Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Do’s And Don Ts For Heart Attack Patients

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Physical Activity And Exercise

Dos and donts for Heart patients

Normal physical activity and regular exercise are advised for most people who have had a heart attack. You should try to be physically active – for example, take the stairs whenever possible, walk to the shops, and wash your car.

In the past, people thought that exercise ‘put a strain on the heart’ and was bad. However, quite the opposite is true for most people who recover from a heart attack. Physical activity and regular exercise are good for the heart. Indeed, regular exercise is one of the main parts of heart rehabilitation programmes that are popular after having a heart attack. Regular exercise is a major way to reduce the risk of having a further heart attack.

However, before starting regular exercise, discuss it with your doctor. This is because strenuous exercise in certain situations may not be advised. For example, some people with heart valve problems may be advised not to exercise. However, these people are the exception. For most people who have had a heart attack, exercise is beneficial.

After a heart attack it is best to build up your level of activity and exercise gradually. For the first week or so, try simply to go for a short walk each day. Everyone is different and the length of the walk depends on how fit you were to start with. For some people, at first it may simply be a walk to the end of the garden and back for others, a walk to the end of the road for others, a bit further.

Watch How To Help Someone Who May Be Having A Heart Attack

What is angina?

Angina is a tight feeling in the chest.

The tight feeling happens because the arteries narrow, restricting the blood supply to the heart. Angina often happens when a person is exercising or excited. Symptoms include chest pain and shortness of breath but, unlike a heart attack, symptoms ease with rest and taking prescribed medication.

Most people diagnosed with angina manage it with tablets or spray medication. During an angina attack, the pain should reduce if the person rests and takes their prescribed medication. Call 999 if the pain doesnt reduce after two doses of medication, as they may be having a heart attack.

Essential Steps To Surviving A Heart Attack

Every 43 seconds, someone in the U.S. has a heart attack. Yet the outlook has never looked better for patients who recognize symptoms and get to the hospital promptly.

Over the past decade, hospitals and health systems have quietly revolutionized the way they treat heart attacks. Ambulances now electronically transmit electrocardiogram images ahead when a heart attack patient is on the way, setting the ER and catheterization lab into motion before the patient even gets to the hospital. The result: the critical time window between arriving at the hospital and getting treated has been slashed to an hour or less across much of the country.

But healthcare still faces another big challenge. About 40% of heart attack victims never make it to the hospital to benefit from these successes. About 120,000 people die from heart attacks each year because they didnt call 911 and seek help in time.

We invite you to take aim at these numbers. Heres how you can help yourself or someone close to you from becoming a casualty.

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Check Your Blood Pressure Regularly

It is important to have your blood pressure checked regularly. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease. Normal blood pressure is less than 140/90 mm Hg. If you are being treated for high blood pressure, the usual target is to reduce blood pressure in someone who has had a heart attack to below 130/80 mm Hg. This figure may vary depending on whether you have other conditions – for example, kidney disease.

Lifestyle factors can help to lower blood pressure, such as eating a healthy diet, exercise, losing weight if you are overweight, and not eating much salt. Medication is advised if your blood pressure remains persistently high. See the separate leaflet called High Blood Pressure for more details.

Tips For A Healthier Lifestyle

Recovering From a Heart Attack: Dos and Don

There are steps you can take to recover from a heart attack and preventing another one in the future. This is known as secondary prevention. First, make sure you understand your type of heart disease. Your doctor will tell you risk factors and how to help prevent future damage to your heart. Then, follow the tips below for a healthy lifestyle.

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How Will I Know If Someone Is Having A Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when the heart cant get enough oxygen. A lack of oxygen causes the heart muscle to die. The most common symptom is . But this is only half the story. Sometimes people can have other symptoms withor withoutchest pain including:

  • Any type of or pressure, such as squeezing or achiness

  • Feeling queasy or throwing up

  • Looking white as a ghost

  • or feeling unusually tired

  • Difficulty breathing

Take Care Of Your Heart

Of course, its best to avoid heart problems from developing in the first place. To do so, maintain a healthy weight stop smoking manage risk factors and get moving. That can help, even if you end up having a heart attack. Your fitness level before a heart attack is a strong predictor of your long-term survival, according to recent data.

