Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Long Do You Live With Congestive Heart Failure

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What Can Hospice Do For A Patient With Congestive Heart Failure Or Heart Disease

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Life Expectancy – Google vs. Reality

Your hospice team evaluates the patients status and updates the plan of care as CHF or heart disease symptoms and conditions change, even on a day-to-day basis. The goal of hospice is to manage symptoms and relieve physical/emotional distress so patients can live as fully as possible, retain their dignity and remain comfortable at home.

The hospice plan of care treats a wide range of heart disease symptoms, including:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Functional decline
  • Hypertension

When you turn to hospice, you are not alone in your journey your hospice care team is educated and experienced in advanced cardiac care, such as:

  • Monitoring and managing your symptoms
  • Communicating with your cardiologists office to intervene early and stabilize worsening conditions
  • Providing medication, oxygen and other medical equipment related to your heart disease
  • Providing services to reduce acute symptoms and avoid re-hospitalization
  • Providing an average of 5 home visits per week and proactive phone calls

Hospice offers comprehensive services for patients with heart disease, such as:

What Is An Echocardiogram

An echocardiogram is a graphic outline of your hearts movement. During an echo test, your healthcare provider uses ultrasound from a hand-held wand placed on your chest to take pictures of your hearts valves and chambers. This helps the provider evaluate the pumping action of your heart.

Providers often combine echo with Doppler ultrasound and color Doppler techniques to evaluate blood flow across your hearts valves.

Echocardiography uses no radiation. This makes an echo different from other tests like X-rays and CT scans that use small amounts of radiation.

Who performs an echo test?

A technician called a cardiac sonographer performs your echo. Theyre trained in performing echo tests and using the most current technology. Theyre prepared to work in a variety of settings including hospital rooms and catheterization labs.

What Is The Outlook For People With Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy is a serious condition. Without treatment, it can be life-threatening. Cardiomyopathy is also a progressive condition, meaning it usually worsens over time.

Cardiomyopathy treatment can improve your outlook. If you have cardiomyopathy, seek treatment from a cardiologist . Medication, surgery or other treatments can increase your quality of life and help you live longer.

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How Can I Prevent Heart Failure

You can prevent heart failure by preventing coronary heart disease and heart attack. The best way to do this is to reduce or eliminate the risk factors that lead to heart failure. You could:

If you have had a heart attack, its even more important to manage your risk factors and follow your treatment plan. Make sure you check in frequently with your healthcare team.

Some risk factors such as your age, whether you have other health conditions, or your genes may be outside your control. Speak with your doctor if you have concerns about developing heart failure, and how you can manage it.

What Are The Common Types Of Pediatric Congenital Heart Defects

How Long Can You Live With Congestive Heart Failure

A septal defect is a hole in the septum, the wall that divides the heart. There are 2 types of septal defects: atrial septal defects are holes in the septum between the left and the right atria ventricular septal defects are holes in the septum between the left and right ventricles. Because of this hole, oxygenated blood mixes with non-oxygenated blood.

A septal defect means that blood flows from one chamber of the heart to the other, instead of taking its normal path. For instance, with an atrial septal defect, blood flows from one atrium to the other, instead of going to the ventricle.

Similarly, with a VSD, the blood flows from the left ventricle to the right ventricle, rather than through its normal path to the aorta and the rest of the body. As a result, blood that has picked up oxygen from the lungs mixes with oxygen-poor blood. This can mean that parts of the body arent getting enough oxygenated blood.

ASDs and VSDs can be small or large. Some ASDs close up on their own as the child grows older. Others may be repaired using catheters or with open heart surgery.

Although some small VSDs may close on their own, some are so large that the left side of the heart is forced to work much harder. If it is not treated, a VSD can lead to heart failure. These defects have to be repaired with open heart surgery.

Valve defects

Another type of defect involves the heart valves. Defective valves may be caused by:

Other types of congenital heart defects

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Left Ventricular Assist Devices

These may be implanted in the chest to increase heart pumping action. Until recently, LVADs required that the patient be hooked up to a large, hospital-based console while awaiting a transplant. Miniaturized battery-powered LVAD units, however, are allowing many patients to leave the hospital. The devices may be used as a primary treatment or as a bridge to heart transplant in adults.

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How Long Can You Live With Congestive Heart Failure Topic Guide

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When Should I Ask For Help

If you feel you need more support to support the patient, speak to their GP, cardiology team or specialist team.

Some parts of the country have specialist heart failure nurses who can be involved in a persons end of life care, so you may want to see if there is one covering your locality. They can visit people at home, in hospital or a hospice and give the person and their family support and guidance.

