Friday, July 26, 2024

Which Arm Is Heart Attack Sign

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What To Do When A Heart Attack Occurs

How Does Arm Pain Feel In A Heart Attack?

If you believe a person is having a heart attack, have them sitting, keep them calm, loosen any tight clothing they may be wearing, have the person take any chest pain medications like nitroglycerin. If pain does not improve within three minutes of taking the medication, call emergency right away. Always call 911 immediately if a person is unconscious.

DO NOT leave the person, have them convince you not to call 911, wait to see if symptoms go away, give the person anything by mouth unless it is a prescribed medication.

When You See Your Doctor:

  • Bring;a list of your symptoms and when they are occurring.
  • Let them know about any related;family history.
  • Talk about stress or anything going on in your life that might contribute to a problem.

Your doctor likely willlisten to your symptoms and check your pulse and blood pressure. They may orderblood work, which will show whether your heart is;damaged.

They also may use an electrocardiogram ;to tell whether the electrical activity of your heart is normal, or an echocardiogram to view images of the heart to see if damage has occurred.;

All this is important inidentifying any problems and taking steps to intervene before a possible heartattack.

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Heart Attack Warning Signs Arm Pain

This article dwells on heart attack warning signs – arm pain. We all know that arm pain can be caused by injury, trauma, etc. however, do we know arm pain is also an indicator of heart attack? Read more to find out…

This article dwells on heart attack warning signs arm pain. We all know that arm pain can be caused by injury, trauma, etc. however, do we know arm pain is also an indicator of heart attack? Read more to find out

Heart attack is a grave condition befalling people, in which the ever-beating heart receives less oxygenated blood from the lungs. In medical terms, this condition is referred to as myocardial infarction and the reason behind this inadequate supply of oxygenated blood can be blocked or clogged coronary arteries .

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When To See A Doctor

Even if youve ruled out a heart attack or stroke, its always a good idea to follow up with your doctor if you have unexplained numbness in any part of your body. This is especially important if it doesnt seem to go away once you change positions.

During your appointment, make sure to tell your doctor:

  • when your symptoms started

For People With Type 2 Diabetes

Does A Numb Left Arm Mean A Heart Attack?

A doctor might prescribe specific medications for people with type 2 diabetes whose glucose levels remain high despite them making lifestyle changes and taking metformin.

These medications should lower blood glucose and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

A doctor may prescribe either a sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor, such as canagliflozin , or a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist, such as dulaglutide .

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What Not To Do

If you feel heart attack symptoms:

  • Donât delay getting help. “Women generally wait longer than men before going to the emergency room,” says Rita F. Redberg, MD, MSc, FACC, director of Women’s Cardiovascular Services for the UCSF Division of Cardiology in San Francisco. Even if you think your symptoms arenât that bad or will pass, the stakes are too high.
  • Don’t drive yourself to the hospital. You need an ambulance. If you drive, you could have a wreck on the way and possibly hurt yourself or someone else.
  • Donât have a friend or relative drive you, either. You may not get there fast enough.
  • Donât dismiss what you feel. “Don’t worry about feeling silly if you’re wrong,” Goldberg says. You have to get it checked out right away.

“People don’t want to spend hours in an emergency room if it isn’t a heart attack,” Bairey Merz says. “But women are actually good at deciding what is typical for themselves and when to seek health care.”

Nieca Goldberg, MD, medical director, Joan H. Tisch Center for Womenâs Health, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York.

C. Noel Bairey Merz, MD, FACC, FAHA, director, Barbra Streisand Women’s Heart Center; director, Preventive Cardiac Center; professor of medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles.

Rita F. Redberg, MD, MSc, FACC, director, Women’s Cardiovascular Services, UCSF division of cardiology; professor of medicine, UCSF School of Medicine, San Francisco; editor, JAMA Internal Medicine.

What A Heart Attack Feels Like For A Man

The classic symptom of chest pain may not be present in every heart attack, but it remains the most common sign among men. The pain is often described as a pressure or squeezing sensation. Chest pain tends to be located in the center of the chest, but it can be felt from armpit to armpit.

Other common heart attack symptoms for men include:

  • shortness of breath, which sometimes develops before any other symptoms, and may be present when sitting still or moving around
  • back pain, often moving up to the neck
  • arm pain, typically in the left arm, but can be in either or both arms
  • jaw pain that sometimes feels like a bad toothache
  • nausea

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Left Arm Pain Doesnt Always Mean Youre Having A Heart Attack Heres What To Watch For

Left arm pain and how the pain moves can be one of the key differences between mens and womens heart attacks.In men, the left arm pain will move from the shoulder down the left arm or up to the chin. If the pain comes on suddenly and is unusually severe, or is accompanied by pressure or squeezing in the chest, seek emergency treatment immediately.

