Were Getting Heavier Earlier And We Stay That Way
The percentage of obese kids and adolescents in the U.S. has tripled since the 1970s, and the weight is hard to drop as an adult for many reasons, including hanging on to a teen fast-food habit. A CDC survey found that guys aged 20 to 39 are 82 percent more likely to eat fast food than men 60 and older, which means theyre getting more calories without as many nutrients in them. A generational slowdown in physical activity, especially due to more time on screens and behind the wheel, also keeps weight on and hardens arteries.
Those extra pounds are tough on your heart, and not just because they make your whole body work harder. Fat around your middle may actually release chemicals that lead to inflammation, which can cause buildups in your arteries to break off, wedge into arteries further downstream, and impair blood flow to your heart.
Overweight And Obesity Are Key Players In Heart Attacks
Being overweight has a significant influence on your risk of having a heart attack for several reasons. For starters, carrying extra weight places a high demand on your heart. Obesity alone makes you more likely to have a heart attack even if youre otherwise healthy.
However, patients who are overweight and obese often have other health conditions that detract from their heart health, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
Warning Signs Of A Heart Disease In Early 30’s
Pooja Kaushal
What was once considered an old-age disease is now striking many people at a rather young age. Heart diseases are becoming more than just common these days. At what age it may hit a person has become very unpredictable.
A person who may seem to be very healthy and fit can one day suffer from a heart disease. The reasons of this rise in heart ailments can be many. and leading an active life are not enough.
There are hidden factors lying dormant that may surface. There are several warning signs of heart diseases in early 30s, which may help prevent an unwanted situation later on in life.
when one is finally settling down and moving into a stable life. Family has to be taken care of and provided for. Children become a huge responsibility, and their upbringing becomes one major goal in our life.
In such times, if there is a heart ailment, life can be thrown out of gear. A possible heart problem can be detected if one keeps close observation of oneself. These signs of heart diseases in the early 30s come as a silent warning, which should not be overlooked.
These are very subtle signs, but are worth paying some attention to, especially if the disease runs in your family.
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Why Have Heart Attacks Become Prevalent In Young People
Heart attack is a concerning problem. But there is something more worrisome: heart attacks are becoming more common among young adults under the age of 40, particularly those in their twenties and thirties. Earlier people above the age of 40 were considered to have the biggest risk of heart attacks, but these days the problem is typically affecting those in the age group of 20-30 years.
As we move ahead in the blog, itll educate about heart attack, its causes, and develop a long-term plan to prevent heart attack at an early age.
Young Adults Are Increasingly Diagnosed With Hypertension
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the biggest risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, just like the trend in heart attacks, the incidence of hypertension is rising faster in young adults than in older adults. High blood pressure makes your heart muscles thicken, harms your blood vessels, and increases your risk of a heart attack.
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Five Facts About Heart Disease To Live By
1. Keep Moving
If you havent been exercising at all, its never too late to start. The older we get, we are tempted to find excuses to avoid physical activity. If exercise is new to you, talk with your doctor about which activities are preferable. Even short walks offer advantages to your heart.
According to research by the American Heart Association, physically active middle-aged adults have a low risk of sudden cardiac arrest. The results confirm that there are significant benefits to middle-agers who exercise.
If you are in your 50s, try for a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. If you are in your 60s or beyond, try for 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity each week.
2. Your Age Alone May Put You at Increased Risk for Heart Disease
Your risk for heart disease increases with age, especially with people of color and for those who are over 65. While the average age for a heart attack is 64.5 for men, and 70.3 for women, nearly 20 percent of those who die of heart disease are under the age of 65.
3. Your Other Risk Factors are Important
Know your personal risk factors. Some you are born with and some you cannot control:
Risk factors that you may be able to do something about include:
Heres How To Differentiate Between An Acidity Attack And An Actual Heart Attack According To Dr Santosh Datar Medical Director And Consultant Doctor At Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd:
–The most common symptoms are a consistent pain in the middle of the chest. There will be pressure on the chest that may be substantial in nature and may not recede until you treat it. The pain may radiate to the left side of the chest, to the back and the jaw.
–Some people may only feel pain in the upper part of the abdomen, burning sensation, light-headedness, heightened level of weakness, extreme uneasiness, nausea, and vomiting. A person might just show one or a few signs and symptoms, with constant pain and pressure being the key indicator here.
-If you face any of the above symptoms in a higher degree for more than a few minutes, theres a good probability that its not a case of acidity, but a heart condition.
