Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Coffee Cause Heart Attack

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Coffee May Trigger Heart Attack

Caffeine & the Heart: Your Health

Attacks After Single Cup, Light Drinkers Most at Risk

Research in the September issue of Epidemiology suggests coffee can trigger a heart attack within an hour in some people.

Java junkies can take some comfort from the finding that the risk was highest among light coffee drinkers .

For those people, the risk of heart attack increased fourfold when they indulged.

Couch potatoes and those with other risk factors for heart disease were also at greater risk of having a heart attack after drinking a cup of coffee, the study showed.

As a result of these findings, “people at high risk for a heart attack who are occasional or regular coffee drinkers might consider quitting coffee altogether,” says researcher Ana Baylin, a research associate at Brown University School of Medicine in Providence, RI, in a news release.

Baylin, who works in the department of nutrition at Brown, adds that for these individuals, a cup of coffee could be “the straw that broke the camel’s back.”

Baylin and colleagues suggest caffeine causes short-term increases in blood pressure and sympathetic nervous activity that could trigger a heart attack.

On the other hand, previous studies have shown coffee drinkers may be at decreased risk for Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancers.

Is Coffee Associated With Cardiovascular Disease

Dozens of studies have examined the association between coffee andcardiovascular disease. Not surprisingly, in El-Sohemy’s opinion,some have shown an increased risk of cardiovascular disease withcaffeine exposure, others have shown no effect, and yet others haveshown a decreased effect with moderate consumption. Some studies haveshown a U-shaped or J-shaped association, with moderate consumptionassociated with the lowest risk. There are many possible reasons forthese inconsistencies. One is the genetic background of the populationbeing studied. El-Sohemy and his research team wanted to explore thepossibility that individuals with certain genotypes are more vulnerableand at greater risk while individuals with certain other genotypesexperience no effect or might actually benefit from moderateconsumption.

El-Sohemy explained that he and his team were interested specifically incaffeine. After all, he said, coffee is a complex beverage with manykinds of bioactive substances. Some, such as the polyphenols, with theirantioxidant properties, are believed to have beneficial effects, whereasothers, such as the diterpenoids, which are known to raise low-densitylipoprotein cholesterol, could have adverse effects.

Odds ratios of risk of myocardial infarction with coffeeintake. NOTES: AA = fast caffeine metabolizer, AC + CC = slow caffeinemetabolizer. Top panel: all study participants bottom panel:study participants less than 50 years of age. SOURCE: Cornelis

Risk Highest For Light Drinkers

In the new study, moderate coffee drinkers raised their risk of having a heart attack by 60% by drinking a cup of coffee.

But light coffee drinkers increased their risk of heart attack by more than four times with one cup, according to the study. Little effect was seen among heavy coffee drinkers . What’s more, coffee drinkers who have three or more risk factors for heart disease more than doubled their risk of sustaining a heart attack after downing a cup.

The new study was based on 503 cases of nonfatal heart attacks in Costa Rica.

The researchers asked participants about their coffee consumption in the hours and days before their heart attack.

Although the study was conducted in Costa Rica, the researchers say the results are relevant to the U.S. because Americans and Costa Ricans have similar caffeine habits.

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Caffeine In Individuals At Rest Improves Ecf

Caffeine in individuals at rest is believed to improve ECF by increasingintracellular calcium, which in turn stimulates expression ofendothelial nitric oxide synthase, which itself stimulates theendothelial cells to produce nitric oxide. The nitric oxide thendiffuses to the vascular smooth muscle, which lies just underneath theendothelial cells, and results in vascular smooth muscle vasodilatation. Caffeine can also bind directly to the vascular smoothmuscle cell receptors and, through similar mechanisms, causevasodilatation .

What Should And What Shouldnt We Believe

Energy drinks

The researchers also noted that moderate and heavy coffee drinkers were more likely to be male, habitual smokers, and frequent drinkers of alcohol.