In women, the pain can be subtler. It can radiate to the right or left arm. It can involve the chin, shoulder blades and upper back. The pain can reach into the abdomen and feel like nausea, indigestion and anxiety. Women are more likely than men to experience shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and back or jaw pain.

Like in men, chest pain or discomfort is a common heart attack symptom in women. The pressure or squeezing can last for more than a few minutes or be intermittent in women. Seek emergency medical treatment immediately if you have heart attack symptoms.

Not all left arm pain, achiness or difficulty moving is a sign of a heart attack. Sometimes the cause is an injury, compressed nerves or other issues that dont involve your heart.

Be mindful of the other symptoms, and if they last for more than a couple minutes, get emergency help.

Men’s And Women’s Heart Attack Signs Differ

Is Arm Pain a Heart Attack Symptom

Tags: Heart Attack , Heart Health ,

Not all heart attacks occur with a sudden, crushing pain in the center of the chest. Heart attack symptoms can vary, and women are more likely to experience a heart attack with no chest pain at all.

That’s why it’s so important to know your own risk factors for a heart attack, said Paul A. Jones, MD, FACP, FACC, the medical director for Franciscan Health Cardiovascular Services in Northern Indiana and South Suburban Chicago.

“The better we educate the public on knowing the risk factors, the higher the likelihood they would be more in tune to some of the potential signs and symptoms of a heart attack,” he said.

Men and women do not usually experience heart attacks the same way.

Women are more likely to experience unusual fatigue and nausea.

Common anginal symptoms in women are discomfort between the shoulder blades, accompanied by sleep disturbance, said Michael Hogan, MD, FACC, cardiologist at Franciscan Health Lafayette.

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Jaw Neck Or Back Pain

Jaw, neck or back pain may also serve as heart attack warning signs. While both men and women may experience pain in these areas ahead of a heart attack, research suggests women experience jaw and back pain, specifically, more frequently than men.

While the above symptoms are not always indications of heart attacks and may have other underlying causes, it is critical that you seek medical care immediately in the event that you or someone else starts exhibiting any of them. Calling 911 may be the fastest and most effective method of receiving prompt care.

If you are having a heart attack, every minute matters. Having emergency responders come to you, rather than you transporting yourself to the hospital, means medical professionals can begin treating you that much faster, which may ultimately mean the difference between life and death.

Heart Attack Warning Signs And Symptoms

Recognising the symptoms of a heart attack and calling Triple Zero could save your life or the life of a loved one. Its important that everyone, both male and female, know the warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack, because early treatment is vital. The longer a blockage is left untreated, the more damage occurs. ; ; ; ;The most common heart attack warning signs are:;;

  • Chest discomfort or pain . This can feel like uncomfortable pressure, aching, numbness, squeezing, fullness or pain in your chest. This discomfort can spread to your arms, neck, jaw or back. It can last for several minutes or come and go;
  • Dizziness, light-headedness, feeling faint or feeling anxious;
  • Nausea, indigestion, vomiting;
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing with or without chest discomfort;
  • Sweating or a cold sweat. ; ;

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Why Are Arm Pain And Heart Attack Connected

Most often a heart attack occurs when a obstructs blood flow into your heart muscle . This commonly causes a cramping or squeezing pain in the center or right side of your chest. Heart attack symptoms are extremely variable, but sometimes the pain in your chest extends to one or both shoulders and arms.

In addition to shoulder and , you may also have , aching or discomfort in other areas of your upper body, such as your neck, jaw or back, without any chest pain. This happens more commonly in women than in men.

The Following Are Heart Attack Warning Signs:

Heart Attack Signs in Women: A Handy Guide to Symptoms
  • Pressure, burning, tightness, or pressure-like discomfort in your chest, lasting five minutes or longer.
  • Constant indigestion-like discomfort.
  • Uncomfortable pressure in your chest that moves to your shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, or back.
  • Lightheadedness, fainting, sweating, or a sick stomach.
  • Unexplained shortness of breath.
  • Unexplained anxiety, weakness, nausea or tiredness.
  • Awareness of abnormalities in the normal beating of the heart, with unexplained sweating and pale skin.

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How To Know When To Visit The Er For A Heart Attack

Each year, about 805,000 Americans suffer a heart attack. The symptoms of a heart attack vary not only from person to person, but also from heart attack to heart attack in the same person.

It is important to remember that heart attacks can occur gradually or all of a sudden. Therefore, make sure you know the symptoms and call 911 immediately if you or your loved ones are experiencing signs of a heart attack.

Arm Back Neck Jaw Or Stomach Pain Or Discomfort

Heart attack pain may not be confined to the chest area. Pain or discomfort in your arm, back, neck, jaw, or stomach can also be heart attack-related.

But many people do not associate pain in these areas with having a heart attack which may prevent them from getting immediate medical attention.

Some head-to-toe signs of a heart attack include:

  • Lightheadedness
  • Jaw, neck, or back pain
  • Arm or shoulder pain or discomfort
  • Shortness of breath

If you feel sudden discomfort in these areas, call 9-1-1.

