Thursday, July 25, 2024

Scar From Open Heart Surgery

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Spectrum Of Cardiovascular Surgery

Preparing for Heart Surgery: My Scar (6/9)

From 2002 to 2011, 2,314 surgical operations were performed at the NCTC 1,775 cardiovascular operations and 539 thoracic operations. Surgery for CHD, rheumatic heart disease, chronic constrictive pericarditis, and aneurysms of the aorta and its abdominal branches were the major cardiovascular procedures performed .

Table 1

Surgery for CHD was the most common group of procedures performed , with the creation of the modified Blalock-Taussig shunt for cyanotic CHD with reduced pulmonary blood flow being the commonest .

Table 2

Chronic pericardial constriction was the predominant indication for pericardiectomy tuberculosis accounted for 63.3% of the etiology of pericardial constriction . We perform this procedure through a median sternotomy with the heart lung machine on standby though we have not had to employ CPB in this procedure.

As in much of sub-Saharan Africa, coronary artery disease is relatively uncommon and its epidemiology remains enigmatic because of a lack of reliable data and adequate diagnostic capabilities. Our surgical data would seem to support the notion that CAD is not as common as the other cardiovascular pathologies presenting for surgery: we performed coronary artery bypass grafting in only 29 patients during the study period. However, on the basis of the increasing prominence of the risk factors of CAD in Ghana, its prevalence is projected to increase in the coming decades.

Table 3

Sizes And Types Of Open Heart Surgery Scars

The size of your open heart surgery scar depends on the type of procedure that was performed. According to, if you have a minimally invasive procedure , the scar size may only be three inches. However, if your procedure requires the sternum to be broken, the incision is typically much larger. The scar can be up to 8 inches long for women, and up to 10 inches long for men.

While many scars will remain flat and may fade over time, there is a possibility for scars, especially those on the chest area, to develop poorly. Raised, discolored scars can result if the body produces too much collagen during the wound healing process. The result can either be a hypertrophic scar or a keloid. Both are raised and red, but the feature that distinguishes keloids from hypertrophic scars is their growth past the original scar boundary. These scars are raised, turn from red to brown, and often have a lumpy appearance. Left untreated, keloid scars can continue to thicken and grow indefinitely. Skin with darker pigmentation is more prone to keloid formation.

On the other hand, clinical studies have shown that silicone gel and sheeting are considered the first-line therapy to manage and minimize scarring, including scars after open heart surgery. In fact, silicone gel products are the only topical treatments recommended by the scar experts who create scar treatment guidelines for other doctors.

Can Scaring Heal After Surgery

After surgery, scarring occurs naturally as the body heals. Physicians may prescribe medications to help aid in the healing process including creams and pills. Sometimes, over-the-counter drugs can be used in lieu of prescription strength alternatives. Typically, it is up to the doctors discretion to determine what sorts of medication is needed.

As the wounds heal, scars will remain. The more invasive the surgery, the worse the scar. Open-heart surgery, for example, will leave a large jagged scar along the area the incision was made. While the length of the scar can differ, open-heart surgery typically leaves a long, vertical scar across the chest, which can stretch down to the abdomen. As well, horizontal incisions may also create a bulls-eye looking scar.

Scars from invasive heart procedures like open-heart surgery are highly noticeable and will remain with an individual for life. While they will become less pronounced over time, such scars will not simply disappear. Nonetheless, secondary procedures can be used to help remove or reduce the appearance of the scar. Several popular scar-removal procedures include:

  • Laser scar removal

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How Long Does It Take For A Scar To Heal After Mohs Surgery References

How Long Does It Take For A Scar To Heal After Mohs Surgery References. Most wounds are fully healed, however the exact time for complete healing may vary depending on would size. Scars tend to improve over the course of several months, with significant improvement noted during the first month.

