Friday, July 26, 2024

Does Magnesium Lower Heart Rate

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Magnesium And Heart Rhythm Problems

How Do I Lower My Heart Rate Quickly?

Dear all.I already posted something on magnesium in another group, asking if the tablets i was advised to take could have to do with some problems I am experiencing. But I thought I would post it here too.I have a heart rhythm condition that sometimes really acts up. I had a TIA years ago, followed by my heart stopping less than a year later. So I am under supervision of a cardiologist.But since I also have a bowel condition my doctor told me to take 2 magnesium tablets a day, making a total of 1500 mg. per day. She said I could take even 6 tablets if I wanted to, because there are no side effects. I just heard that there can be, and I wonder if anyone of you has any experience with magnesium and a heart condition, and how this makes you feel.I would love to share thoughts on the subject since I am not feeling very well ever since I started taking 1500 mg. of magnesium per day over two weeks ago. I called my doctor but they told me there are no side effects. So well, I thought I needed a few more thinking caps.

What Are Heart Palpitations How To Stop Palpitations With Magnesium

Palpitations are a racing or fluttering feeling in the chest. Folks have described it as a feeling of popcorn popping in the chest.; As you know when anything goes wrong in the chest, folks get kind of nervous.

To be perfectly honest, folks should get nervous when they have a funny feeling in the chest like palpitations.

Now the majority of palpitations are called PVCs, or premature ventricular contraction. PVCS are extra beats that occur in the ventricles.

Therefore, for this article, we will only discuss the most common palpitation which is the PVC.

Why Is Magnesium Necessary For Heart Health

Research has shown that people with a higher intake of magnesium have a lower risk of heart disease2.

Studies have also revealed that the higher your blood level of magnesium the lower your risk of coronary artery calcification3. This is a crucial point.

Additionally, it has been discovered that higher levels of magnesium are associated with lower levels of the inflammatory marker, C-reactive protein4, which is linked to heart problems.

The more inflammation, the higher your risk of EVERYTHING.

Magnesium is involved in more than 300 cellular reactions including those that impact:

  • Heart rhythm
  • Headaches and migraines

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Are Magnesium Supplements Right For Me

If youre already consuming 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, there is a likelihood that taking a supplement wont have the same effect. ;Most studies showing beneficial effects enroll people who report lower intakes of magnesium-rich foods. ;Nutrition scientists also recommend a food-first approach since foods contain many other nutrients that act together to promote health.

There is evidence that magnesium supplements work to lower blood pressure. ;People in clinical studies that were administered 300-500 mg of supplemental magnesium for 2-3 months have consistently shown improvements in blood pressure as compared with those on the placebo.; This is not surprising given that people who consume high amounts of plant foods containing magnesium also show a decreased risk of low-grade chronic inflammation, hypertension, and heart disease.

Lower intakes have also been linked to an increased risk for type-2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and migraine.

How Much Magnesium Is Enough

Dr. Smith

According to the National Institutes of Health, the adult body contains;25 grams of magnesium, mostly in the bones. This amount depends on several factors, like diet and a persons kidney function. Many people do not get enough magnesium in their diets, says;Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy, MD, chair of the American College of Cardiologys Electrophysiology Council.

The recommended dietary allowance for magnesium meaning the;amount you should take in each day; varies depending on your age and sex. On average, the RDA is 400 milligrams for men ages 19 to 30 and is lower, at 310 mg, for women of the same age. For those 31 and older, men should get 420 mg of magnesium daily, and women should get 320 mg daily. If a person’s magnesium level is less than 1.8 mg per deciliter, they are considered to have a magnesium deficiency, Dr. Lakkireddy explains.

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Magnesium Balances Calcium And Rescues The Heart

By Scott Miners, editor, Well Being Journal, Vol. 23, No. 4.