Although our study included individuals who drink up to 25 cups a day, the average intake amongst the highest coffee consumption group was five cups a day. We would like to study these people more closely in our future work so that we can help to advise safe limits, Fung also specifies.

Prof. Metin Avkiran, who is Associate Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation, and who was not involved in the current research, explains that such studies about the relationship between coffee consumption habits and heart health can help individuals make better-informed decisions.

Understanding the impact that coffee has on our heart and circulatory system is something that researchers and the media have had brewing for some time. There are several conflicting studies saying different things about coffee, and it can be difficult to filter what we should believe and what we shouldnt.

Prof. Metin Avkiran

This research will hopefully put some of the media reports in perspective, as it rules out one of the potential detrimental effects of coffee on our arteries, Prof. Avkiran says.

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Negative Effects On The Heart

Caffeines effect on overall health is one of the biggest concerns when it comes to coffee. Coffees caffeine content is high about 100 mg per 8-ounce cup.

Caffeine increases heart rate and blood pressure, and too much of it can cause anxiety, insomnia, headaches, stomach irritation and an irregular heartbeat. Its also addictive.

About 400 mg is the maximum amount of caffeine you should consume in one day, which equals about four cups of coffee.

Besides the caffeine content, many people dont consume their coffee black, and its here where coffee can go from good for you to bad. Adding creamer and sugar can significantly increase the calorie, sugar and fat content. This can cause weight gain, diabetes and increased blood sugar levels, which can lead to heart disease and other health problems.

Finally, while filtered coffee can have a positive effect on the heart, unfiltered coffee like French press significantly raises the risk for cardiovascular disease.

Personalized Dietary Advice Versus Public Healthrecommendations

El-Sohemy concluded by emphasizing the importance of individual variationand the challenge of reconciling public health advice with personalizeddietary advice. A one-size-fits-all approach clearlydoes not apply when it comes to caffeine consumption. There are probablymany other genetic variants, in addition to those described here, thatexplain other types of responses. In El-Sohemy’s opinion, it ishighly unlikely that the several cases of premature death following theconsumption of energy drinks are caused by CYP1A2 variation, which isvery common in the population, or COMT variation, which is also fairlycommon. But it is likely that the cases are caused by some other geneticvariant. He said, But what we don’t know is how commonthat other genetic variant is because it has not yet beenidentified. In terms of regulation, he stressed the importanceof taking into account these vulnerable subgroups and ensuringthat they are protected.

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Healthy Satisfying Beverage Swaps

Water is the best choice for kids and adults, though sometimes we want a pop of flavor. Try one of these refreshing, non-caffeinated drinks instead:

  • Sparkling water with slices of fruit to enhance the flavor
  • Caffeine-free soda, in moderation

Your child doesnt have to eliminate all caffeine. A cup of coffee or an energy drink every now and then likely wont cause most kids harm. But continual caffeine and sugar overconsumption can be habit-forming and it is not good for their overall health. Weaning them off caffeine and added sugar slowly can help fend off withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, irritability, or sleepiness. These symptoms are normal and should subside within a few weeks.

However, if your child is still struggling with daytime fatigue or moodiness after a couple weeks with reduced caffeine, they might have a disrupted sleep cycle, which can interfere with everything from focus at school to emotional and cardiovascular health. Talk with your pediatrician, who can help create a plan to improve your childs sleep hygiene.

Its tough to help kids understand that small, healthy swaps they make now can have a ripple effect on their future. Theyre living in the moment, and after the challenges of the last few years, many are looking for a renewed rush of energy.

To talk with a doctor about your childs caffeine or sugar intake, call orrequest an appointment online.

Treatment In Case Of Caffeine Overdose

Can Caffeine Cause Heart Attacks?

The treatment for a caffeine overdose should be getting it out of the body while controlling the symptoms. You may need to take activated charcoal, a common drug overdose remedy that often prevents caffeine from entering the gastrointestinal tract. If caffeine has already entered your gastrointestinal tract, you may have to use a laxative or gastric lavage. Gastric lavage involves utilizing a tube to pump and wash out the contents of your stomach.

