Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is Congenital Heart Disease

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What Are Critical Congenital Heart Defects

What Is Congenital Heart Disease? | Heart Disease

In the United States, about 7,200 babies born every year have critical CHDs.2 Typically, these types of heart defects lead to low levels of oxygen in a newborn and may be identified using pulse oximetry screening at least 24 hours after birth. Some specific types of critical CHDs are listed in the box to the right. Babies with a critical CHD need surgery or other procedures in the first year of life. Other heart defects can be just as severe as critical CHDs and may also require treatment soon after birth.

What Are The Different Types Of Heart Defects

There are more than 40 different types of heart defects. The main heart defects include:

  • problems with heart valves
  • a mixture of defects.

Problems with heart valves

In some types of congenital heart disease, there can be problems with heart valves not forming or working properly. You can either have:

  • stenosis, which is a significant narrowing of your heart valves, or
  • regurgitation, which means your valves not closing properly.

When your heart valve is narrowed, your heart has to work a lot harder to pump blood through the narrowed valve. An example of this is aortic valve stenosis. When your heart valve doesn’t close properly, it can let blood flow back or leak into the heart chamber, which puts extra load on your heart.;

Problem with blood vessels

Problem with blood vessels can include coarctation , which means less blood can flow through. An example of this is coarctation of the aorta. Sometimes the coarctation is so severe that surgery is needed to correct the defect shortly after birth.

Holes in the heart;

Holes within the heart may occur in the muscular partition between your atriums or the partition between your ventricles. These holes allow an abnormally large amount of blood to flow into the right side of your heart and through your lungs. This means not enough blood with oxygen is pumped around your body. Examples of this include atrial septal defect or ventricular septal defect.

A mixture of defects;

Congenital Heart Disease Causes And Risks

Congenital heart disease can develop for many reasons, such as hereditary or genetic anomaly, but CHD can also be intensified when you have a comorbidity that increases your risk of additional health concerns. Common causes of CHD include:

  • Maternal factors
  • Viral infections
  • Hereditary conditions
  • Genetic defects
  • Chromosome abnormalities

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Advancing Research For Improved Health

In support of our mission, we are committed to advancing congenital heart defects research in part through the following ways.

  • We perform research. Our Division of Intramural Research, including its Cardiovascular Intervention Program, performs research on congenital heart defects;as part of its mission to better understand biology and clinical pathology. The Cardiovascular Intervention Programs goal is to make catheterization safer, more effective, and useful for more procedures.
  • We fund research. Our Division of Cardiovascular Sciences, which includes our Adult and Pediatric Cardiac Research Program, funds research to understand the causes, prevention, and treatment of adult and pediatric congenital heart defects and other cardiovascular diseases. Within this program, the Heart Development and Structural Diseases Branchconducts and manages an integrated basic and clinical research program to study normal and abnormal cardiovascular development. Search the NIH RePORTer to learn about congenital heart defects research that the NHLBI funds.
  • We stimulate high-impact research. The NHLBI Strategic Vision highlights ways we may support research over the next decade, including new efforts for congenital heart defects and diseases.

Learn more about the exciting research areas we are exploring about congenital heart defects.

What Are Common Congenital Heart Defects And How Are They Treated

Congenital heart disease. Causes, symptoms, treatment ...

Common CHDs include:;

Patent ductus arteriosus . This condition happens in the connection between two major blood vessels leading from the heart: the pulmonary artery and the aorta. The ductus arteriosus is open when a baby is in the womb. If it doesnt close properly after birth, blood that doesnt have enough oxygen can flow in the wrong direction. This can weaken the heart muscle and lead to heart failure. Sometimes a PDA may close on its own. But some babies need medicine, procedures with catheters or heart surgery.

These conditions leave a hole in the septum. This can cause blood to go in the wrong direction or to the wrong place, or it can cause extra blood to be pumped to the lungs. Types of septal defects include:

  • Atrial septal defect . This is when the hole is in the wall that separates the right and left atria.
  • Ventricular septal defect . This is when the hole is in the wall that separates the right and left ventricles. VSDs are the most common type of heart defect.
  • Atrioventricular septal defect . This is when there are holes between the chambers of the right and left side of the heart, and the valves between these chambers may not form correctly.;

Some small septal defects close on their own. Heart surgery or procedures with catheters can fix larger septal defects. Babies with AVSD usually need heart surgery.

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Single Ventricle Fontan Clinic

Mount Sinais Fontan Clinic offers a dedicated single ventricle survivorship program, providing complete evaluations, monitoring and long-term care for adolescent and adult patients with single ventricle defects after Fontan palliation. Drawing on the resources of the Mount Sinai Health System, Mount Sinais Single Ventricle Fontan Program includes a comprehensive multidisciplinary program in New York State where ACHD specialists, liver specialists, nutritionists, mental health and social workers all work together in a single setting, to ensure patients receive the most advanced, integrated, and comprehensive care.