Healing scars after plastic surgery a common concern among patients is having a noticeable scar after a procedure. After six months, you will see the most improvement, but the scar is still healing albeit more subtly for a good 12 months. Some residual redness may persist and will gradually fade.


In general, surgery around the eyes, nose or lips can remain swollen longer than the forehead or face. Infection is a danger to the wound.


In some cases, scar revision or resurfacing of the scar may be of benefit after mohs surgery. This phase lasts from 21 days up to 2 years.


Plastic surgery procedures will usually involve incisions in the skin and any injury to the skin will result in visible scars. Most wounds are fully healed, however the exact time for complete healing may vary depending on would size.


Scars tend to improve over the course of several months, with significant improvement noted during the first month. The median delay between diagnosis and mohs surgery was 127 days.


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Answer: Red Scar At 6 Months Post Op

Open heart surgery scar vanishes with continued use of NeriumAD. Works ...

Even at 6 months you are still in the early healing phase. If your scar is itching it is usually a sign that you are still in the proliferative phase of wound healing. Benadryl at night can help with the itching and yo may want to try a silicone product over the scar to aid in healing. Good luck DR.Z

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Open Heart Surgery Patient Risk

The risk of open heart surgery to any patient is very dependent on the patient themselves and how sick they are. Of course a healthy 45 year old is going to have a lower risk than an 85 year old. Several risk factors have been found to be important when determining the risk for any given patient.

Age Older patients are in general at higher risk than younger patients.

Sex In general female patients have higher risk than make patients.

Obesity Obese patients are at higher risk.

Heart Function Pumping function of the heart is important those with impaired heart pumping function are at higher risk.

Kidney Function Patients with impaired kidney function have higher risk the worse the kidney function the higher the risk.

Heart Attack Those that have had a heart attack are at higher risk, particularly if the heart attack is around the time of surgery or if there are active symptoms of chest pain at the time of surgery.

Lung Disease Those with known lung disease, such as COPD, are at higher risk the worse the lung disease the higher the risk.

Emergency Surgery Surgery that needs to be performed emergently due to active symptoms, or instability carries a much higher risk than elective planned surgery.

Presence of Multiple Problems The more issues that need fixing, the higher the risk for example someone needing a simple bypass operation is lower risk than someone needing a bypass and 2 valves fixed at the same time.

Types Of Heart Surgery Scars

You might think all heart surgeries are the same. But the truth is that not all scars run along your chest. Open heart surgery scars come in all shapes and sizes. Here are its top four types:

  • Median Sternotomy Scars These scars are typically 8 to 11 inches long since the sternum is cut open from top to bottom. It allows the surgeon direct access to your heart. In the end, the breastbone is wired shut, and the skin is either stapled, glued, or stitched.
  • Mini Sternotomy Scars Usually, these scars are 3 to 4 inches long. They result from minimally invasive surgery. In these cases, only a small incision is made rather than a long cut. The skin is then stitched or stapled.
  • Mini Thoracotomy Scars Also referred to as Port Access scars, these scars are extremely small. These incisions are spread out above the heart since the surgeon uses smaller instruments during the procedure. Moreover, the sternum isnt cut either because a surgical camera is weaved through the ribs. Overall, these scars have a fast recovery time since theyre not as invasive.
  • Robot-Assisted Scars Robot-assisted scars are far smaller than the others. They form as a result of an open heart surgery where a robot is used for assistance. In addition, the access points are tiny and made with minimal incisions. This results in the scar size reducing considerably and healing at a faster pace.
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    How Long Does It Take For An Open Heart Surgery Scar To Heal

    The healing time for an open heart surgery scar depends on how you care for it. In general, though, it takes up to two to three months to heal. During this time, you may face some ups and downs, but that is a common aftereffect of the surgery. Make sure to keep in contact with your surgeon and follow all preventive measures they provide. Plus, with all the soothing creams and medications, it wont be long before you bounce back into shape.