If the persons heart failure is due to an inherited heart condition such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, their family may have concerns about what the future holds for themselves. Give the family an opportunity to voice their worries and, if its appropriate, mention the possibility of referring immediate family members to a clinic which specialises in inherited heart conditions. This may be done when the person was initially diagnosed.

Inherited heart conditions services offer specialist assessment and investigations, genetic counselling and testing. GPs can refer to this service. Additionally signpost your patient to the British Heart Foundation Genetic Information Service , which offers information and support and helps with referrals.

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Manage Depression And Anxiety

Living with Heart Failure – A Guide for Patients

Depression and anxiety are common in people with congestive heart failure. Feeling unwell, being unable to do some of the things they once enjoyed, and uncertainty about the future can all contribute to feelings of sadness. But if the person youre caring for seems consistently unhappy, they may be depressed. Look out for these signs of depression, and if you notice any, notify their doctor:

  • Frequent crying episodes
  • Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness
  • Poor appetite or increased appetite
  • Sleeping too much or not enough
  • Increased agitation and restlessness
  • Loss of interest in life
  • Expressing thoughts of dying or suicide

Depression is a serious problem that requires evaluation and treatment. But you may be able to help manage your loved ones moods with these activities:

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How Long Can A 82 Year Old Live With Congestive Heart Failure

There are several factors to consider, including the stage of your loved ones sickness and their overall health. According to a 2008 research, 50 percent of patients would have an average life expectancy of five years, despite the fact that significant progress has been achieved. Up to 90% of those with severe heart failure will die within a year of being diagnosed with the condition.

How Do I Get The Results Of My Test

After your cardiologist reviews your test, theyll enter the results into your electronic medical record. Your primary care provider will have access to the results, too. Youll discuss the results with one or both of these providers.

Ask any questions youd like about the pictures and what they mean. Your provider will explain what the pictures show and whether you need follow-up tests or treatment.

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How Do You Know When Its Time To Euthanize Your Dog

He has lost interest in all or most of his favorite activities, such as going for walks, playing with toys or other pets, eating treats or soliciting attention and petting from family members. He cannot stand on his own or falls down when trying to walk. He has chronic labored breathing or coughing.

How Is A Transthoracic Echocardiogram Done

How Long Can You Live With Diastolic Heart Failure

A transthoracic echo is the type most people think of when they hear heart echo. Its also the type most often used. Its performed outside your body.

A sonographer places a hand-held wand on the outside of your chest to send sound waves to your heart. These sound waves bounce off the different parts of your heart.

These echoes then appear as pictures on the sonographers computer screen. These pictures can also be saved for your cardiologist and physician to review later.

Preparing for a transthoracic echo

Theres not much you need to do to prepare for this type of echo. In general:

  • You dont need to avoid eating or drinking before a transthoracic echo.
  • Take your medications as you usually do.
  • Wear anything youd like.
  • Leave anything valuable at home. Youll be given a storage locker to use during the test.

What to expect during a transthoracic echo

A transthoracic echo includes the following steps:

  • Youll be asked to remove your clothing from the waist up. Youll put on a hospital gown.
  • Your sonographer will place several electrodes on your chest. These are small, flat, sticky patches. The electrodes are attached to an electrocardiograph monitor. The EKG records your hearts electrical activity during the test.
  • Youll lie down on an exam table. Your sonographer will ask you to lie on your left side if possible.
  • You may hear swishing sounds throughout the test. This is normal. It means youre hearing blood flowing through your heart as the wand picks up the sound.
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    Can A Patient With Heart Failure Improve Their Kidney Function

    However, it is clear that not all patients with heart failure and decreased kidney function have hypotension or a reduction in cardiac output , many patients with hypotension do not have reduced kidney function, and, furthermore, increasing reduced cardiac output does not necessarily materially improve kidney outcomes .

    What Causes Heart Failure

    Although the risk of heart failure doesnt change as you get older, youre more likely to have heart failure when youre older.

    Many medical conditions that damage the heart muscle can cause heart failure. Common conditions include:

    • Tobacco and recreational drug use.
    • Medications. Some drugs used to fight cancer can lead to heart failure.

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    What Determines Life Expectancy

    Some things that affect your life expectancy with heart failure are out of your control, such as your age. Others, such as a healthy lifestyle, are not.

    Things that may affect life expectancy include:

    Ejection fraction. To get a better picture of your heart health, your doctor will check how well an area of your heart called the left ventricle pumps out blood. An echocardiogram is one test thatâs often used. It scans the heart and takes measurements to find out what percentage of your blood is being pumped out with each heartbeat. For instance, an ejection fraction of 55% means that 55% of your blood is being pushed out with each thump. A normal result usually falls between 50% and 70%, according to the American Heart Association.