Q Is There A Diet To Ward Off The Risk Of Congenital Heart Diseases

  • Living with congenital heart disease is not an easy task that you can google and finish. In case you have a family history of congenital heart disease, then it’s for your betterment to follow these dietary restrictions.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits
  • Drink non-fat or low-fat milk
  • Encourage eating home-made food
  • Deplete the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages
  • Eat whole-grain
  • Downward facing dog pose
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    Why Go To An Adult Congenital Heart Disease Specialist Rather Than Just A Cardiologist

    As more and more children with congenital heart disease survive to adulthood, we continue to define different late complications in this growing population. Unfortunately, adult cardiologists receive less than one month of training in caring for patients with congenital heart disease. Similarly, pediatric cardiologists, while well-versed in congenital heart disease, lack training in common adult issues, such as pregnancy, hypertension, coronary artery disease and obstructive sleep apnea. The field of adult congenital heart disease bridges this knowledge gap between pediatric cardiology and adult cardiovascular medicine.

    What Is Congenital Heart Disease The Warning Signs For Your Newborn

    What is congenital heart disease?
    • Congenital heart disease occurs when a baby’s heart or blood vessels develop in abnormal ways in the womb.
    • Some of the symptoms of congenital heart disease include blue blotches of skin at birth, abnormal heart murmurs, and delays in developmental milestones.
    • There is no cure for congenital heart disease, and the risks of living with the condition can range from fairly innocuous to extremely dangerous.;
    • This article was reviewed by;John Osborne, MD, PhD and the Director of Cardiology for Dallas-based;State of the Heart Cardiology.
    • This story is part of Insider’s guide to Heart Disease.;

    Congenital heart disease refers to heart defects present at birth. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1% of US infants, or about 40,000 children each year, are born with some type of heart defect.;

    There are at least 18 distinct types of congenital heart defects, and they can affect a baby’s life in different ways. Here’s what you need to know.;

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    Signs Symptoms And Complications

    Some congenital heart defects cause few or no signs and symptoms. Since more children with congenital heart defects are living longer, we now know that complications can develop later in life. Signs, symptoms, and complications will vary based on the type of congenital heart defect that you or your child have.

    Problems That Cause Too Much Blood To Pass Through The Lungs

    These defects allow oxygen-rich blood that should be traveling to the body to re-circulate through the lungs, causing increased pressure and stress in the lungs. They include:

    • Patent ductus arteriosus : This defect short circuits the normal pulmonary vascular system and allows blood to mix between the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Prior to birth, there is an open passageway between the two blood vessels. This opening closes soon after birth. When it does not close, some blood returns to the lungs. Patent ductus arteriosus is often seen in premature infants.
    • Atrial septal defect : In this condition, there is an abnormal opening between the two upper chambers of the heart the right and left atria causing an abnormal blood flow through the heart.
    • Ventricular septal defect : In this condition, a hole in the ventricular septum occurs. Because of this opening, blood from the left ventricle flows back into the right ventricle, due to higher pressure in the left ventricle. This causes an extra volume of blood to be pumped into the lungs by the right ventricle, often creating congestion in the lungs.
    • Atrioventricular canal : AVC is a complex heart problem that involves several abnormalities of structures inside the heart, including atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, and improperly formed mitral and/or tricuspid valves.

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    Q Can Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease Patients Meditate

  • The medical treatment is not potent enough to abolish cyanotic congenital heart disease. Along with medications, patients should follow a strict diet plan, practice yoga, and meditate for complete disease remission. By meditating for 30 minutes, you can maintain heart health in the following ways.
  • Keep your blood pressure under check
  • Deplete your bad cholesterol levels
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Boost immunity
  • Increase lung capacity
  • Esc Clinical Practice Guidelines

    Machine Learning Estimates Prognosis in Adult Congenital ...

    Since the previous version of the Guidelines on the management of grown-up congenital heart disease was published in 2010, new evidence has accumulated for this patient group, particularly on percutaneous interventional techniques and risk stratification with regard to timing of surgery and catheter intervention, as well asmedical treatment. This made a revision of the recommendations necessary.

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    Congenital Heart Disease Tests

    A congenital heart defect is often picked up before any symptoms develop. Many types of congenital heart disease are seen on the ultrasound scans women have during pregnancy. Babies in the UK have a full medical examination at birth and at 6 weeks of age, and part of this involves a doctor checking pulses in the baby’s groin and listening to the heart for any abnormal sounds which might indicate congenital heart disease. If anything unusual is noticed then a specialised;ultrasound scan of the heart is arranged. This can be done either before or after birth.

    Other tests which may be helpful include:

    • Checking the oxygen levels by a device on your baby’s thumb, finger or toe or through a blood test.
    • Other blood tests.
    • A heart tracing .

    Pulse Oximetry Screening Results

    Pulse oximetry screening is most likely to detect seven of the critical CHDs.;These seven defects are hypoplastic left heart syndrome, pulmonary atresia, tetralogy of Fallot, total anomalous pulmonary venous return, transposition of the great arteries, tricuspid atresia, and truncus arteriosus. Other heart defects can be just as severe as these seven and also require treatment soon after birth. However, pulse oximetry screening may not detect these heart defects as consistently as the seven listed above.