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You Get Exhausted Easily

If you suddenly feel fatigued or winded after doing something you had no problem doing in the past — like climbing the stairs or carrying groceries from the car — make an appointment with your doctor right away.

“These types of significant changes are more important to us than every little ache and pain you might be feeling,” Bufalino says.

Extreme exhaustion or unexplained weakness, sometimes for days at a time, can be a symptom of heart disease, especially for women.

What Are The Symptoms Of Heart Attack

What are the signs & symptoms of a heart attack?

The major symptoms of a heart attack are

  • Chest pain or discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center or left side of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or that goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain.
  • Feeling weak, light-headed, or faint. You may also break out into a cold sweat.
  • Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, or back.
  • Pain or discomfort in one or both arms or shoulders.
  • Shortness of breath. This often comes along with chest discomfort, but shortness of breath also can happen before chest discomfort.

Other symptoms of a heart attack could include unusual or unexplained tiredness and nausea or vomiting. Women are more likely to have these other symptoms.;Learn more about women and heart disease.

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack.1Learn more facts about heart attack and heart disease.

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Heart Attack Symptoms: Women Vs Men

Women may experience classic symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath as many men do, but they also tend to experience stomach pain, back pain, and other non-classic symptoms.

Because of the subtlety in those symptoms, many women brush off these warning signs and already have heart damage by the time they get to the Emergency Department.

And many women put their families before their own health. But you cant take care of your loved ones if your own health is not where it needs to be.

What Can You Do To Avoid/recover A Heart Attack

Preventive measurement is always better than searching for a heart attack treatment!;;;

A heart attack affects the hearts rhythm, which is its ability to pump blood, and many times damages the heart intensely. Thus, it increases the risk for another heart attack or stroke and leads to kidney and peripheral arterial disease .

Unfortunately, we are witnessing a higher number of heart patients than ever? Yes, thats true. And the reason is, we have left behind nature, and we arent working on the root causes leading to all these deadly diseases. At Your Care Mentor, Dr. Sharafat Ali squeezes his lifelong research and knowledge to explain lifestyle modifications to control heart attack rates.;

Lifestyle modifications by Dr Sharafat Ali to Avoid Heart Attack are;;

Tip#1: Stay close to nature as much as possible. Avoid processed or frozen food and always eat fresh.;;

Tip#2: Do not use processed or refined oils for cooking. Oil is the primary source of Lipoprotein and Cholesterol and thus; should be selected wisely.

Tip#3: Use natural clay pots to cook and eat food as these pots are alkaline and dont make your food acidic.; ;

Tip#4: Never use the pots prone to scratching like steel, stainless steel, or non-stick pans as they thicken the blood.;

Tip#5: Use Himalayan Pink Salt instead of processed sea salt as Himalayan salt is rich in minerals and doesnt disturb blood chemistry.;

Tip#7: Shift to pure jaggery instead of processed and refined white sugar.;

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Heart Attack Symptoms And Warning Signs

A heart attack happens when an artery that feeds oxygen-rich blood to the heart becomes obstructed. The heart muscle begins to die, and heart attack symptoms begin.

  • Sudden shortness of breath.
  • Sudden sweating or flu-like symptoms, including nausea, clamminess or cold sweats.
  • Unusual fatigue, light-headedness, weakness or dizziness.
  • Pain that radiates. Men and women often experience this pain differently, as explained below.
  • Intermittent pain that lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back. This sensation can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing or fullness.
  • Anxiety or a feeling of doom.
  • If you have angina: Any change in the frequency, duration or intensity of symptoms, which do not respond to nitroglycerin.

Heart Attack: The Often Overlooked Sign That Appears Days Before A Deadly Attack

Heart Attack Symptoms, Risk, and Recovery

Heart attacks occur when the artery leading to the heart becomes blood, but on occasion, the artery may only become partially blocked. This explains why the onset of symptoms may not always be abrupt, but may conversely be gradual, showing signs in the days leading up to an acute event. These types of symptoms, researchers have warned, can be misleading for both health professionals and heart attack sufferers.

Heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death worldwide, typically caused by sudden obstruction of blood flow to the heart.

Researchers have warned, however, that when this blockage in the artery is gradual, some signs may offer clues in the days leading up to an incident.

One atypical sign, which is often overlooked or dismissed as indigestion is abdominal pain.

This discomfort in the abdominal area may be comparable to an empty or full stomach nausea, feeling bloated or having an upset stomach.

These feelings of discomfort in the abdominal area may occur both in men and in women.

Abdominal pain is diagnosed in 50 percent of cases of heart attack and occurs in episodes.

This means cramps may ease and return for short periods of time, and physical tensions during these phases may worsen upset stomach pains.

Other early signs of a heart attack may include fatigue, which is more commonly reported among women than men.


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