    People with a reduced ejection fraction have one type of the condition. Itâs called heart failure with reduced left ventricular function. With the other type, heart failure with preserved left ventricular function, the percentage isnât below normal. But there are other changes, such as the heart becoming stiffer. âAfter the heart squeezes and pumps blood forward, it has to relax to fill with blood,â Lampert says. âWhen the heart muscle is stiff or unable to relax as blood is trying to rush in and fill it, itâs not very compliant, and so you can get that same results of fluid backing up into the lungs and other parts of the body.â

    Staging. There are four stages of heart failure, which indicate how serious your condition may be.

    What Is The Life Expectancy Of A 90

    Congestive Heart Failure – End of Life

    A lady who is 90 years old has a life expectancy of 4 3/4 years. Ninety percent of those with advanced CHF will die within a year of being diagnosed. The majority of persons with mild to moderate CHF will live for around ten years. When I consider the effects of CHF and old age, I estimate that the average life expectancy is less than 14 years on average.

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    Congestive Heart Failure: Prevention Treatment And Research

    Congestive heart failure is a serious condition in which the heart doesnt pump blood as efficiently as it should. Despite its name, heart failure doesnt mean that the heart has literally failed or is about to stop working. Rather, it means that the heart muscle has become less able to contract over time or has a mechanical problem that limits its ability to fill with blood. As a result, it cant keep up with the bodys demand, and blood returns to the heart faster than it can be pumped outit becomes congested, or backed up. This pumping problem means that not enough oxygen-rich blood can get to the bodys other organs.

    The body tries to compensate in different ways. The heart beats faster to take less time for refilling after it contractsbut over the long run, less blood circulates, and the extra effort can cause heart palpitations. The heart also enlarges a bit to make room for the blood. The lungs fill with fluid, causing shortness of breath. The kidneys, when they dont receive enough blood, begin to retain water and sodium, which can lead to kidney failure. With or without treatment, heart failure is often and typically progressive, meaning it gradually gets worse.

    More than 5 million people in the United States have congestive heart failure. Its the most common diagnosis in hospitalized patients over age 65. One in nine deaths has heart failure as a contributing cause.

    Strengths And Limitations Of The Study And Method

    Our study has a consistent and in-depth focus on the patients perspective. A major strength is the inclusion of very old patients . It is in the nature of qualitative studies to have a small number of participants. Therefore, the findings cannot be generalised, but they provide specific in-depth insights into the perception and personal experience of old and very old patients with severe heart failure. The patients were only recruited in an inpatient setting at two geriatric hospitals and not in general practice or other outpatient settings. Furthermore, the tendency towards socially desirable statements must be considered. To reduce social bias, the interviewer was not involved in the delivery of health care for the patients and was not employed by either of the geriatric hospitals.

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    Prognosis By Ejection Fraction

    Ejection fraction is a measure of how much blood is pumped out of your heart each time it contracts. A healthy heart has an EF of between about 55 percent to 75 percent.

    Some people with CHF have a reduced EF. This means their heart is pumping less blood out to the rest of their body than a healthy heart. Studies have shown that people who have CHF and a reduced EF have a more challenging outlook than people with CHF who do not have a reduced EF.

    The exact survival rates varied among studies, but have shown that EF has an impact on prognosis. Your doctor will have the best information about how your ejection fraction can affect your prognosis.

    Stages Of Congestive Heart Failure

    How Long Can You Live with Congestive Heart Failure? Symptoms &  Treatment

    Stages of congestive heart failure are based on the severity of a patients current symptoms.

    In Stage 1, patients are determined to have weakness in their heart muscle, but do not yet have the symptoms or structure of congestive heart failure.

    In Stage 2, patients have structural heart disease, but still do not present with the signs or symptoms of congestive heart failure.

    In Stage 3, patients experience symptoms that limit their everyday activities. These can include shortness of breath, fluid in the lower extremities, chest pain, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and fatigue.

    In Stage 4, symptoms will worsen for the patient and will not improve with treatment. This is the final stage of congestive heart failure.

    There are a number of factors that influence how long a patient will remain in the earlier stages and consequently how long they can live with congestive heart failure. These include how well the heart is functioning, age, lifestyle changes, response to treatment, and comorbidities .

    Conditions including high blood pressure, diabetes, alcoholism, a previous heart attack, heart valve disease, and coronary artery disease can all contribute to congestive heart failure.

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