    What You Need To Know About Open Heart Surgery Scars

    Surgical Scars: Making Them Less Noticeable

    Open heart surgery is an operation that requires opening the chest wall to repair a fault in or damage to the heart muscle, its arteries or valves. These surgeries treat complications of ischemic heart disease via bypass surgery of blocked arteries, correct congenital heart disease, or treat other heart diseases such as endocarditis, mitral valve prolapse, and many more. Its clear that open heart surgery is a major operation, which increases the risk of significant scarring. It may seem daunting to have to recover from such a major surgery and worry about how to manage scars afterwards. Which is why were explaining exactly what to do about open heart surgery scars so that you can focus on a safe and healthy recovery.

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    Strictly Posterior Thoracotomy : A Minimal

    In resource poor settings, the MBTS is often performed for symptomatic relief of Fallots tetralogy. We adopted the SPOT, a minimal access technique for the construction of the MBTS . The approach represents a safe and cosmetically superior alternative to the standard posterolateral thoracotomy, the scar being imperceptible to the patient. The excellent cosmetic appeal and preservation of body image makes this approach particularly attractive.

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    How Should I Prepare For Open

    To prepare for open-heart surgery, you should follow your healthcare providers recommendations about:

    • Medications: You may need to stop taking certain medicines a week or two before surgery. People often stop blood thinners and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . These medicines can increase bleeding risk.
    • Food and drink: Your healthcare team will ask you to fast before your surgery. Anesthesia is safer on an empty stomach.
    • Smoking and alcohol: Cut back on alcohol and quit smoking. Both can slow postsurgical healing and increase the risk of complications.

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    Colopharyngoplasty For Intractable Pharyngoesophageal Strictures

    Surgical management of caustic strictures of the upper digestive tract poses difficult challenges because reconstruction above the cricopharyngeal junction interferes with the mechanisms of swallowing and respiration. We recently reported our experience and surgical technique of colopharyngeal reconstruction of the challenging subset of patients with severe diffuse pharyngoesophageal caustic strictures accompanied by upper airway obstruction . We showed good results with the establishment of digestive tract continuity using a suprahyoid anastomotic technique. Rehabilitative training for deglutition was a universal requirement in the postoperative period to establish near-normal swallowing.

    Amy Grant Reveals Her Scar From Open Heart Surgery: My Recovery Has Honestly Felt Miraculous

    My Scar

    Fox News Flash top entertainment headlines for June 15

    Amy Grant is thankful for having loved ones by her side after she had the really unique experience of having an unanticipated open heart surgery.

    The singer took to Instagram on Sunday where she revealed the scar from her procedure. The 59-year-old previously shared she had a heart condition called partial anomalous pulmonary venous return since birth but was only recently discovered by her doctor.


    I know there is so much going on in the world right now, the Baby, Baby star captioned her photo. This is a crazy, broken, yet beautiful time. And in the midst of all of that – in the midst of all of our awareness and becoming and learning to love and see each other – Ive had this really unique experience of having an unanticipated open heart surgery.

    The only way I can explain my experience would be to ask you to imagine a non-runner who was signed up for a marathon, Grant continued. I didnt want it, but I had to have it anyway and it was a week ago Wednesday. And as people heard about the surgery I started getting messages: Im praying for you Im praying for you.

    According to the Christian star, people from her past — and present — have gone out of their way to reach out and share their good wishes since her diagnosis.

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    What Scaring Will There Be

    The type of scars that will develop after heart surgery depends upon a number of factors. Most important among these is the type of heart surgery being performed.

    Open-Heart Surgery is highly invasive and typically requires large incisions be made within the chest and sternum. Heart transplants, valve repairs or replacements, and a number of other procedures are often performed using open heart surgery.

    There are other forms surgery, which are similarly invasive but do not require cutting open the chest. One such surgery includes the repair of an aneurysm. An aneurysm occurs whenever there is a bulging blood vessel within the body. Thus, this type of heart surgery may occur in areas of the body far away from the heart. At the same time, some aneurysm repairs may be minimally invasive.

