Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Heart Rate Exercising

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What Happens If I Go Over My 90% Heart Rate Goal When I Exercise

CJW Doc Minute: What should my heart rate be during cardio exercise?

One of the reasons that experts recommend that you see your doctor before you start any exercise program is so that you can determine just how much exercise you can do. It doesnt matter how out of shape you are you have to find exercises that are safe for you to participate in.

If your heart rate exceeds your 90% max, then you need to slow down. You dont necessarily have to stop unless slowing down doesnt help your heart rate to decrease. If you exceed your maximum heart rate, then you may need to seek medical attention, especially if you exceed it by large amounts.

As time goes on, you will find that as you get stronger it will take more work for you to get your heart rate to go up as high as you want it. That is the benefit of being a healthy person.

The good news is that, once you meet your weight loss or health goals, then you wont have to worry about getting your maximum 90%. Instead, you will simply want to work toward maintenance, which doesnt require such intense exercise.

Do yourself a favor and invest in a heart monitor that you wear on your wrist so that you can keep track of your heart rate. This will ensure that you meet your goals and dont exceed your maximum safe heart rate at the same time.

Find Your Resting Heart Rate

Your resting heart rate is the amount of times your heart beats in one minute while you are resting. The best time to find your resting heart rate is first thing in the morning, before youve even gotten out of bed. To find your pulse:

  • Lightly press two fingers on the inside of your wrist, closest to your thumb, to find your artery.
  • OR Lightly press two fingers at the edge of your jaw, close to your neck, to find your artery.
  • Count your pulse for 30 seconds and then multiply the number by 2 to find your bpm .

The average adult will have a resting heart rate between 60 and 100 beats per minute. However, someone who is very physically fit may have a resting heart rate as low as 40 bpm! Usually, a lower heart rate means that the heart muscle doesnt have to work as hard to maintain a steady rhythm.

Target Heart Rate For Exercise

Your target heart rate is 50 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. It is the level at which your heart is beating with moderate to high intensity. To determine your maximum heart rate, take 220 and subtract your age.

Sustaining a workout at this pace improves cardiorespiratory endurance. So knowing your target heart rate helps you pace your workouts. Exercising at the right level of intensity will help you avoid burning out or wasting time with a workout thats not vigorous enough to help you meet your goals.

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How To Tell If Your Heart Rate Is Too High

In individuals with underlying cardiac disease, prolonged intense exercise can lead to sudden cardiac arrest, says Mehta. These runners can be very well trained and may not even be aware of their condition until this unfortunate event occurs. But for the average person, training with a high heart rate is perfectly safe within limits. Mehta adds: In general, there is nothing dangerous if running at a high heart rate for an extended period. However, there are some signs to be aware of when exercising at high heart rates.

Signs that your heart rate is too high include:

  • Hyperventilation

Examining The Aging Factor

How To: Easily Find Your Target Heart Rate for Exercise

You calculated your heart-rate ranges. Working out seems easier and more fun by the minute. Dont forget to recalculate your rates as your next birthday comes and goes. Every year, your targeted heart rates will decrease in value. Subtracting your age from 220 creates a smaller number each year.

Apply the new rates to your workouts so that youre always in a safe zone. If your body is accustomed to exercising each week, the changes wont be too drastic. Your heart rate is important at every age.

Heart disease is one of the most common ailments that afflict society today. Change those statistics by paying attention to your heart rate and exercise intensity. By working your heart like the muscle that it is, the tissue can stand the test of time. Appreciate your heart and the work it does as you enjoy life to the fullest.

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Resting Heart Rate And Fitness

Verywell / Photo Illustration: Michela Buttignol

Your resting heart rate gives you a good look into your health, especially when you’re ready to embark on a new fitness regime. Regularly checking your resting heart rate can help you keep track of your fitness levels and may allow you to recognize possible health issues.

Understanding what your resting heart rate should be, as well as how to measure it, will allow you to take action and prioritize your health and fitness.

Exercise Heart Rate Chart By Age And Activity Level

Want to know when to exercise harder and when to slow down?

Check out the exercise heart rate chart by age to stay in your target heart rate zone. Staying in your target heart rate zone can help you exercise at a safe intensity, maximize your workout, or lose weight. Your target heart rate is like the Goldilocks zone: not training too fast or too slow.

Learn how to calculate your resting heart, maximum heart rate, and your target heart rate range. Or, use an exercise heart rate chart based on age and activity level.

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Examples Of Aerobic Workouts

Moderate aerobic workouts do not have to include jogging or walking mile after mile on hard pavement, or swimming laps in a pool. Varying types of exercise will help you work different muscle groups, avoid letting your body get used to the strain, and let you find workouts that you personally enjoy.

