Friday, July 26, 2024

Why Is Resting Heart Rate Important

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How Do I Find My Resting Heart Rate

The Importance Of Having A Lower Resting Heart Rate

If you wear an activity tracker that monitors your heart rate, check it when you aren’t doing anything. If you don’t wear a tracker, don’t worry. Finding your resting heart rate is super simple – just follow these steps from Dr. Kamath:

  • Find your pulse by placing two fingers on the thumb side of your wrist between the bone and the tendon.

  • When you feel your pulse, use a watch to count the number of beats in 15 seconds.

  • Multiply this number by four to calculate your beats per minute.

  • And voila! You’ve got your resting heart rate. If you don’t have a watch or clock with a second hand, you can use the stopwatch on your phone so you’re not trying to count your pulse for a full minute. Dr. Patel recommends checking your resting heart rate in the morning, preferably after a good night’s sleep and before any caffeine or stress sneaks into your system.

    Cardiac Rehabilitation Longitudinal Study

    In order to address the hypothesis stated in the human-robot interfaces proposed before, a longitudinal study is conducted. The system was tested during phase II of the CR program and each participant was for 18 weeks attending the sessions twice a week. In this study, the performance of the system was compared to a control group where the measurements were taken but the patient did not have any feedback. The purpose of this condition is to measure the performance of the patient during the therapy, without interfering with or altering the normal conditions of the session.

    4.1.1Experimental procedure

    A standard session procedure divided in five stages was defined for the experiments . During these stages some physiological measurements are taken by the system or the medical staff. The interaction with the robot is mainly done in the treadmill exercise. During this stage, most of the interventions are present since the system provides motivation, requests the BS, and monitors all the events associated with warnings and emergencies.

    4.1.2Results of the study

    The study took place in a real clinical context throughout the complete phase II of the rehabilitation program. During this period, it was possible to evidence the impact that social assistive robots could generate in cardiac patients. According to the measurements considered during the study, there are some important aspects that are worthy of mention.

    Fig. 9. Adaptation.

    What Should Your Resting Heart Rate Be

    Out of all the health stats to keep your eye on, your resting heart rate might feel like one of the more boring ones.

    Seeing your heart rate rise while you’re exercising can be a confidence boost, letting you know you’re getting a good workout in. Checking it when your heart feels like it’s beating out of your chest is a fun reminder of just how anxiety-inducing some everyday situations can be like going on a first date or watching sports.

    But when you’re just sitting down binge-watching some TV or typing away at your computer checking your resting heart rate can feel…anti-climactic.

    And yet, it’s important to do now and then. A healthy heart is a strong heart, after all.

    “Monitoring your resting heart rate is important because it can help provide clues about your overall heart health. For instance, a consistently high resting heart rate can be a sign that your heart isn’t working as efficiently as it could be. In some cases, it can even be a sign of an underlying heart condition,” explains Dr. Bindu Chebrolu, cardiologist at Houston Methodist.

    Plus, one of the benefits of knowing your resting heart rate is that there are ways to lower it if it is too high.

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    The Five Heart Rate Zones

    There are five heart rate zones that correspond to how intense your workout is. The zones range from 50% of your maximum heart rate up to 100% of it. The zones are as follows:

    • Zone 1 50%-60%
    • Noticeably light intensity workout. Suitable for a warm-up, recovery, or cool down workout.
  • Zone 2 60%-70%
  • ;Still considered a light workout. This zone is great for building endurance.
  • Zone 3 70%-80%
  • This is a moderate level. Youll get a good workout at this level. Youll also start to build lactic acid, which Ill discuss in the next sections.
  • Zone 4 80%-90%
  • This is a hard workout level. At this level, youre building your speed endurance and youre burning a good bit of glucose for energy.
  • Zone 5 90%-100%
  • This is the maximum effort you can give. You shouldnt workout with this intensity for an extended amount of time. Youll develop a significant amount of lactic acid in a short period of time. Some people incorporate this level in interval training.
  • What Should My Resting Heart Rate Be

    Why a Healthy Resting Heart Rate is Important

    While it varies from person to person, there is an average range. “For most people, the resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute, but often, people that are more active have a lower resting heart rate,” Megan Kamath, MD, a double board-certified cardiologist and assistant clinical professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, told POPSUGAR.

    In general, lower is better, but Dr. Patel warned that how you feel is also important. A low resting heart rate coupled with dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, or shortness of breath may be a sign of an underlying issue that needs medical attention. On the other hand, if your resting heart rate is consistently high, he recommends you visit your doctor even if you feel fine.

    Dr. Kamath and Dr. Patel explained that several factors can affect your resting heart rate, including age, caffeine, stress, anxiety, hormones, dehydration, infection, smoking, medications, and other medical conditions, like a history of heart disease, cholesterol, or diabetes. As always, talk to your doctor if your resting heart rate is out of the average range.

