Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Affects Resting Heart Rate

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Why Has My Resting Heart Rate Suddenly Increased

Resting heart rate and heart rate variability: What’s optimal?

This may be because an increased resting heart rate may be a warning sign of a cardiovascular change, like higher blood pressure or early heart disease. Other reasons a resting heart rate may trend upward include a poor reaction to medication, elevated thyroid hormone levels, anemia, or an underlying infection.

How Does Exercise Affect Your Heart And What Are The Benefits

Health & Prevention, Sports & Exercise

Cardiovascular disease is the nations number one killer of both men and women. However, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Dr. Frederick Basilico, Physician in Chief of Medicine and Chief of Cardiology at NEBH, notes that one of these steps includes exercise, which can improve heart health, reverse some of the risk factors of heart disease and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

How does exercise affect your Heart?

The heart is a muscle which becomes more efficient with exercise. When you exercise, your muscles help to circulate blood through the body taking some of the strain and effort off the heart. Not as much work is needed to pump blood and the heart becomes stronger over a period of time

As you begin to exercise, your heart will contract faster and circulation will increase, which gets oxygenated blood to your muscles quicker. As the demand for blood increases, the heart is going to try to meet the demand by increasing the heart rate and also by increasing the force at which it contracts. The increase in oxygen delivery is twofold: your heart will have more beats per minute, and a more forceful contraction each time it beats so it can pump a greater amount of blood throughout the body.

What are some benefits?

How much exercise?

Be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any new exercise program to make sure it is safe to do so.

How To Take Your Heart Rate

You can measure your heart rate by finding your pulse. The pulsating rhythm of your bloodyour pulsematches the movements of your heart and indicates your heart rate. Using your middle and index finger, press firmly in an area of your body that has a pulse. One of the most common places to take your pulse is on the inside of your wrist. Other body parts that reveal your pulse include:

  • The side of your neck
  • The pit opposite your elbow
  • The base of your toe

Once you locate your pulse, using a stopwatch, begin counting each beat for 60 seconds. Alternatively, you can count the beats for 15 seconds and multiply your results by 4. This measurement indicates your approximate resting heart rate.

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Matters Of The Heart: Why You Should Know Your Resting Heart Rate

At the recent HIMSS 2019 medical conference, Dr. Karl Poterack, Medical Director of Applied Clinical Informatics at the Mayo Clinic, said that clinicians often dont take the time to utilize health data collected from a persons wearable fitness device. But he noted that having resting heart rate information can be usefulespecially for the patient, who can use their digital data to monitor their heart health and alert doctors to changes.

So in our continuing focus on matters of the heart for Februarys American Heart Month, lets follow Dr. Poteracks orders and learn more about RHR, why it is important to track, what factors can alter it, and how everyone in the family can improve overall heart health with exercise. Tracking your real-time heart data, including changes in your resting heart rate, just might save your life. Here are seven resting heart rate facts and stats:

Know your numbers. The ability to track resting heart rate with Fitbit devices allows you to know if your resting heart rate falls within an average range. The American Heart Association notes that a normal resting heart rate ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute for adults. Medical experts also agree that a lower resting heart rate can indicate more efficient heart function and cardiovascular fitness, as highly conditioned athletes typically have a resting heart rate of 40 to 60 bpm.

Resting heart rate data analysis by age and gender

Resting Heart Rate And Health

How gender, fitness, sleep and weight affect your resting ...

A relatively low resting heart rate is considered healthy, while a high resting heart rate may increase the risk of various conditions.

A lower heart rate allows the heart to maintain a healthful rhythm and respond to routine stressors efficiently. These may include exercise, illness, and day-to-day activities.

Having a relatively low heart rate is a significant contribution to overall health. An abnormally high heart rate can lead to a variety of health risks and conditions.

Complications associated with a high heart rate include:

  • low energy levels

Stress may cause a high heart rate.

Each heartbeat arises from specialized muscle cells called myocytes.

When these cells need more oxygen, as during exercise, the brain sends messages to the heart, causing myocytes to make stronger, more frequent pulses.

Everyone experiences sudden, temporary changes in their heart rate. They may be caused by:

Having a chronically high or abnormal heart rate is often a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle or an underlying medical condition.

Common long-term causes of a high heart rate include:

  • lack of exercise

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How Do I Take My Heart Rate

There are a few places on your body where itâs easier to take your pulse:

  • The insides of your wrists
  • The insides of your elbows
  • The sides of your neck
  • The tops of your feet

Put the tips of your index and middle fingers on your skin. Press lightly until you feel the blood pulsing beneath your fingers. You may need to move your fingers around until you feel it.

Count the beats you feel for 10 seconds. Multiply this number by six to get your heart rate per minute

If You Slow Your Resting Heart Rate Can You Slow Down Aging

Having a lower resting heart rate is associated with having a longer lifespan.

Athletes generally have a lower resting heart rate due to their physical fitness.