    If the baby passes the screen , it means that the babys test results did not show signs of a low level of oxygen in the blood. A baby that passes the screen is unlikely to have a critical CHD. However, not all babies with a critical CHD will have a low level of oxygen in the blood that is detected during newborn screening. Thus, it is possible for a baby who passes the screen to still have a critical CHD or other CHD.


    If the baby fails the screen , it means that the babys test results showed low levels of oxygen in the blood, which could be a sign of a critical CHD. This does not always mean that the baby has a critical CHD but could mean that more testing is needed. There may be other causes, such as breathing problems, for low levels of oxygen in the blood. The babys doctor might recommend that the baby get screened again or have more specific tests, like an echocardiogram , to diagnose a critical CHD.

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    Q What Are The Early Signs Of Congestive Heart Failure

  • Here are the early signs of congestive heart failure-
    • Shortness of breath when you lie down or exert yourself
    • Weakness and lethargy

    You have to see a doctor immediately if you are experiencing the following:

    • Chest pain
    • Irregular heartbeat with fainting and chest pain
    • Coughing up pink and foamy mucus

    Are Any Interesting New Treatments On The Horizon For Congenital Heart Disease

    What is Congenital Heart Disease?

    Yes. Were doing a lot of research, with multiple clinical trials being launched. We work closely with our heart transplant and heart failure colleagues, and were one of the key sites for the Adult Alliance for Research in Congenital Cardiology, the largest multicenter research group dedicated to research on adults with congenital heart disease. I am one of the founding members and on the board. Well be enrolling patients in future trials on topics like pulmonary hypertension, Eisenmenger syndrome, COVID-19 complications, liver dysfunction in patients with single ventricles and Fontan physiology, and using the medication Entresto to treat heart failure. Were also exploring some new minimally invasive techniques to avoid future surgeries and have better outcomes.

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    Artprize Entry Aims To Bring Awareness To Congenital Heart Defects

    GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. Many entries in this years ArtPrize deal with personal issues, from bright spots in the artist lives to the challenges;they face.

    The colored pencil drawing piece Behind the Smiles, located inside First Congregational Church at 10 Park Place NE in Grand Rapids, is one of those pieces.

    Artist Evelyn Mixs work incorporates the emotions the mother of two from Hastings feels day in and day out.

    Her 5-year-old son, Tate, is autistic. Mixs 3-year-old daughter, Lydia, has congenital heart disease.

    Lydia had two open heart surgeries by the time she was 4 months old.

    She has at least one more surgery that is scheduled hopefully around 5 years old. But she may require a heart transplant or more procedures on her heart to keep it going, said Mix. But shes growing and shes doing so well, despite all of the setbacks weve been having.

    Behind the Smiles is the first in a series of pieces Mix plans.

    The work includes two flowers. The first is the mended heart lily, representing the heart of a child after surgery to repair it. The second is the bleeding heart flower, representing what Mix calls a parent pouring out their soul to the world.

    Included in the work are words about the journey parents of children with congenital heart disease go through.

    Fifty are negative words they try to bury below the surface.

    Because it is a lot for us the deal with, and its a lot for our kids to deal with. And we dont like to see our kids in that situation, said Mix.

    What Are The Complications Of Congenital Heart Disease

    If you or your child has congenital heart disease, further problems can happen, including:

    • problems with growth and development
    • infective endocarditis
    • pulmonary hypertension increased blood pressure in the blood vessels of your lungs
    • heart failure when your heart fails to pump blood efficiently.

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    Cyanotic And Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease

    Many doctors classify congenital heart disease as either cyanotic congenital heart disease or acyanotic congenital heart disease. In both types, the heart isnt pumping blood as efficiently as it should. The main difference is that cyanotic congenital heart disease causes low levels of oxygen in the blood, and acyanotic congenital heart disease doesnt. Babies with reduced oxygen levels may experience breathlessness and a bluish tint to their skin. Babies who have enough oxygen in their blood dont display these symptoms, but they may still develop complications later in life, such as high blood pressure.

    Research For Your Health

    Congenital Heart Disease: How It Can Affect Us in ...

    The NHLBI is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health the Nations biomedical research agency that makes important scientific discovery to improve health and save lives. We are committed to advancing science and translating discoveries into clinical practice to promote the prevention and treatment of heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders, including congenital heart defects. Learn about the current and future NHLBI efforts to improve health through research and scientific discovery.

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    Importance Of Newborn Screening For Critical Chds

    Some CHDs may be diagnosed during pregnancy using a special type of ultrasound called a fetal echocardiogram, which creates pictures of the heart of the developing baby. However, some heart defects are not found during pregnancy. In these cases, heart defects may be detected at birth or as the child ages.

    Some babies born with a critical CHD appear healthy at first, and they may be sent home before their heart defect is detected. These babies are at risk of having serious complications within the first few days or weeks of life, and often require emergency care. Newborn screening is a tool that can identify some of these babies so they can receive prompt care and treatment. Timely care may prevent disability or death early in life.

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