For additional information about evaluating your individual risk, go to

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Symptoms Of Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Sudden cardiac arrest is when the heart stops and person falls unconscious.

The person may:

  • appear not to be breathing
  • not be moving
  • not respond to any stimulation, like being touched or spoken to

This is a leading cause of premature death, but with immediate treatment, many lives can be saved. The heart stops because the electrical rhythm that controls the heart is replaced by a disorganised electrical rhythm. The quicker this can be treated, the greater the chance of successful resuscitation.

Read more on cardiac arrest from the British Heart Foundation

Heart Attack Dos And Donts

Dos and Donts for Heart patients (Facebook Live: Part – 7) | By Dr. Bimal Chhajer | Saaol


  • Regular exercise. It increases the threshold of exertion that could precipitate angina, increases HDL cholesterol level, lowers blood pressure, decreases obesity and promotes collateral circulation in the heart.
  • Maintain ideal body weight.
  • Take diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits and polyunsaturated fatty acid.
  • Take antianginal medicines regularly as per the instruction of your doctor.
  • Take the antihypertensive, antidiabetic or lipid lowering drugs regularly if prescribed and get your blood pressure or blood sugar checked frequently.
  • Immediately consult your doctor in case of danger signals


  • Dont exert to that extent which can precipitate angina.
  • Avoid situations which can lead to emotional outbursts.
  • Stop smoking and avoid heavy drinking.
  • Dont take diet rich in salt and saturated fat.

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What To Do When They Happen

If you or someone youâre with has chest discomfort or other heart attack symptoms, call 911 right away. While your first impulse may be to drive yourself or the heart attack victim to the hospital, itâs better to get an ambulance. Emergency medical services personnel can start treatment on the way to the hospital. Theyâre also trained to revive a person if their heart stops.

If you can’t reach EMS, drive the person to the hospital. If youâre the one with the symptoms, donât drive yourself to the hospital unless you have no other choice.

Many people delay treatment because they doubt they are having a heart attack. They don’t want to bother or worry their friends and family.

Itâs always better to be safe than sorry.

Stress Anxiety And Relaxation

It is commonly believed that stress can cause a heart attack. However, medical research has failed to show this and the conclusion is that stress does not cause a heart attack.

However, being stressed and anxious can make you feel generally unwell in yourself.Some people have unfounded concerns and wrong beliefs about heart attacks, which can cause symptoms of anxiety.

Don’t be afraid of talking to your doctor if you have concerns about your health. Alternatively, ring the helpline of the British Heart Foundation for advice . They will give correct up-to-date advice .

Many people who become anxious benefit from learning to positively relax. See the separate leaflets called Stress Management and Relaxation Exercises for more details.

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Whats The Difference Between A Heart Attack And A Cardiac Arrest

A heart attack is a sudden interruption to the blood supply to part of the heart muscle. Its likely to cause chest pain and permanent damage to the heart. The heart is still sending blood around the body, and the person remains conscious and is still breathing.

A cardiac arrest happens when the heart suddenly stops pumping blood around the body. Someone whos having a cardiac arrest will suddenly lose consciousness and will stop breathing – or stop breathing normally. Unless immediately treated by cardiopulmonary resuscitation , this always leads to death within minutes.

A person having a heart attack is at high risk of experiencing a cardiac arrest.

Both a heart attack and a cardiac arrest are life-threatening medical emergencies and require immediate medical help.

