Tuesday, September 17, 2024

How Much Can Marijuana Increase A Person’s Heart Rate

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Can A Person Overdose On Marijuana

Dr. Scott Davis Talks Marijuana Use and Heart Failure

An overdose occurs when a person uses enough of the drug to produce life-threatening symptoms or death. There are no reports of teens or adults dying from marijuana alone. However, some people who use marijuana can feel some very uncomfortable side effects, especially when using marijuana products with high THC levels. People have reported symptoms such as anxiety and paranoia, and in rare cases, an extreme psychotic reaction that can lead them to seek treatment in an emergency room.

While a psychotic reaction can occur following any method of use, emergency room responders have seen an increasing number of cases involving marijuana edibles. Some people who know very little about edibles don’t realize that it takes longer for the body to feel marijuanas effects when eaten rather than smoked. So they consume more of the edible, trying to get high faster or thinking they haven’t taken enough. In addition, some babies and toddlers have been seriously ill after ingesting marijuana or marijuana edibles left around the house.

Heart Risk And The Cannabis Review

Cardiovascular issues comprise 2 percent only of all medical reports related to marijuana. The link between cannabis and cardiovascular health remains uncertain. Studies have been conducted to investigate if the THC alone causes this negative health impact, or is CBD also the culprit. Nonetheless, it is safe to say that cannabis use increases the risk of having cardiovascular issues.

However, these studies failed to show how much THC content was administered and consumed if there was a presence of CBD, the frequency of usage, as well as the consumption procedures. Regardless of how you interpret the possible risks, just stay away from cannabinoids such as Spice and K2 as these two may possibly kill you.

How Does Marijuana Increase Heart Rate

The cannabinoid receptors that we are most familiar with are known as CB1 and CB2 receptors. They are seen in the body and portray a part in many of our physical functions. Once the endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors interact with each other, they prompt a sequence of various reactions.

The endocannabinoid system is embroiled in movement, mood, and appetite, among other functions. Nevertheless, one of its critical functions is keeping homeostasis. It is a condition of steady internal balance in a vigorous external environment. Keeping up the homeostasis needs continuous tracking and regulation of factors such as blood pressure and body temperature. Hence, it is no longer a revelation that scientists have found endocannabinoids in the hearts tissues.

The endocannabinoid system happens to portray an important role in regulating blood pressure, causing the blood vessels to loosen up and widen. It also affects the heart rate and this is where marijuana gets into the picture.

Hence, it can interact with the cannabinoid receptors and prompt many of similar reactions. Along with the common marijuana high, THC is accountable for the various medicinal benefits of the weeds. Nonetheless, if you consume too many doses, it may also provoke some adverse effects.

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Possible Side Effects Of Medical Weed

When you begin using medical marijuana, you may experience a range of side effects, such as red eyes or hunger. However, in some instances, your physician may recommend medical cannabis because of its side effects. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, for example, may rely on medical pot as an appetite stimulant.

As a patient of a licensed and compassionate medical marijuana doctor, you can trust theyre weighing the side effects of medical weed against the benefits. In their role as a practitioner, they want to create a treatment plan that offers more advantages than disadvantages.

American Heart Association News Stories

What Marijuana Really Does to Your Body and Brain

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Most Researchers Agree That The People Most Susceptible To Brain Changes Are Those Who Begin Using Marijuana Regularly During Adolescence

A small study of teenagers in Europe found that people who used marijuana had more gray matter in their brains, which can affect how humans mature over time.

The researchers noticed these brain-level changes in teens who had just one or two joints in their lifetimes.

Although researchers are unsure whether higher brain volume is bad for health, they do know brain volume naturally decreases during the aging process, according to the National Institutes of Health .

An international meta-analysis of 23,317 young adults also found that , anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.

“Although the causes of major depressive disorder are multifactorial and complex, this meta-analysis suggests that the cannabis exposure could be 1 factor contributing to depression in young adulthood,” the researchers wrote.

And You’ll Probably Get The Munchies

A case of the munchies is no figment of the imagination both casual and heavy marijuana users tend to overeat when they smoke.

A recent study in mice suggested the possibility that marijuana may effectively flip a circuit in the brain that is normally responsible for quelling the appetite, triggering us to eat instead.

It all comes down to a special group of cells in the brain that are normally activated after we have eaten a big meal to tell us we’ve had enough. The psychoactive ingredient in weed appears to activate just one component of those appetite-suppressing cells, making us feel hungry rather than satisfied.

A 2014 study found that , despite the munchies phenomenon commonly associated with use.