Carolyn Dean, M.D., author of The Magnesium Miracle, states that up to 80 percent of the population in the U.S. is deficient in magnesium. Magnesium is the mineral that activates nerves and muscles, including the muscle cells in the heart. It attaches to adenosine triphosphate , the energy molecule of the body, to catalyze stored energy. ATP, she writes, created in mitochondria, is the main source of energy in our cells, and it must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to be biologically active. This is likely the most important function of magnesium, because ATP is made in each of the 100 trillion cells in our body.1

Health coach Margie King writes that researchers in China found that for every 50 mg per day increase in magnesium, colon cancer was reduced by 7 percent, and these findings mirrored a British study that found such cancer rates decreased by 13 percent. The recommended daily magnesium intake is 420 mg for men and 320 mg for women, but most U.S. citizens get only about 20 percent of that amount per day.2

Some signs of magnesium insufficiency, other than muscle cramps, include headache, heart rhythm abnormalities, loss of appetite, fatigue, numbness or tingling, and nausea.

Editors Note: See The Magnesium Advocacy Groups Facebook page as well as the article later in this issue, page 40, titled, Vitamin K2 Can Remove Calcium Deposits from Arteries.

How Safe Is Transdermal Magnesium

Like soaking in the sea , theres rarely such thing as too much when it comes to transdermal magnesium.

Magnesium toxicity from magnesium salts is rare because excess magnesium is readily excreted in urine by the kidneys. Anyone with kidney disease should consult a doctor before adding magnesium to their supplement regime.

While it is possible to take a toxic amount of magnesium orally, even with healthy kidneys, we have yet to encounter a story of magnesium toxicity from transdermal supplementation.

As Dr. Dean says in her book, The very few reports of magnesium toxicity are in hospitalized patients put on IV magnesium. Unfortunately, these reports get repeated inappropriately in the media. The reality is that there are only certain people with serious health conditions, who are usually already under a doctors care, who are warned not to take magnesium. There are only four contraindications to magnesium therapy: kidney failure, myasthenia gravis, excessively slow heart rate, and bowel obstruction.4

Heres why:

  • With kidney failure, theres an inability to clear magnesium from the kidneys.
  • With myasthenia gravis, intravenous magnesium could accentuate muscle relaxation and collapse the respiratory muscles
  • In cases of excessively slow heart rate, magnesium can further slow the hearts rhythm because magnesium relaxes the muscles of the heart.
  • Where there is bowel obstruction, the main route of elimination of oral magnesium is impeded. 5

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How Should I Use Transdermal Magnesium

We offer magnesium chloride in four formats. Our products vary in concentration and can be used in different ways, but each is fragrance-free and non-staining.

General Tips:

  • Our transdermal magnesium products can be applied to the face, but avoid the inside of the nose or eyes, as this would sting.
  • Use caution on other sensitive areas/mucous membranes.
  • Allow the liquid, gel or spray to sit on the skin for 20 30 minutes before rinsing, which is optional.
  • You can use any of your preferred skin products after applying transdermal magnesium.


Note that heat increases the rate at which magnesium is absorbed through the skin. To drive the magnesium deep into a tense, painful area, try a hot compress using any one of the above products.

  • First, spray or rub the topical magnesium into the affected area.
  • Then, take a small towel and wet it in hot water .
  • Place the hot towel over the sore area, on top of the magnesium, and allow the heat of the compress to drive the magnesium into the skin.
  • When the compress cools, repeat.

Magtherapy Magnesium Chloride Balm:

Lower Your Heart Rate 25% Faster – Men’s Health Minute

Each 1 tsp of balm contains approximately 200mg of magnesium chloride. It is thus the least concentrated of our MagTherapy products, but you may find you use it more often because of the moisturizing benefits.

A quick note on using our products for children: Most children have sensitive skin, so youll want to start with a very dilute solution. Add Magnesium Chloride Liquid to a bath, for a soothing soak. For direct application to the skin, try mixing transdermal magnesium with a massage oil and rubbing it into the skin.

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How To Take It

Be sure to check with your health care provider before taking magnesium supplements and before giving them to a child. Under certain circumstances, such as certain heart arrhythmias or preeclampsia, a doctor will give magnesium by IV in the hospital.

It is a good idea to take a B-vitamin complex, or a multivitamin containing B vitamins, because the level of vitamin B6 in the body determines how much magnesium will be absorbed into the cells.