Moderate Aerobic Workouts

  • Stair climbing and elliptical machine
  • Spin class and other stationary bike routines
  • Circuit training
  • Chores such as sweeping, vacuuming and mopping can also provide moderate aerobic exercise

Vigorous Aerobic Workouts

Vigorous aerobic activity occurs when your breath is coming hard and fast and its difficult to talk or maintain a conversation with your exercise partner. These workouts consume more oxygen to complete the activity. Examples include:

  • Cycling more than 10 mph or uphill
  • Heavy gardening
  • Tennis and other court sports such as handball, squash and racquetball
  • Team sports with lots of running or movement like basketball, soccer and hockey

How To Take Your Pulse

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Although you may be able to feel your blood pumping in a number of placesyour neck, the inside of your elbow, and even the top of your footyour wrist is probably the most convenient and reliable place to get a good pulse.

Press your index and middle fingers together on your wrist, below the fat pad of your thumb. Feel around lightly until you detect throbbing. If you press too hard you may suppress the pulse. You can probably get a pretty accurate reading by counting the number of beats in 15 seconds and multiplying that number by four.

The best time to get your resting heart rate is first thing in the morning, even before you get out of bed. To gauge your maximum heart rate, take your pulse immediately after exercising as vigorously as possible.

Image: Peera_Sathawirawong/Getty Images

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Exercising With Too High Heart Rate

Before exercising, you should endeavor to check your heart rate. Typically, a heart rate of over 100 beats per minute is too high for adults.

Exercising with a heart rate that is too high is dangerous because it is an indication that you are going above your maximum heart rate.

Heres a quick way to determine your ideal maximum heart rate. Subtract your age from 220 bpm to get your maximum heart rate.

For example, subtract 40 from 220 if you are 40 years old. Your maximum heart rate is 180 bpm.

If your heart rate during a workout is above whatever your answer is, you are definitely putting yourself at risk.

In case you experience irregular heartbeats , chest pain, or shortness of breath, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Exercising in those conditions may lead to very dangerous heart issues or even a heart attack.

You shouldnt go beyond your target heart rate range when doing exercises. This should be around 60 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate. This will put you in a safe zone during your training sessions.

Before starting any form of strenuous exercise plan or routine, it is always wise to consult your doctor.

Also, if you have any health challenges , dont hesitate to seek medical advice before starting a workout program.

Possible Mechanisms Of The Heart Rate

Bahrainy et al. suggest that neither an increase in resting parasympathetic tone nor a decrease in response to beta-adrenergic stimulation contribute to the decrease in RHR after regular exercise or physical activity in humans. The effect may be due to a decrease in the intrinsic heart rate via mechanisms which have not yet been fully understood. In the case of yoga, lower RHR may also be caused by an enhanced parasympathetic output .

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Best Devices For Measuring Heart Rate

The Apple Watch measures your heart rate throughout the day.

So now you know all the different kinds of heart rate and how to measure them using clocks and math. Even though the traditional methods aren’t all that hard, there are easier — and potentially more accurate — ways to measure and track your heart rate.

The most accurate readings will come from a lab test or other clinical method. But since most people don’t have access to and don’t need those methods, these devices will work just fine.

Benefits Of Aerobic Zone Exercises

My Heart Rate Is High When I Exercise

Aerobic exercise provides numerous benefits including reducing your risk of a heart attack, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Other benefits include:

  • Losing weight and helping to keep it off
  • Lowering and controlling blood pressure
  • Increasing stamina and reducing fatigue during exercise
  • Activating the immune systems and warding off viral illnesses, making you less likely to get colds or the flu
  • Strengthening your heart
  • Boosting mood, easing the lows of depression and reducing tension and anxiety
  • Improving sleep
  • Managing chronic conditions, reducing pain and increasing function in people with arthritis, and enhancing the quality of life in people who have had cancer
  • Boosting HDL good cholesterol and lowering LDL bad cholesterol

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How To Know You’re In The Zone

While you are exercising, you can determine your heart rate by checking your fitness tracker, a heart monitor, an Apple watch, or doing it the old-fashioned way.

To check your pulse manually, place the tips of your index and middle fingers over the radial pulse on your wrist and press lightly. Count the number of heartbeats for 30 seconds and multiply by 2. This will give you the number of beats per minute . Youll have to briefly stop exercising to check it this way.

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Brief Bursts Of Strenuous Exercise May Be Safe For Some But Not All Older Adults

The fitness trend known as high-intensity interval training is still going strong, both at gyms and in online workout classes. HIIT features short bursts of high-intensity exercise interspersed with periods of lower-intensity activity or rest. But is it a good idea for everyone? Not necessarily.

“HIIT is a great regimen for people who are young and healthy. If youre older or have heart disease, check with your doctor before trying it,” says Dr. I-Min Lee, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and an expert on the role of physical activity in preventing disease.