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Smoking Tobacco Raises Blood Pressure But Does Cannabis Have The Same Effect

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a disease that affects 1 in 3 American adults. With this fact in mind, and the number of states who are legalizing recreational and medicinal cannabis, many people are asking what kind of effect that cannabis has on blood pressure. Smoking tobacco raises blood pressure, but does cannabis have the same effect? The answer largely depends on who you ask or which study you find to read.

Does Marijuana Lower Or Raise Blood Pressure

What is a normal heart rate?

To answer this question, we should focus on two of the primary cannabinoids present in cannabis: cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol . Both may exert an influence on blood pressure levels.

Dr. Bonni Goldstein, a medical adviser to Weedmaps and the director of Canna-Centers in Lawndale, California, outlined the potential effects of THC on blood pressure:;

THC can affect blood pressure depending on the dose, the route of administration, a person’s experience with THC, and a person’s underlying health. Healthy volunteers that took THC had an increase in heart rate and decrease in blood pressure. In studies where people used THC while lying down, they had elevated blood pressure. When they stood up, their blood pressure dropped and they experienced low blood pressure.

These sudden drops in blood pressure, also known as white outs or green outs, may indeed be linked to cannabis use. Dr. Melanie Bone, a board-certified OB-GYN and cannabis specialist who practices in West Palm Beach, Florida, told Weedmaps that “cannabis may cause a drop in blood pressure on standing known as postural hypotension.” This type of drop in blood pressure is not desirable, as it can cause vertigo and even fainting. So, when we talk about “lowering blood pressure,” we do not necessarily consider that effect beneficial to health.

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Cannabis Behind The Wheel

It is illegal to drive a motorized vehicle while impaired by cannabis.

Driving after consuming cannabis raises the risk of a crash. Drug-impaired driving has the same penalties as alcohol-impaired driving.

In 2017, youth who participated in a qualitative research study by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction believed that cannabis-impaired driving was safer, or less dangerous, than alcohol-impaired driving. This belief was partly related to the fact that youth didnt associate the feelings of being high with risky behaviours that could impair driving skills.20

Among youth who have used cannabis in the past 12 months, 27.8% of those aged 16 to 19 and 43.1% of 20 to 24-year-olds reported having driven within 2 hours of using cannabis.21

There are safety concerns for passengers as well. Many young people get into a car with a driver who has consumed cannabis. 40.9% of youth 16 to 19 and 55.6% of those 20 to 24 reported being a passenger in a vehicle driven by someone who had used cannabis in the past 2 hours.22

Whenever youre having conversations about impaired driving with your teenager, remind them that their safety is important to you that they should call you for a ride if they ever consume alcohol or cannabis no questions asked.

Get more information about high driving here.;

Understand How Cannabis Products Are Used

Cannabis;can be consumed in several ways; inhaled, ingested, or applied topically and there are significant differences in the way the effects are felt.

Dried cannabis can be rolled into a cigarette, called a joint or in a cigar, called a blunt. It can be smoked in a water pipe or bong or;vaped in an e-cigarette or other vaping devices.

Cannabis edibles can be brewed as tea, infused into drinks, or mixed into food and ingested as candies, cookies, and brownies. Consuming cannabis edibles like brownies or cookies is considered by some youth to be a less risky way of consuming than smoking it.

Ingesting cannabis can have delayed and unpredictable effects.;A long waiting time is recommended when;ingesting cannabis products;to avoid the accumulation of effects.;

Cannabis extracts, which include oils and tinctures can also be ingested or inhaled in a pipe or bong and/or vaped with an e-cigarette or other vaping devices. Cannabis extracts can often have more concentrated levels of THC.

All Cannabis products are legal for retail sale only at licensed outlets.

Cannabis should be produced by licensed producers and purchased only from licensed vendors.;Evidence suggests that illegal cannabis products can be contaminated with pesticides and harmful chemicals.;10;

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How Does Medical Weed Cause An Increased Heart Rate

Like other potential side effects of medical weed, cannabinoids are the cause. More than 100 different cannabinoids are present in cannabis, but the two primary ones are tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol . Researchers believe THC is responsible for increasing users heart rates.

When you take medical marijuana, THC expands your blood vessels. For patients with high blood pressure, this reaction is a positive, as it lowers their blood pressure. When your heart recognizes this sudden change in pressure, however, it begins to pump faster.

Cbd And The Cardiovascular System

How Does Cannabis Consumption Affect Heart Rate?

The heart rate is just one detail that has to be accounted for when it comes to CBD and its effects. You also have to consider what it does to the rest of the cardiovascular system to better understand this cannabinoid and how it works.

CBD may have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. It may do so by helping to reduce the amount of stress that is put on the heart rate.