    Other forms of minimally invasive heart surgeries include:

    • Certain forms of heart valve replacements or repairs
    • Transmyocardial laser revascularization , which requires a small incision be made within the chest so that the heart muscle can be exposed to a high-energy laser. This relieves angina by helping the heart to grow new blood vessels. Angina is experienced as pressure or tightness within the chest caused by reduced blood flow to the heart
    • Installing a pacemaker
    • Angioplasty, which involves removing obstructions from within arteries or veins using a small balloon

    Is Open Heart Surgery Scar Revision Safe

    Most doctors disapprove of a scar revision since wounds on the chest area tend to become a terrible keloid scar. Hence, reducing open heart surgery scar with cosmetic modification may be useless.

    On the contrary, many clinics claim to have less invasive procedures such as laser technology to remove the scarring. Nevertheless, you can ask for a consultation on managing your heart replacement.

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    From Hospital Discharge To Six Weeks

    As you begin getting back into your routine, remember to start with small tasks and take plenty of breaks. Dont overdo it.

    After you leave the hospital, unless your surgeon says otherwise, you may return to activities such as:

    • Light cleaning.
    • Climbing stairs.

    Some things are still off limits, though.Dont lift, pull or push anything that weighs more than 10 pounds. Its too soon to drive, too, but its OK to ride in a car.

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    Who Is A Candidate For Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Surgery

    My journey through open heart surgery – Scars and tears

    Although there are rare cases in which I would recommend traditional surgery, most people are eligible for a minimally invasive surgery.Its common for people to hear that theyre too old, sick, or frail to have heart valve surgery. They may not be physically able to handle a long procedure or recovery period. If they have bad knees or hips and rely on their arms to stabilize themselves, it can be even more difficult to allow the breastbone to heal following traditional heart valve surgery.This is not a problem with the minimally invasive procedure. The surgery is much shorter, which eliminates some potential complications from being under general anesthesia for a long time. And because we dont divide the breastbone, we dont need to wait for it to heal before my patients return to their normal activities.Minimally invasive surgery also is preferable for patients who need to return to work to pay the bills. Instead of waiting a month or more, they will be back to work much quicker.

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    What Is A Scar Revision

    A scar revision is a procedure done on a scar to alter the appearance of the scar. The revision may improve the cosmetic appearance of the scar, restore function to a part of the body that may have been restricted by the scar, or improve an itchy scar. It is important to remember that scars cannot be completely removed.

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    Faqs About Keloid Cardiac Surgery Treatment

    What are the symptoms associated with keloids?

    Keloids are large and thick scars that tend to grow faster. They are typically red and scaly, although some people develop keloids without any visible scarring. Sometimes they can itch and cause pain.

    Which keloid removal treatment is right for me?

    You will need to speak to your plastic surgeon to determine which treatment is best for you and how much a keloid removal procedure cost.

    Is the heart surgery keloid treatment office near me?

    If you live near Miami Beach, our office is conveniently located at 4300 Alton Rd #720, Miami Beach, FL 33140.


    What our Patients say

    5-Star doctor! I had a very large unsightly keloid that continued to grow even surgical removal and steroid injections. I finally discovered the Keloid Plastic Surgery center and

    • Alvin and Teena B.

    Dr. Mendez is an exceptional doctor. He has helped me gain confidence and Im truly blessed to have him as one of my doctors. I will continue to call on him when I need.

    I cant say enough GREAT things about this place. Dr. Mendez and his staff are truly kind, passionate highly skilled professionals. My experience has been all around great and my

    Why Choose Plastic Surgeon Dr. Mendez?

    • Board certified plastic surgeon for more than 20 years
    • Graduate of Saint Louis University and Ponce School of Medicine

    Why Choose Plastic Surgeon Dr. Salloum?

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