck or jaw discomfort
  • stomach pain or discomfort
  • feeling fatigued
  • sweating

If you notice any or all of these symptoms, call 911 and seek emergency medical care immediately, even if you arent experiencing chest pain.

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Recognizing A Heart Attack

  • 1Evaluate the quality of your pain.XResearch source Pain that relates to a heart attack most often feels like a pressure, or squeezing, sensation. It can range from mildly painful, or not painful at all , to full pain that people would rank a 10 out of 10 in intensity. The pain is often in the chest area, and may radiate down your left arm, to your jaw, or to your back.
  • 2Look for non pain-related symptoms.XResearch source In addition to pain in your arm, jaw, neck, and back, there are other symptoms you may see during a cardiac episode, as well. These include:XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Heart AssociationLeading nonprofit that funds medical research and public educationGo to source
  • Nausea
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    Pin on Cardiac Treatment

    You should not delay calling 9-1-1 to take an aspirin. Studies have shown that people sometimes delay seeking help if they take an aspirin . In the hospital emergency room, staff will give people experiencing a heart attack an aspirin as soon as they arrive. The best thing to do is to call 9-1-1 immediately and let the professionals give the aspirin.

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    How To Tell The Difference Between A Heart Attack And A Panic Attack

    The best way to tell the difference is to simply visit the doctor and have your heart tested. If your heart is in good health, it’s very unlikely you are suffering from a heart attack, especially if you have signs of anxiety. The good news is that there are plenty of easy tests to rule out any serious heart problems.

    Beyond that, there are very minute differences in the symptoms. Examples include:

    • Chest pain from anxiety tends to be more localized and sharp, while heart attacks radiate and are often duller.
    • Panic attacks rarely cause vomiting – a somewhat common symptom of heart attacks, although not in all of those that experience one.
    • Panic attacks tend to be more systematic. They generally peak about 10 minutes in and then there is a slow and steady decline. Heart attacks can follow this same pattern, but it’s less common.

    Otherwise, the best thing to do is get your heart checked and learn whether or not you’re suffering from any heart problems. If not, then you’re experiencing anxiety attacks.

    How Do I Know Im Having A Heart Attack And Not Something Else

    Chest pain and other symptoms such as breathlessness and feeling dizzy arent always symptoms of heart attack. They can also be symptoms of other things, such as panic attacks, muscular and joint problems, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and other problems affecting your heart and lungs. But theres no way to know for certain whether youre having a heart attack if you develop these symptoms, so its important not to delay seeking help. Only a doctor will be able to tell you once theyve done some tests.

    If you think you, or someone youre with could be having a heart attack, get emergency help immediately. Dont wait. The sooner you get medical help the better the chance of surviving and making a full recovery.

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