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    What Things Affect Heart Rate

    Other than exercise, things that can affect your heart rate include:

    • Weather. Your pulse may go up a bit in higher temperatures and humidity levels.
    • Standing up. It might spike for about 20 seconds after you first stand up from sitting.
    • Emotions. Stress and anxiety can raise your heart rate. It may also go up when youâre very happy or sad.
    • Body size. People who have severe obesity can have a slightly faster pulse.
    • Medications. Beta-blockers slow your heart rate. Too much thyroid medicine can speed it up.
    • Caffeine and nicotine. Coffee, tea, and soda raise your heart rate. So does tobacco.

    How Do You Check Your Pulse

    You can measure your heart rate manually by checking your pulse. Follow these three steps.

    • Find your pulse in your wrist .
    • Count each beat for a total time of 30 seconds.
    • Double the number of beats you counted. This is your heart rate or pulse, measured in beats per minute.

    Also make a note of whether your heart beats at an even or uneven rhythm. A normal heart beats at a steady rhythm like a clock, tick tock tick tock.

    Some people like to use a heart rate monitor to measure their heart rate. These monitors are often included in fitness trackers, which are now widely available in sports stores and other retail outlets. However, their accuracy depends on the quality of the device.

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    What Do My Heart Rate Numbers Mean

    Your resting heart rate is the number of times your heart beats each minute when youre not active. The normal range is between 50 and 100 beats per minute. If your resting heart rate is above 100, its called tachycardia; below 60, and its called bradycardia. Increasingly, experts pin an ideal resting heart rate at between 50 to 70 beats per minute.

    If you want to find out your resting heart rate, pick a time when youre not active, find your pulse, count how many times it beats in 30 seconds, and then double that number. You may want to check it several times throughout the day, or over a week, to average out the number and to look for any irregularities.

    Resting heart rates can change from person to person and throughout the day, influenced by everything from your mood to your environment. It rises when youre excited or anxious, and sometimes in response to smoking cigarettes or drinking coffee. More athletic people tend to have lower heart rates.

    Pathophysiological Mechanisms Linking Heart Rate And Cardiovascular Disease

    Too Much of a Good Thing: Why Good Resting Heart Rates Can Be Bad

    Resting heart rate both contributes to and reflects cardiac pathology. Increased heart rate, due to imbalances of the autonomic nervous system with increased sympathetic activity or reduced vagal tone, has an impact on perfusion-contraction matching, which is the dynamic that regulates myocardial blood supply and function. In the healthy heart, increased metabolism as a result of increased contractile function results in increased myocardial blood flow and, to a lesser degree, increased oxygen extraction. In the presence of coronary artery disease, perfusion-contraction mismatching is localized to areas of inadequate supply. When coronary artery inflow is inadequate to meet demands, contractile and diastolic functions in the affected area are correspondingly reduced . An increase in heart rate results not only in an increase in myocardial oxygen demands, but also a potential impairment of supply resulting from a reduction of collateral perfusion pressure and collateral flow . This imbalance may promote ischemia, arrhythmias and ventricular dysfunction, as well as acute coronary syndromes, heart failure or sudden death .

    Pathophysiological mechanisms promoted by increased heart rate

    Bradycardia also has adverse effects: it can reduce coronary perfusion pressure, especially in elderly patients with noncompliant arteries and wide pulse pressure, and it can result in nocturnal angina in patients with severe aortic valve regurgitation yet normal coronary arteries .

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    Why Resting Heart Rate Affects Health

    The researchers comment:

    The mechanism through which elevated RHR exerts its deleterious effect is unknown. Possibilities include predisposing to ischemia, arrhythmia, and plaque rupture or by promoting atherogenesis by increasing the absolute number of sheer stresses to which the vessel wall is exposed. Our demonstration of the stronger effect on fatal than nonfatal events supports proarrhythmogenicity as one of the mechanisms, as do previous studies showing a particularly strong effect of elevated RHR on sudden cardiac death.;

    Curiously, although RHR is perhaps most strongly affected by ones level of physical fitness, the association between RHR and death rates persisted even after adjusting for physical activity.

    A New Class Of Drugs To Reduce Heart Rate

    A new class of agents selective If inhibitors is now under investigation . The first in its class to be studied is ivabradine, which acts specifically on the sinoatrial node. Administered to rats with heart failure, ivabradine promoted long-term heart rate reduction while improving LV function, increasing stroke volume, and preserving cardiac output despite the heart rate reduction . Part of this improvement may be attributable to ivabradines modifications in the extracellular matrix and/or function of myocytes as a consequence of long-term heart rate reduction.

    The INternatIonal TrIAl on the Treatment of angina with IVabradinE vs atenolol study in humans has shown that ivabradine is as effective as atenolol in patients with stable angina. The morBidity-mortality EvAlUaTion of the If inhibitor ivabradine in patients with coronary disease and left ventricULar dys-function study, evaluating ivabradine in patients with coronary disease and LV dysfunction, began in January 2005; 10,947 subjects have completed the study, and results are expected in late 2008. On Top Of BB is a four-month randomized, double-blind, parallel-group multicentre study that is evaluating the antianginal efficacy and safety of oral ivabradine on top of therapy with atenolol in patients with stable angina pectoris that started in 2005 and has just been completed; results are expected to be published in 2008.