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Heart Attacks Can Strike Young Adults So Know The Signs
Chest pressure. Shortness-of-breath. Cold sweats. Individually, these symptoms could be signs of heatstroke, asthma or even the side effects of an emotional outburst. But collectively, they can be misdiagnosed signs of a heart attack especially if you re someone under 40.
Scientists speculate that silent, undetected disorders of the heart s pumping rhythm, along with premature heart disease, account for many of the sudden cardiac events in younger, seemingly healthy individuals.
Take marathoner Angela Parker who, at just 22, experienced all of the above mentioned while on a trip through Africa. So young at the time, doctors brushed off her symptoms as the flu. Or Joseph Collins, a teenage baseball player who collapsed 10 years ago while running wind sprints with his high school teammates. His coaches stood silently as they watched the then 14-year old fall to the ground failing to act because they thought his tumble was a result of his workout.
Each survived their own frightening ordeal. But what these two unfortunate cases allude to is compelling evidence that when it comes to SCE, no one is immune.
The Centers for Disease Control reports that heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women . What’s more, one in every four deaths are because of it.
There are two different yet equally dangerous underlying causes of heart disease, which can cause a heart attack in both men and women under age 40: Kawasaki disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Why Heart Attacks Among Young People Are On The Rise
The total number of heart attacks in the United States is lower than ever before but so is the age group its hitting hardest. Today, the elderly no longer hold a monopoly on cardiac arrest, as there are more heart attacks reported in young adults under the age of 40.
Multiple factors contribute to this trend, and understanding the causes can help you protect your health and prevent cardiovascular disease. Stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and a poor diet all lead to conditions that affect your heart health. At Advanced Cardiac Care located in the Ozone Park area of Queens, New York, we specialize in assessing your risk and developing a long-range plan to help you beat the statistics and prevent a heart attack.
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Symptoms Of Heart Attack
Below listed are the symptoms associated with a heart attack:
- Pain or building up pressure in your chest or arms, tightness, or a squeezing or hurting sensation that may move to your neck, jaw, or back.
- Nausea, indigestion, heartburn, or abdominal pain
- Breathing problems
- Sudden dizziness or lightheadedness
What Causes Heart Disease In Young Adults
In older men, nearly all heart attacks are caused by atherosclerotic blockages in coronary arteries. Conventional coronary artery disease also predominates in young adults, accounting for about 80% of heart attacks. About 60% of these young patients have disease of just one coronary artery, while older patients are more likely to have disease in two or three arteries.
Because CAD is the most important cause of early heart attacks, it deserves the most attention. But the other causes should also be considered. In broad numbers, about 4% of heart attacks in young adults are triggered by inborn abnormalities of the coronary artery anatomy. Five percent can be attributed to blood clots that originate elsewhere and are carried in the bloodstream to otherwise normal coronary arteries, where they block the artery. And in another 5%, various disorders of the blood clotting system increase the risk of clot formation throughout the circulatory system, including in coronary arteries.
A wide range of problems account for the remaining 6% of heart attacks in young adults. They include spasm or inflammation of the coronary arteries, radiation therapy for chest tumors, chest trauma, and abuse of cocaine, amphetamines, or other drugs.
Each of these problems is tragic in its own right. But because it’s both common and preventable, atherosclerosis is the greatest tragedy of all.
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American Heart Association News Stories
American Heart Association News covers heart disease, stroke and related health issues. Not all views expressed in American Heart Association News stories reflect the official position of the American Heart Association. Statements, conclusions, accuracy and reliability of studies published in American Heart Association scientific journals or presented at American Heart Association scientific meetings are solely those of the study authors and do not necessarily reflect the American Heart Associations official guidance, policies or positions.
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Kara Burns 41 Had A Heart Attack At Age 39
As a former cardiology nurse, I knew all about the symptoms of a heart attack. But that was the farthest thing from my mind when I was hit with sudden chest pain one morning in 2013.
It was just a normal Saturday I was sitting in bed with my husband and three-month-old baby, watching the news and drinking coffee. Looking back, I had all the classic symptoms: I felt dizzy and nauseous, and the chest pain was radiating out to my back. I knew something was wrongand I knew I needed to get to the hospitalbut I didn’t think I was having a heart attack.
I was just about to get into my car when I turned to my husband and said, “I’m not going to make it.” That’s when he called an ambulance, which was there in about two minutes. The firefighters came, toothey were rearranging my furniture in my living room while the EMTs put me on a gurney. They kind of swooped me away and we were off to the hospital. My husband was following behind the ambulance in my Toyota Highlander. Later, he told me, “I didn’t know your car could do 95 miles per hour on the highway.” I had no idea how fast we were going.