One common heart-related concern is heart disease. This medical concern affects millions of people each year and it can have a profound impact on a persons quality of life. One way to alleviate the symptoms is to mitigate the elevated heart rate and increased blood pressure that come with this disease.

Often times, a person will be prescribed with medications to help manage the symptoms of heart disease. However, certain medications can come with side effects. CBD has the potential to help target symptoms. However, CBD is not a replacement for medication. You should always talk with your doctor before introducing new supplements to your routine. Its important to note that further research is needed to understand the full impact of CBD on the cardiovascular system.

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What The Research Tells Us

A 2014 review article in the New England Journal of Medicine summarized what is known about the effects of marijuana on all aspects of health. The authors found that marijuana use has been associated with vascular conditions that increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, although the mechanisms by which that happens arent clear. The article also noted that the risk is mainly associated with immediate use of marijuana and isnt necessarily cumulative.

There is some epidemiological evidence that marijuana use in young men, in particular, is associated with an increased risk of heart attack within an hour of use, said Dr. Reid, whereas the risk in young women is not increased to the same degree.

Another article, from 2013 in the American Heart Journal, found that habitual marijuana use before a heart attack was associated with a higher mortality rate over the next 18 years, although the difference wasnt statistically significant.

Both Drs. Pipe and Reid expect increased interest in research around marijuana use. They also both said that, based on what evidence there is, as well as common sense, trying this newly legal drug should be approached with caution and that, if you must, then dont smoke it.

Some Women Have Reported Having More Satisfying Sex When Using Marijuana

A small study of 373 women from of varying races, sexual orientations, and marital statuses found that people who said they used marijuana before sex tended to have a more pleasurable experience than those who did not use the substance.

Specifically, some women reported having more satisfying orgasms and an increase in their sex drive.

Researchers weren’t able to pinpoint why marijuana had this effect, but suggested it could be due to the substance’s ability to reduce stress and anxiety.

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No Sign Pot Smoking Triggers Irregular Heartbeat

HealthDay Reporter

TUESDAY, May 8, 2018 — If you have suffered a heart attack, getting high on pot won’t harm your heart‘s regular rhythm, a new study suggests.

users who have suffered a heart attack had about the same risk as nonusers of a rapid and irregular rhythm in the lower chambers of the heart, known as the ventricles, the researchers found.

“We found no difference in the two populations,” said senior researcher Dr. Christine Tompkins, a cardiologist with the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Further, marijuana users appeared to have lower rates of atrial fibrillation, an irregular rhythm in the upper chambers of the heart .

Half as many pot users had atrial fibrillation, about 4.5 percent compared with 8.7 percent of nonusers. Atrial fibrillation increases a person’s risk of stroke and heart attack.

Don’t feel free to get baked just yet, though. Both the researchers and a heart expert stressed that the jury is still out on exactly what the heart risks of smoking pot might be.

In fact, earlier research in the same group of patients found that marijuana use appears to increase the chances of having an earlier heart attack, Tompkins added.

The average age of a first heart attack was about 57 for the straight-laced, but 47 for cannabis users, Tompkins said.

“At this point, I have to say we don’t know the full cardiac effects of marijuana use,” Tompkins said. “We need to do additional studies.”

How Marijuana Affects The Heart

1 Breathing technique to improve Heart Rate Variability & resistance to stress

Cannabis is filled with cannabinoids, or psychoactive chemicals unique to the plant. One cannabinoid called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is what mainly causes the psychoactive effects a person feels when they smoke or ingest the plant.;

Cannabinoids raise resting heart rate and make the heart pump harder. According to a 2019 study, the literature available on cannabis suggests it can affect the heart in three major ways:;;

  • Cannabis arteritis. Heavy cannabis use can inflame arteries, damage blood vessel walls, and reduce blood flow to the organs.;
  • Cannabis-induced vasospasms.A vasospasm is when the muscular wall of an artery contracts, causing the artery to narrow and decrease the amount of blood that can go through it.
  • Platelet aggregation. This involves tiny blood cells called platelets clumping together and forming clots, which can block blood vessels and reduce blood flow.;;

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How Do Other Cannabinoids Affect Cardiovascular Health

Two of the richest phytocannabinoids aside from THC are CBD and THCV . CBD can hinder the ability of THC to stimulate the CB1 receptors and can guard against some of the injuries triggered by the reduction in blood pressure and heightened heart rate triggered by THC alone.

THCV, on the other hand, has pro-cardiovascular effects by obstructing the CB1 receptor function at minimal doses. It is through this means that THCV is believed to lower insulin sensitivity among obese mice, which lowers the chances of cardiovascular cases. THCV has been a stimulator of CB1 receptors at a great dose, but in many cannabis strains, the levels of THCV are very low to stimulate them.

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