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    What If I Am Concerned About Some Of The Readings

    Remember that your Apple Watch is not meant to help diagnose any medical conditions. However, we know how frequent it is to get alarmed by a reading we considered to be too high or too low and the best thing we do at that moment is google our heart rate. However, we strongly recommend to avoid doing that and instead, seek medical advice.

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    How Do I Check My Resting Heart Rate

    Why Knowing Your Normal Resting Heart Rate Is Important to ...

    To check your heart rate:

    • Sit down and rest for 5 minutes.
    • Turn your wrist so your palm is facing up.
    • Feel for a pulse at thumb side of your wrist.
    • Once you feel it, count how many times you feel a beat in 30 seconds. Then double it.

    If you cant find your pulse at your wrist, put 2 fingers on the side of your neck, next to the windpipe.

    If you still cant find a pulse, ask someone else to feel it for you.

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    So Your Resting Heart Rate Is Normal

    Congrats! A normal RHR reading is definitely a good thing, but if you’re monitoring it for fitness or wellness-related reasons, it’s not the only thing to pay attention to. That’s because “normal” doesn’t necessarily equal “healthy.”;

    In fact, in a recent study, middle-aged men who had a RHR of 75 bpm or higher at the start of the study were twice as likely to die over the next 11 years, compared to men with a RHR of 55 or below.;

    “Ideally, you want your resting heart rate to be somewhere between 50 and 70 bpm,” says Haythe. “But I don’t think that people need to be obsessively checking.” Once a month is totally fine.

    “Something also very important is how quickly your heart rate comes down after you exercise,” Haythe said. “We want to see that your heart rate is slow at rest, that it increases appropriately with exercise, and that it comes down quickly after aerobic activity — within a few minutes.”;

    Regardless of which method you use, when trying to gauge how healthy you are, one thing is certain: Any results should be considered alongside other metrics, like blood pressure and cholesterol, in consultation with your doctor, especially if you notice changes over time.

    Read more:Heart rate variability: The most important health metric you aren’t tracking

    What The Experts Do

    Monitor Heart Rate for Motivation

    For Johns Hopkins cardiologist Michael Blaha, M.D., M.P.H., most workoutstake place on an elliptical trainer in his home. His machine has electrodeson which he can place his hands to automatically see his heart rate. Itgives me a sense of how hard Im working, he says.

    Blaha also uses his targeted heart rate to guide the course that heprogrammed into the machine, so that he works up to where he wants to be interms of exertion. Knowing your target heart rate and trying to achieve itcan be very motivating, he says.

    Stay on Top of Your Heart Health

    If you have a new or existing heart problem, it’s vital to see a doctor. Our heart health checklist can help you determine when to seek care.

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    Why Does Rhr Matter

    Today, wearable sensors mean that it is possible to take accurate heart rate measurements continuously. Alongside monitoring heart rate each second, this technology also records sleep duration and levels of activity.

    As the study authors explain, the popularity of these sensors provides a unique opportunity to better understand how RHR varies over time for and between individuals over the span of days, weeks, years, and, eventually, lifetimes.

    If these all-pervasive wearable sensors can preempt the onset of disease, this would make a significant impact on healthcare at a population level. For this reason, it is vital to understand what information heart rate can provide.

    If we can decode the secret messages that our hearts tap out, we could continuously monitor our health and, potentially, receive advanced health warnings.

    The researchers had access to data from 92,457 adults across 50 states. Each participant wore a heart rate monitor for at least 2 days each week for at least 35 weeks between March 2016 and February 2018. Each day, they wore it for at least 20 hours.

    In total, these data provided 33 million daily RHR values.

    Overall, the average RHR was 65.5 bpm plus or minus 7.7. The minimum and maximum RHRs for each individual were 39.7 and 108.6 bpm, respectively. In other words, between individuals, normal could vary by around 70 bpm.

    Target Heart Rate Zone Calculation Methods

    Why is My Resting Heart Rate Low?
    Basic by Age
    This is historically the most common calculation and used by the American Heart Association. THR is calculated by multiplying percent intensity by the MHR. Example: At 70% intensity THR = MHR x 0.70.
    Karvonen by Age & RHR
    This method calculates THR using the Karvonen Equation. MHR is calculated using age and allows you to enter a measured RHR. Example: At 70% intensity THR = x 0.70) + RHR.
    Karvonen by MHR & RHR
    This method calculates THR using the Karvonen Equation and allows you to enter both a measured MHR and a measured RHR. Example: At 50% intensity THR = x 0.50) + RHR. Where MHR RHR is called your Heart Rate Reserve .

    TheAmerican Heart Association recommends target heart rate zones for exercise at 50% to 85% intensity of MHR and defines a heart rate during moderately intense activities at 50-70% of MHR, and heart rate during hard physical activity at 70-90% of MHR.

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