At the hospital, they took me into the trauma room right away. I only remember bits and pieces of the next 24 hours. I was an emotional wreck, so they kept me pretty sedated. I remember waking up and seeing my mom, waking up and asking where the baby was.
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Theres An Increase In Heart Attacks Among Young Men
MONROE, La. – A registered nurse says, she lost her 38-year-old brother to a massive heart attack back in 2009. Now, shes bringing awareness to heart disease in young adults. The Franklin Medical Center Director of Nursing is sharing her personal story about how heart disease rocked her family to the core. She wants community members to know, that age doesnt matter when it comes to this deadly condition.
We got a call while he was working offshore that he had a heart attack, and he was 38 years old. So that was kind of hard to believe. He was very physically fit, but when we got the autopsy back he had a massive heart attack, said April Winborne, Franklin Medical Center Director of Nursing.
Robby Smith is Winbornes brother and she says three of his main arteries were clogged, and it stopped oxygen from going to his heart. Winborne says, Smith thought he had indigestion just days before his death.
A month or two before he passed, I noticed he was sleeping more, he was just more tired. That is an atypical symptom, that a lot of women kind of ignore, but it is a warning sign of heart disease, said Winborne.
St. Francis Medical Center Primary Care Dr. Darshan Patel says chest pains, aches traveling up your neck to your jaw, and shortness of breath are early warning signs. They can often be prevented by adding fruits and vegetables to your diet. Dr. Patel says theres an increase in young men having heart attacks.
Copyright 2022 KNOE. All rights reserved.
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Substance Abuse Takes A Toll On Your Heart
The experts are still studying the effect of marijuana on your heart, but they know that it boosts your heart rate and raises your risk of having a heart attack. Cocaines impact on your heart, however, is well established. Cocaine increases your heart rate, tightens your blood vessels, and raises your blood pressure, all of which are associated with heart attacks.
Many heart attacks are preventable because you can change your risk factors by making lifestyle changes and taking medications if needed to protect your health. You can get all the support you need to prevent a heart attack at the Cardio Metabolic Institute.
We have a team of cardiologists, weight management experts, and physical therapists ready to provide holistic health care that addresses all your cardiovascular risk factors regardless of your age. To get started on the road to a long, healthy life, call or book an appointment online.
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If Youre At The Onset Of Developing A Heart Attack Or Facing One Heres Some Important Information You Need To Know:
Certain critical symptoms you need to watch out for include, shortness of breath, extensive fatigue, fluid build-up fluid in the body, persistent cough or wheezing, appetite loss, nausea, confusion, and increased heart rate. You also need to understand the difference between an acid reflux and an actual heart attack, as the symptoms of acid reflux are quite similar.
Symptoms Or Signs Of Heart Attack In Teenagers
Since younger people dont believe theyre at risk of heart attacks, they might not get themselves to a hospital right away when experiencing warning signs. The signs dont just show up before a heart attack, but some signs can be noticed days before you actually experience any serious pain in the chest. Also it is important that you keep a note on all the signs that your body gives you, because ignorance can lead to greater risk of heart diseases. These are some of the symptoms that warn you about something serious that might happen with your heart:
- Difficulty in breathing
- Pain that spreads to the arm
- Feeling dizzy or light-headed
- Throat or Jaw pain and vomiting
- Getting exhausted easily
- Swollen legs, feet, and ankles
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A Guide Forheart Attack In Teenagers
Heart attacks in teenagers or children can be caused due to several factors. Since it is rare and not common, you will have to be vigilant when your child complains with any major chest pain. It is always recommended to consult a physician as soon as possible whenever your child complains about severe pain in the chest. Also it is important that you learn the signs and symptoms of teenage heart attacks.
The Biggest Thing Here Prevention
At the end of the day, its important to understand whatyour risk factors are high blood pressure, waist circumference, unhealthy BMI and work to correct them early.
Whatever we can do early on, the better, says Dr. Laffin.We need to set good habits for ourselves and for our children, especially withhow childhood obesity will come into play with this.
The dramatic increase of young adults having heart attacks is evidence, he says, that our lifestyles need to change.
Not enough young people take their risk factors seriously, warns Dr. Laffin. But we need to be aggressive about risk factor modification, or the heart attack rate in young people is going to keep climbing.
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