One study found that the more physically fit you are, the lower the resting pulse. The same study found that even controlling for physical fitness, people with a higher resting heart rate had a shorter life expectancy compared to those with a lower resting heart rate.

So a high resting heart rate is not just a marker of risk, but a risk factor for premature death. The difference between a risk marker and a risk factor is that if you can control the risk factor, you can control the risk.

Why Is A High Resting Heart Rate Dangerous?

If your heart is beating fast 24 hours a day, all that circulatory stress can damage the elastic fibers supporting your arterial walls causing them to become stiff. Your arteries do not have enough time to relax between beats.

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How Does The Heart Carry Out Its Various Functions

The way the heart can so easily carry out the various duties and functions, it is responsible for its operations.

To be able to adequately perform its multiple missions of carrying oxygen and different other needed materials to the required locations at the right time is due to the mechanisms it employs in functioning.

The heart carries out two types of circulation processes:

Pulmonary Circulation

Through this type of blood circulation, the heart can ferry blood without oxygen to the lungs, away from the heart.

This same circulatory process allows it to move blood that has been saturated with oxygen from the lungs back to the heart.

Systemic Circulation

The pulmonary circulation actions do not exceed moving blood in various conditions, as well as from the heart and lungs.

Systemic circulation differs from this significantly.

Its activities purely involve carrying the oxygen-filled blood thats arrived at the center from the lungs straight to every other tissue and organ in the body and then back to the heart when its done.

However, note that since the heart itself is also a muscle and needs oxygenated blood, a system of circulation different from the two listed above is employed to help it get the oxygen-filled blood it needs. This is called Coronary Circulation.

Exercise Effects On Resting Heart Rate

The Importance Of Having A Lower Resting Heart Rate

Your heart is a muscle, and like other muscles in your body, exercise builds a stronger heart. Just like the bench press works and builds a stronger chest, aerobic exercise increases your heart rate and works the heart. The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise per week to strengthen your heart.

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Track Your Heart Rate

Keeping track of your heart rate can give you insight into your fitness level, heart health and emotional health, Dr. Sinha says. Many people are walking around with a resting heart rate that is too high, due to factors such as too much caffeine, dehydration, inactivity and persistent stress. Those extra heart beats over time can be taking years off your life.

Dr. Sinha recommends tracking your heart rate as well as keeping a journal of which activities are causing higher heart rates. Then use that information to make changes, set priorities and move toward a healthier life. If daily stress is raising your resting heart rate, for example, think twice about taking on that extra project at work or school. Consider adding a morning walk or a 10-minute breathing session at lunch.

A final reminder from Dr. Sinha: Get your doctors OK before exercising hard if you have a heart condition or other disorder where exercising may be unsafe. Also keep in mind that certain medications can affect your heart rate, making it a less reliable measurement.

Which Factors Can Influence Heart Rate

Many things can affect your heart rate, including:

  • physical activity if youve been moving around a lot, your heart rate will increase
  • fitness level your resting heart rate may be lower if youre very fit
  • air temperature on hot days, your heart needs to pump more quickly
  • emotions such as feeling stressed or overly excited
  • medicines some can decrease your resting heart rate , while others can increase it
  • age with age, the rate and regularity of your pulse can change and can be a sign of a heart problem.

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What Things Affect Heart Rate

Other than exercise, things that can affect your heart rate include:

  • Weather. Your pulse may go up a bit in higher temperatures and humidity levels.
  • Standing up. It might spike for about 20 seconds after you first stand up from sitting.
  • Emotions. Stress and anxiety can raise your heart rate. It may also go up when youâre very happy or sad.
  • Body size. People who have severe obesity can have a slightly faster pulse.
  • Medications. Beta-blockers slow your heart rate. Too much thyroid medicine can speed it up.
  • Caffeine and nicotine. Coffee, tea, and soda raise your heart rate. So does tobacco.

Normal Pulse Rate For Older Women

Resting heart rate keeps dropping on Fitbit

Your resting pulse rate is one of three vital signs, along with your blood pressure and respiratory rate, that provide a snapshot of your overall health. Your pulse rate is lower when youre resting calmly and goes up when you exercise and your heart works harder to provide oxygen-rich blood to vital organs. Older women have the same normal resting pulse range as their younger counterparts, according to Medline Plus.

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Case Study In Heart Failure

A 49-year-old labourer had been diagnosed with diabetes eight years earlier and was prescribed oral hypoglycemic agents. Three years ago, he developed mild shortness of breath during exertion, which his family physician attributed to obesity, hypertension and deconditioning. The patient was prescribed a thiazide and had occasionally taken acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs the patient said that he never had chest pain. A review of his past office visits showed that his resting heart rate was generally 80 beats/min to 90 beats/min.

He now presented with coughing, fatigue and reduced exercise tolerance, and was admitted to hospital. A physical examination revealed the following: resting heart rate of 126 beats/min, blood pressure of 92/66 mmHg and body mass of 112 kg with abdominal girth of 114 cm. The patient had low pulse volume and displaced LV apex with soft S1 and S2, and with S3 gallop. His jugular venous pressure was 15 cm above the sternal angle . His chest sounded clear and he had a firm liver edge.