Dos And Don’ts For A Healthy Heart

Heart attack patients do better in America

Learn these little-known heart helpers and harms.

quicklist: 2category: Heart Health Dos and Don’tstitle: Tea: Dourl:text: Both green and black varieties may help reduce “bad” cholesterol . Having regular cups can also improve artery function. Skip bottled versions and brew it yourself for the biggest benefits.

quicklist: 3category: Heart Health Dos and Don’tstitle: Magnesium: Dourl:text: The mineral plays a crucial role in helping your heart beat, and an extra 200 milligrams daily could slash your cardiac disease risk by 22 percent. Load your plate with magnesium superstars like whole grains, nuts, and leafy greens.

quicklist: 4category: Heart Health Dos and Don’tstitle: Happy Hour: Dourl:text: Yup, you read that right. Light tippling may drop your risk for sudden cardiac death by 30 to 40 percent. Just keep it to one drink or less per day. More than that has the opposite effect. And no need to start drinking if you don’t already!

8 Ways to Protect Your Ticker

quicklist: 5category: Heart Health Dos and Don’tstitle: Constant Noise: Don’turl:text: Living near a busy airport or always being around loud traffic could raise your heart disease risk. Experts believe noise pollution can cause an uptick in stress, which increases blood pressure. Earplugs!

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Lifestyle Changes To Improve Your Cholesterol

If you have had a heart attack, you may feel worried and overwhelmed. You probably have a lot of questions. We can help answer some of these questions and provide ways to recover and stay well.

To start, its important to take care of yourself. Look to those around you for help during this time. Talk to your doctor for specific advice or if you have any concerns.

Emergencies Can Happen Anywhere In A Shopping Centre On The Street At A Social Function Or In Your Own Home Here Are The Dos And Donts Of How To Respond From Er24 Coastal Regional Manager Clinton Britz

As ER24 coastal regional manager Clinton Britz explains, the best thing to do in a medical crisis is to remain calm and call for emergency assistance. Before rushing to assist anyone, assess your personal safety, he says. Dont rush across busy roads or enter hazardous zones unnecessarily.

Chest pains

If you think someone is having a heart attack, immediate action could save their life. Although there are many causes of chest pains, including acid reflux and anxiety, it is crucial to take the symptoms seriously.

A heart attack is a sudden interruption of the blood supply to part of the heart muscle. The heart is still sending blood to the body, and the person remains conscious and is still breathing. The patient very often experiences sudden onset of acute, unresolving, severe chest pain, central in nature which may radiate to the arm or neck. The patient may also present with nausea, and have cool, clammy greyish in colour skin.

  • DONT wait to see if the symptoms subside.
  • DONT let the person walk around
  • DONT lie the person down flat on the floor if they are still conscious as this makes it harder to breathe. A semi seated position with their head and shoulders supported is best if conscious.

Most people know to do mouth-to-mouth straight away, but you dont always have to use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, says Clinton. Chest-only compressions can be just as effective.

To carry out hands-only CPR:





  • DONT let them get up too quickly

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Food Items You Can Easily Consume If You Are A Heart Patient

  • Fruits: Guava, papaya, orange, pomegranate, apple, pear, mosambi, avocado, berries, grapes that help in maintaining blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Vegetables: green-leafed vegetables, all gourd vegetables, ladyfinger, cabbage, cauliflower, beetroot these are great sources of vitamins and rich in antioxidants.

We hope that we could answer your questions regarding Diet Plan for Heart Patients through this article.

If you want more information about the Diet Plan for Heart Patients, you can contact a Dietician.

We only aim to give you information through this article. We do not recommend medication, treatment in any way. Only a doctor can give you the best advice.

Preventing Heart Diseases: Dos And Donts

Dos and donts for Heart patients

Any disease that affects the normal functioning of blood vessels vascular arteries, veins) and the heart are categorized under cardiovascular diseases. May be you have already come across a quote: As the arteries grow hard, Heart grows soft. The key cause of majority of the cases of Cardiovascular disease is deposition of fat on the inner lining of arteries leading to hardening of the arteries. Due to atheroma deposition smooth muscle cells migrate from the muscular layer of the vessel and cover the fatty streak. When the muscle cells continue to divide, benign smooth muscle tumors, called atheromas, are present . The presence of plaque can interfere with circulation.