Dosages are based on the dietary reference intakes issued from the Food and Nutrition Board of the United States Government’s Office of Dietary Supplements, part of the National Institutes of Health .


  • Males, 19 to 30 years of age: 400 mg daily
  • Females, 19 to 30 years of age: 310 mg daily
  • Males, 31 years of age and over: 420 mg daily
  • Females, 31 years of age and over: 320 mg daily
  • Pregnant females, 19 to 30 years of age: 350 mg daily
  • Pregnant females, 31 and over: 360 mg daily
  • Breastfeeding females, 19 to 30 years of age: 310 mg daily
  • Breastfeeding females, 31 years of age and over: 320 mg daily

A person’s need for magnesium increases during pregnancy, recovery from surgery and illnesses, and athletic training. Speak with your doctor.

Keep Your Heart Tickin

Magnesium taurate acts as a cardiovascular protectant, preventing cardiac issues and irregular heartbeat. The conversion of taurate into taurine, an amino acid, aids in the hearts pumping of blood throughout the body.

Taurine helps to make blood flow more freely to the heart and shields the heart against damage. It is also believed to be a preventative medicine to ward off potential heart disease. For this reason and more, Dr. Mark Sircus, MD has called it the ultimate heart medicine.

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What To Look For

Magnesium oxide supplements are available over-the-counter without a prescription. Magnesium oxide is sold under several brand names including Mag-Ox 400, Uro-Mag, and Magox. Your healthcare provider or pharmacist can advise you on which brand might be a good fit for your unique situation and overall health.

Before picking up a magnesium supplement, it is a good idea to have your magnesium levels checked by a healthcare provider.;There is no way to know if any symptoms you might be experiencing are related to a magnesium deficiency, another deficiency, or an illness.;You should always disclose all health conditions and medications to avoid interactions and adverse reactions.

Muscle Relaxants Interacts With Magnesium

Effect of electrolytes on cardiac rhythm

Magnesium seems to help relax muscles. Taking magnesium along with muscle relaxants can increase the risk of side effects of muscle relaxants.Some muscle relaxants include carisoprodol , pipecuronium , orphenadrine , cyclobenzaprine, gallamine , atracurium , pancuronium , succinylcholine , and others.

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Physiologic And Pharmacologic Role Of Magnesium In The Cardiovascular System

Magnesium is primarily an intracellular cation with 99% of total body concentrations found in bone, muscles, and non-muscular soft tissue. The remaining 1% is located extracellularly within serum and red blood cells. Of this 1%, a small proportion is ionized with the remainder being protein bound. Magnesium is absorbed primarily within the small intestine through paracellular mechanisms with the remainder excreted in the feces. Homeostasis is maintained by the kidneys where it is filtered in the glomerulus and 95% is reabsorbed mostly within the proximal tubule and thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle.

The recommended daily allowance of magnesium is 4.5mg/kg/day. Foods known to be rich in magnesium include grains, nuts, and green vegetables, amongst others. Around 2476% of dietary magnesium intake is absorbed. Studies have suggested that the relationship between magnesium absorption and intake is curvilinear and may be a saturable process. Known causes of low magnesium include inadequate dietary intake, malabsorption states, gastrointestinal losses , bowel resection surgery, and drugs . An additional challenge of diuretic-induced hypomagnesaemia is that potassium levels can also be lowered with these drugs; this means that simultaneous administration of magnesium and potassium supplements may be required to normalize serum levels of each.

Heart Health Supplements To Take And One To Avoid

Our modern world can bring overwhelming amounts of information aimed at helping us get healthier through supplements. Often, some people will see improvements, while others wont. Here are some supplements that can help boost the effects of healthy diet and exercise for your precious heart, and one supplement to avoid.

In the United States, dietary supplements are substances you eat or drink. They can be vitamins, minerals, herbs or other plants,;amino acids;, or parts of these substances. They can be in pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid form. They supplement the diet and should not be considered a substitute for food.