Your physician will likely choose the procedure that works fastest to get the caffeine out of your body. During this time, the doctor will monitor your heart through an ECG . You may also receive respiratory support when necessary.

Home treatment may not always speed up your bodys metabolism to eliminate caffeine. If you are unsure whether you need treatment, call your doctor or the Poison Control Department and describe your symptoms. If they say your symptoms are severe, you may need immediate treatment at your local hospital.

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Two Cups May Be The Magic Number

In the third study, known as the National Institute of Health’s Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, the risk for heart failure did not change for participants who drank between zero or one cup of coffee per day. However, those who drank two cups a day saw around a 30% lower risk.

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Human Studies On The Effect Of Caffeine On Arrhythmias And Othercardiac End Points

Many health effects that are observed in association with caffeineexposure are those that occur on sympathetic excitation, according toGoldberger. examined the effect of coffee on sympathetic nerveactivity in a placebo-controlled trial of 15 healthy volunteers . A number of interventionswere tested, including intravenous caffeine versus placebo anda triple espresso versus a decaf triple espresso . The researchers reported a sustained increase in caffeine levelsin the intravenous caffeine group and, not surprisingly inGoldberger’s opinion, a small increase in blood pressure and adrop in heart rate. Sympathetic nerve activity, as measured by a numberof different techniques, also increased. The placebo group showed nochange over time. With coffee drinking, there was no difference betweenhabitual versus nonhabitual coffee drinkers with respect to sympatheticnerve activity or caffeine levels. A striking finding, inGoldberger’s opinion, was that decaf administered to nonhabitualusers increased blood pressure and sympathetic nerve activity. Habitualusers showed no increase in blood pressure.

More broadly, there are studies that have examined other cardiovascularoutcomes, some of which have shown negative outcomes in association withcaffeine use and others positive outcomes. For example, ,a health professional’s follow-up study, reported lower rates ofcoronary heart disease with caffeine consumption. But other studies haveshown the opposite, according to Goldberger.

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Several Brewing Methods Lead To Higher Cholesterol

Study authors analyzed survey data from 21,083 people, collected between 2015 and 2016, as part of a long-term population study in Tromsø. Participants were asked how many daily cups of coffee they drank, ranging from none to six or more.

They were also asked what type of brew they preferred, with a choice of filtered, cafetière or espresso from a coffee machine, pods, mocha pots, or instant. Researchers then took blood samples from each participant and also measured their height and weight.

The team also factored in other relevant health information, like whether they smoked, drank alcohol, and how often they exercised. Overall, women averaged four cups of coffee a day, while men enjoyed five cups.

Results show drinking three to five daily cups of espresso significantlyincreased cholesterol levels, particularly among men. Consuming six or more cups of French press coffee led to higher cholesterol levels among both sexes. The same amount of filtered coffee increased cholesterol among women, but not men. Instant coffee also had a different impact on men and womens cholesterol, increasing it but not at the same rates.

Caffeine Plus Exercise Decreases Ecf

For The Love Of Coffee And Its Affects On Stress Levels

As a sports cardiologist, Higgins is especially interested in ECF asmeasured by myocardial blood flow. He described results from threestudies based on measurements of either myocardial perfusion by positronemission tomography or brachial artery ECF by flow-mediated dilation. Flow-mediated dilation measurements are also anaccepted surrogate for coronary artery ECF .

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Is Caffeine Causing My Heart Palpitations

For years researchers believed caffeines stimulant effects on the heart were responsible for heart palpitations. Recent research suggests this isnt necessarily the case. That doesnt mean caffeine isnt causing your heart symptoms, and it doesnt vindicate caffeine completely.