Increasingly, cardiac rehabilitation programs are using tailored versions of HIIT. But these closely monitored sessions start with an exercise stress test to make sure people dont have symptoms such as chest pain, which might make strenuous exercise dangerous. Outside of such settings, HIIT may be unsafe for people who have or are at risk for heart disease.

One of the largest randomized controlled trials of HIIT, published last year in BMJ Open, suggests that healthy people in their 70s can do these workouts with little risk. But in terms of longevity, moderate-intensity exercise seems to be just as good.

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Normal Resting Heart Rate

An average adult resting heart rate range is 60 to 100 bpm. The higher end of the range is associated with increased health risks including metabolic syndrome.

Adults with a high level of fitness can have a resting heart rate below 60. Some elite endurance athletes have a resting heart rate below 40.

An elevated resting heart rate of 80 bpm or higher can be an indicator of increased cardiovascular risk and all-cause mortality risk. The risk is most pronounced when the resting heart rate goes above 90 bpm.

Resting heart rate varies by sex. Women tend to have smaller hearts and lower blood volume and hemoglobin, which means the heart needs to beat more frequently to nourish the body’s tissues.

A person’s average resting heart rate also changes from throughout the lifespan, being much faster in infants and slowing by adulthood. The average ranges also change slightly as you age.

Your resting heart rate can also be affected by any medications that you take. For example, beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers can lower your resting heart rate below 60, while medications to treat asthma, depression, and attention deficit disorder might raise it.

Talk to your doctor if you do not actively exercise but you have a low RHR with symptoms of dizziness or shortness of breath.

When someone who is not an athlete or at a high level of fitness has a low resting heart rate , it can be a sign of a medical or health problem.

Smartwatch Or Fitness Tracker

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Smartwatches are easily the most convenient way to measure your heart rate. They’re relatively inexpensive, they don’t take up a lot of space and they have a substantial battery life. Best of all, fitness trackers are comfortable enough to wear for long periods of time to get a very accurate measure of your heart rate.

Wearing a Fitbit, Apple Watch, Garmin or other tracker allows you to measure your heart rate at all times of day: when you’re sleeping, during typical daily activities and during exercise. They then present this data to you in an easy-to-digest way. Fitness trackers and smartwatches use optical technology to read the pulse in your wrist. With optical technology, your tracker sends light into your skin and reads the light that bounces back.

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Getting Into The Zone

What is your moderate-intensity zone? First, you need to know your maximum heart rate the upper limit of what your cardiovascular system can handle during physical activity as measured in number of heartbeats per minute.

One way to find your maximum heart rate is with a stress test, in which you walk or jog on a treadmill that makes you, and thus your heart, work progressively harder while an electrocardiograph monitors your heart’s electrical rhythms.

While this is the most accurate way to determine your maximum heart rate, a simpler option is to use a formula based on your age, which can offer a good estimate. Dr. Baggish suggests 200 minus half your age. Once you know your maximum, you can figure your target zone as 60% to 75% of that number. For example, a 70-year-old man would have a maximum heart rate of 165 beats per minute. Therefore, his moderate-intensity heart rate zone would range from 99 to 124 beats per minute.

How To Find Your Target Heart Rate

First, it helps to know your resting heart rate, Martin says. Find your pulse . Then count the number of beats in a minutethats your resting heart rate. The average resting heart rate is between 60 and 100, he says. The more fit you are, the lower your resting heart rate for very fit people, its in the range of 40 to 50 beats per minute.

Target heart rate is generally expressed as a percentage of your maximum safe heart rate. The maximum rate is based on your age, as subtracted from 220. So for a 50-year-old, maximum heart rate is 220 minus 50, or 170 beats per minute. At a 50 percent exertion level, your target would be 50 percent of that maximum, or 85 beats per minute. At an 85 percent level of exertion, your target would be 145 beats per minute. Therefore, the target heart rate that a 50-year-old would want to aim for during exercise is 85 to 145 beats per minute.

But theres an easier way to figure it out if you want to skip the math: Wear a fitness tracking device, or exercise on a treadmill or other machine that calculates target heart rate for you, Blaha suggests.

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Does The Average Person Need To Track Their Heart Rate

If you have heart disease, its important to learn target heart rates and monitor them as you exercise. For everyone else, the talk test works just fine, says Travers. Can you talk and carry on a conversation when youre exercising? Then youre in a heart-healthy, moderately easy zone. Dont stress about the numbers.

What matters most is that you make an effort to move more. Any exercise, for any length of time, will improve fitness. If tracking your heart rate makes you happy, then go for it. But if heart rate calculations become a stumbling block, forget about it. Your journey to becoming stronger and healthier is too important to let anything get in the way.

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