Angina, heart attack , aneurysm, hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis, Peripheral Vascular Disease are some of the common cardiovascular diseases. Genetic factors that predispose an individual to cardiovascular disease include family history of heart attack under age 55, male gender, and ethnicity. However, people with one or more of these risk factors need not despair. It only means that they need to pay particular attention to the following guidelines for heart-healthy lifestyle.

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Donts For Heat Stroke

Here are some of the effective donts for heat stroke that can keep you healthy.

  • Drinking cold water on an empty stomach as it may cause stomach cramping
  • Avoid too much exercising, especially when on empty stomach or when outdoors.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol, caffeine, or sodas as these can accelerate loss of fluids from the body.
  • Avoid staying inside a closed car for long durations, especially when the car is under the fiery heat of the sun

What Health Markers Should I Monitor

Keep an eye on your cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and your BMI. If you have diabetes, make sure to adhere to your medications and monitor your blood sugar levels closely. Keeping those numbers within a healthy range can greatly improve your heart health and reduce your risk for heart disease and a second heart attack.

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A Heart Attack Also Called A Myocardial Infarction Is Life

New Delhi: Most of us know that the risk of getting a heart attack increases as we age. However, the incidence of young people suffering a heart attack is increasing. Truth is, heart attacks can strike at any age. Unfortunately, people in India are now getting heart attacks at a much younger age. In fact, it is said that Indians have a heart attack almost a decade earlier than the West. One study conducted in a large tertiary care centre in Chennai showed that 22 percent of heart attacks occurred in people younger than 40 years of age and 5 percent occurred in patients who are still in their twenties. In a tragic incident, news agency ANI reported that a twenty-one-year-old boy Bandaru Vaishnav, the son of former Union minister and Bharatiya Janata Party MP Bandaru Dattatreya died after suffering a heart attack on Wednesday.

A heart attack, also called a myocardial infarction, is life-threatening. It happens when there is a sudden loss of blood flow to a part of your heart muscle. While most heart attacks are caused by coronary heart disease, there are certain factors that increase the risk of a heart attack such as a family history, age, obesity, stress, lack of physical activity, tobacco, health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Heart attack symptoms may vary from one person to another. However, knowing some of the most common signs of can be beneficial, helping you to take appropriate steps in time. Common heart attack signs may include –


Should I Say Goodbye To Sex

Recovery Tips for Life After a Heart Attack

Youre probably wondering how your heart attack will impact your sex life, or if you can ever have sex again at all. According to the American Heart Association, most people can continue their same pattern of sexual activity a few weeks after recovery.

Dont be shy about starting a conversation with your doctor to figure out when its safe for you.

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On The Eve Of The Holy Month Of Ramadan Dr Upendra Kaul Sets Down A List To Guide Heart Patients Through The Fasting Process

Ahead of the holy month of Ramadan when devout Muslims observe fast, a leading Indian cardiologist has come out with a set of do’s and don’ts for people with heart diseases, cautioning patients of uncontrolled hypertension in particular.

Dr Upendra Kaul, Executive Director and Dean Cardiology at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute in New Delhi said that complete fast with no food or water from dawn to dusk can be taxing for patients with heart diseases. His advice is at follows:

* Hypertension: Patients with hypertension, who are often on multiple drugs, are advised to ensure before the beginning of the holy month that their blood pressure is reasonably well controlled. There are several combination tablets which can be taken early morning before the start of fasting and after breaking the fast. Patients on diuretics should not take a high dose and preferably take the water pills in the evening. Patients with uncontrolled hypertension should strictly refrain from going on fast.

* Angina and old myocardial infarction: Patients with angina or chest pain and old myocardial infarction or heart attack who are able to perform normal activities can observe the fast however, they should reduce their physical activity during the month. People with a recent heart attack should refrain from observing fast on strict medical grounds.

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