The body adapts to the effects of caffeine. Therefore, healthy people who regularly drink coffee are unlikely to experience symptoms such as heart palpitations. Caffeine can cause heart palpitations in people with a sensitivity to caffeine and those with an underlying heart condition.

If youre new to caffeine consumption or drink excess amounts, youre more likely to experience heart symptoms. The only way to know for sure is to visit a heart specialist for a checkup.

Reasons Why Coffee Is Good For You

Ah, coffee. Whether youre cradling a travel mug on your way to work or dashing out after spin class to refuel with a skinny latte, its hard to imagine a day without it. The caffeine perks you up, and theres something incredibly soothing about sipping a steaming cup of joe. But is drinking coffee good for you?

Good news: The case for coffee is stronger than ever. Study after study indicates you could be getting more from your favorite morning beverage than you thought: Coffee is chock full of substances that may help guard against conditions more common in women, including Alzheimers disease and heart disease.

Caffeine is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about coffee. But coffee also contains antioxidants and other active substances that may reduce internal inflammation and protect against disease, say nutrition experts from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

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Can Caffeine Cause Heart Disease

Heart disease is typically the result of several factors, such as poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and smoking. The research has been somewhat inconsistent as to whether or not caffeine plays a roleand the extent to which it plays a role.

A 2016 study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association concluded that there is no relationship between chronic caffeine consumption and irregular heartbeats (the kinds of arrhythmias that lead to heart- and stroke-related death. In other words, coffee by itself probably wont kill youeven if your heart is in less-than-perfect condition.

However, not all of the research has been positive. A 2006 study concluded that at-risk individuals were four times more likely to experience a heart attack within an hour of drinking coffee. The consumption didnt cause heart disease rather, it increased the likelihood of heart attack in people already suffering from heart disease. Oddly enough, the risk was highest among light drinkers . Light drinkers experience more of a jolt to the system as a result of lower caffeine tolerance.

The apparent discrepancy between these two studies may be resolved when we consider the role of hypertension . Hypertension is a leading contributor to heart disease and cardiac arrhythmias. When you cause already-high blood pressure to spike via caffeine consumption, the risk of a cardiac event increases. The caffeine just exacerbates the pre-existing condition.

What Are Heart Palpitations

Could three cups of coffee a day reduce your risk of heart attack?

Most of the time, youre likely unaware of the beating or rhythm of your heart. A normal resting heart rate is 60 to 100 beats-per-minute, and the heart has a characteristic rhythm when it beats. Unless your heart is beating fast or hard, you likely wont notice it beating.

Heart palpitations are the feeling that your heart is beating irregularly. It may feel like its pounding, beating too fast, or fluttering. Common causes of heart palpitations include:

  • Certain medications

Stimulants, including caffeine, are known to affect heart rate, but just how does caffeine affect the heart?

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Is Coffee Bad For The Heart Or Not

Studies on coffee consumption variously claim that coffee harms the arteries, that it protects the heart, or that it has no effect on cardiovascular health. New research on thousands of participants weighs in again on the link between this favorite beverage and heart health.

Does coffee harm, protect, or have no effect on heart health and the vascular system?

For years, scientists have been trying to answer these questions, since coffee is such a favorite beverage around the world.

While some studies warn that drinking coffee can increase a persons risk of cardiovascular events, others suggest that it can help maintain heart health and blood vessel function.

Some research has suggested that regularly drinking a lot of coffee contributes to aortic stiffness this is when the aorta, which is the largest blood vessel in the human body, becomes less and less flexible. Aortic stiffness can contribute to the risk of cardiovascular disease.

At the same time, other evidence has indicated that drinking more than three cups of coffee a day can protect against atherosclerosis, a condition in which plaque builds up inside the arteries, preventing blood from flowing normally.

Now, a new study conducted by researchers from the Queen Mary University of London in the United Kingdom has found that even people who drink a significant amount of coffee each day do not experience arterial stiffness, meaning that coffee does not increase their risk of cardiovascular problems in this way.

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