Click the name of each supplement to see more information, including results from studies, showing uses and doses. You can

1. Multivitamin & mineral

Vitamins and minerals taken in appropriate doses may aid in lowering heart disease risk. Whole foods should be the main source of nutrients, and research shows that many people fall short of recommended intakes.

A supplement can’t make up for unhealthy eating habits, but sometimes even people who have healthy eating habits find it hard to get all the fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods they need. A supplement can help fill in the gaps.

Numerous studies suggest positive association between taking vitamin and mineral supplements, and heart disease prevention. Vitamin and mineral supplements can be safe and inexepensive and may provide a health benefit.

2. Coenzyme Q10 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

3. Fiber

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Are Magnesium Supplements Safe

Magnesium is one of the seven major minerals that the body needs in relatively large amounts . But too much of one major mineral can lead to a deficiency in another, and excessive magnesium can in turn cause a deficiency in calcium. Few people overdose on minerals from food. However, it is possible to get too much magnesium from supplements or laxatives.

People with kidney problems are more likely to experience an overdose of magnesium. Symptoms of toxic magnesium levels can range from upset stomach and diarrhea, to more serious symptoms of vomiting, confusion, slowed heart rate and dangerously low blood pressure. Severe magnesium overdoses can lead to problems breathing, coma, irregular heartbeat and even death.

Magnesium supplements can interact with several drugs. Taking magnesium too close to a dose of some antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin, may interfere with how the body absorbs the medicine. Similarly, magnesium can interfere with some osteoporosis drugs if the doses are taken too close together. Magnesium can also interfere with some thyroid medications. Magnesium can worsen side effects of some blood pressure medications, and increase the potency of some diabetes medicines.;

Common Conditions People Have *:

6 Tips How To Lower Heart Rate Naturally (actionable)
  • Atrial Fibrillation/flutter : 10 people, 41.67%
  • Osteoporosis : 8 people, 33.33%
  • Gastrointestinal Motility Disorder : 8 people, 33.33%
  • Heart Palpitations : 8 people, 33.33%
  • Stress And Anxiety: 8 people, 33.33%
  • High Blood Cholesterol: 6 people, 25.00%
  • Fabry’s Disease : 3 people, 12.50%
  • Pain: 3 people, 12.50%
  • High Blood Pressure: 2 people, 8.33%
  • Psoriasis : 2 people, 8.33%
  • * Approximation only. Some reports may have incomplete information.

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    When Should I Use Transdermal Magnesium

    Magnesium promotes relaxation and sound sleep. But that doesnt mean you can only take it at night.

    In fact, magnesium is also essential for energy production at the cellular level.

    Think of it this way: getting enough magnesium helps you to sleep when you need to and feel rested and relaxed during the day.

    Topical magnesium can be applied at any time of day. Use it before a stressful day, after a workout , during the day when you feel tension, or before bed to keep muscles and nerves relaxed at night.

    Heart Arrhythmia: Iodine Or Magnesium

    Fact Checked

    A group of specialized cells in the upper right chamber of your heart, known as the sinus node, produce tiny electrical impulses that stimulate heart muscles to contract. Many factors affect your hearts ability to maintain a rhythmic heartbeat, including a balance of minerals, including potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium. Iodine, another essential mineral, is vital for the production of hormones that regulate heart rate. Too much or too little of the essential minerals magnesium and iodine can induce heart arrhythmia, an abnormal or irregular heartbeat.

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    How Do You Measure Magnesium Deficiency

    The blood test is pretty much useless because I told you earlier youre only really measuring one or two percent of whats your total magnesium count. I wouldnt rely on the blood test. The only time that test may be useful is if you are very deficient and the blood test confirms it. However just because your blood test shows your magnesium levels are okay that doesnt mean that they are.

    A better way to measure magnesium is to measure the content of magnesium in the blood cells, measuring the intracellular content, or measuring how much magnesium you are excreting through the urine. You can get red cell magnesium content or urinary magnesium level done, but these tests are not easy to get and not easily available. Some doctors will say, Oh your magnesium levels are fine based on your blood test. I wouldnt rely on the blood test.

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