His electrocardiogram showed sinus tachycardia with poor anterior R waves and nonspecific repolarization abnormalities. A chest x-ray showed cardiomegaly with vascular redistribution. Results of blood tests were normal with no evidence of acute myocardial infarction.

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Heart

Its difficult to overstate the hearts importance to health. Responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, the heart powers the circulatory system that ensures that all the organs and tissues in the body get the oxygen they need.

Unfortunately, heart problems are a leading cause of illness and death in the United States. While its already well-known that factors like poor diet, limited exercise, and smoking can harm the heart, theres a growing recognition of the dangers of sleep deprivation for heart health.

Sleep provides time for the body to restore and recharge, playing a key role in nearly all aspects of physical health. For the cardiovascular system, insufficient or fragmented sleep can contribute to problems with blood pressure and heighten the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, diabetes, and stroke.

As a result, getting good sleep may help prevent damage to the cardiovascular system, and for people with heart problems, can be part of following a heart-healthy lifestyle.

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General Discussion Of Findings

The present meta-analysis is the first determining the effects of any regular physical activity, exercise, or sports on RHR of healthy people by considering different types of sports and exercise as well as differences between males and females. The literature search in six data bases and additional sources revealed a total of 191 primary studies suitable for inclusion that overall encompassed 215 samples, resulting in a comprehensive evaluation of existing studies on the effects of sports and exercise on RHR in males and females.

Music Creation Resources And Tools

Why does your resting heart rate decrease?

For aspiring producers, songwriters and composers, there has never been a time where this much information about music creation and theory has been right at our fingertips. There are so many digital tools available to both make and learn music that almost anyone with an interest can pick them up and start making sounds! Understanding how music works, however, is complex and that’s where online resources and tools such as blogs come in handy. You can use these tools to discover useful information such as the difference between rhythm and beat or how to compose a melody to further your understanding of music and how it’s made.

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Legs Up The Wall To Reduce Resting Heart Rate

The legs up the wall pose is a therapeutic yoga pose that helps your body and mind relax. To do the Viparita Karani pose:

  • Find a comfortable spot near a wall. For example, you can use your bed if its against the wall.
  • Move your hips as close to the wall as you can.
  • Slide your feet up the wall until your legs are parallel with the wall.
  • Relax and inhale deeply and slowly through your nose and exhale slowly through your nose.
  • Try to stay in this pose for 5 minutes. It doesnt need to be perfect. Even having your legs above your heart works if youre relaxed.

    Viparita Karani improves circulation as gravity helps blood flow from your legs back to your heart. Because your heart doesnt need to work as hard, your heart rate lowers.

    How Will You Spend Your Heartbeats

    • Your resting heart rate appears to determine how long you live. And the things you do to lower your resting heart rate are good for your overall health.
    • Theres at least one risk factor of having a very low RHR, but there seems to be a higher risk of overall disease at higher heart rates.
    • Stress, physical or emotional, seems to be the most important factor in determining your heart rate.
    • Exercise allows your body to adapt to stressful situations better. Additionally, it will enable your body to reach a deeper relaxed state as your heart muscle becomes stronger and your circulation becomes more efficient.
    • How do you compare with your age group? I am in the athlete range, but I exercise regularly.
    • If youre going to exercise, build up slowly so your body can adapt.
    • I find the simplest exercises are the most effective. Theyre the ones you can do at home every day without going to the gym.
    • High-intensity interval training is one of the quickest and most effective workouts for resting heart rate, HRV, muscle building, and weight loss. Why not give it a try?
    • You have a maximum number of lifetime heartbeats, use them well.

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    How To Have Healthier Resting Heart Rate

    Studies show that you may die earlier if your resting heart rate is on the higher side. The problem is that most people with a high resting heart rate usually do not know of it. Here are some steps that will help you have a healthier resting heart rate.

    1. Increase Exercise

    While you may think exercise will actually increase your heart rate, things do not work that way with resting heart rate. Your heart rate increases when you exercise, but this stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and lowers beats per minute, which in long term lowers your resting heart rate. Aerobic exercises, interval trainings and resistance exercises prove more beneficial. Swimming, jogging, biking and running work quite well to lower your resting heart rate.

    2. Reduce Stress

    Stress can keep your resting heart rate on the higher side. It also increases inflammation in your body and leads to other secondary health problems as well. Try some relaxation exercises, learn breathing techniques, and do some yoga to keep stress under control, which in turn will help you fall in the normal range on resting heart rate chart.

    3. Avoid Tobacco

    Smoking and tobacco use can affect your resting heart rate, so it is important to quit smoking to lower your heart rate. Start by lowering your tobacco use to keep things under control.

    4. Maintain Healthy Weight

    5. Cut Down on Caffeine

    6. Sleep Well

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