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What Is A Stemi Heart Attack

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What Happens During Coronary Angioplasty

What is a STEMI heart attack?

A tiny tube known as a balloon catheter will be put into a large artery in your groin or arm. The catheter passes through your blood vessels and up to your heart. This is done over a fine guide-wire, using x-rays to guide it. It is then moved into the narrowed section of your coronary artery.

Once in position, the balloon is inflated inside the narrowed part of the coronary artery to open it wide. A stent is usually inserted into the artery to help keep it open afterwards.

Medicine To Break Down Blood Clots

Medicines used to break down blood clots are called thrombolytics or fibrinolytics. They are usually given by injection.

Thrombolytics, or fibrinolytics, target and destroy a substance called fibrin. Fibrin is a tough protein that makes up blood clots. It acts like a sort of fibre mesh that hardens around the blood.

Examples of these types of medications include:

  • reteplase
  • alteplase
  • streptokinase

You may also be given an extra medication called a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor. You will get this if you have an increased risk of experiencing another heart attack.

Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors do not break up blood clots. But they prevent blood clots from getting bigger. They’re an effective method of stopping your symptoms getting worse.

Your Heart Rate Isnt Always Predictable

How this cardiac event affects the heart rate isnt always predictable.

Certain medications may slow your heart rate

For example, if youre on a medication that slows your heart rate, such as a beta-blocker for heart disease, your heart rate may remain slow during a heart attack. Or if you have a type of heart rhythm disturbance called bradycardia, in which your heart rate is perpetually slower than normal, a heart attack may do nothing to increase the rate.

There are certain types of heart attacks that can lead to an abnormal slowing of the heart rate because they affect the electrical tissue cells of the heart.

Tachycardia may speed your heart rate

On the other hand, if you have tachycardia, in which your heart always or frequently beats abnormally fast, then that pattern could continue during a heart attack. Or, certain types of heart attacks can cause the heart rate to increase.

Finally, if you have some other condition thats causing your heart to beat fast, such as sepsis or infection, then it could be causing the stress on your heart rather than being a result of the blockage to blood flow.

Many people live with tachycardia and have no other symptoms or complications. However, if you consistently have a rapid resting heart rate, you should absolutely have your cardiovascular health evaluated.

  • lightheadedness
  • a vague sense of impending doom

If you think you or a loved one may be having a heart attack, call 911 immediately.

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Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

A door-to-balloon time of fewer than 90 minutes is the goal of a PCI capable facility and is one of the core measures of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. This is the time between the patient’s arrival in the emergency department and the crossing of the culprit lesion by a guide wire in the cardiac cath lab. Teamwork between EMS, emergency department physician, and interventional cardiologist sets the groundwork for optimal door-to-balloon times . As of 2010, the median door-to-balloon time was 64 minutes with 91% of patients receiving PCI in under 90 minutes and 70% in under 75 minutes.

What Is An Acute Myocardial Infarction And How Common Is It

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An acute myocardial infarction , also known as a myocardial infarction , is also referred to as a heart attack. An acute myocardial infarction occurs when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to an area of the heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked , preventing enough oxygen from getting to the heart.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, if an area of the heart muscle goes too long without the flow of blood and is not immediately restored, that area starts to die.

Other names for myocardial infarction and heart attack are:

  • Acute coronary syndrome
  • Coronary thrombosis
  • Coronary occlusion

The term myocardial relates to the hearts muscular tissue. Myo means muscle, and cardial means heart.

Infarction means death of tissue caused by lack of blood supply.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. The CDC also provides these statistics as they relate to heart attacks:

  • Someone in the U.S. has a heart attack every 40 seconds.
  • Every year about 805,000 Americans experience a heart attack. Of these, 605,000 people have a first heart attack, and 200,000 people have already had a heart attack.
  • About 1 in 5 heart attacks are silent, meaning the damage is done, but the person isnt aware of it.

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Taking Action For Your Heart

If youre worried about heart symptoms, the sooner you get care, the better even before a heart attack occurs. Seeing a doctor regularly also helps make sure your blood pressure, cholesterol and other health measures stay in check.

And dont think heart problems only happen to other people. Too often, patients ignore or downplay heart symptoms because theyre otherwise healthy or because they dont have a classic symptom like chest pain.

Dr. Malas urges you not to think you can shake or sleep it off. The earlier you recognize you need help, and see your doctor or call 911, the earlier your symptoms can be understood, a diagnosis can be made, and your treatment can be started and the more likely that whatever happened isnt going to cause permanent damage to your heart.

To learn more about heart attack symptoms and care, visit ProMedicas website.

How Is A Stemi Diagnosed

A STEMI is diagnosed by heart tracing or electrocardiogram . If a person is having symptoms of a heart attack, an ECG is performed when a person first seeks medical help. If a person calls for an ambulance, the paramedics will usually perform this heart tracing and transmit it to Royal Columbian Hospital to be read by a doctor. If a person goes into the emergency room for medical help, then the electrocardiogram will be done when they arrive.

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Why Does My Hospital Discharge Paperwork Say Nstemi But No

Part of the way of diagnosing a NSTEMI is by a blood test called troponin that is indicative of heart damage. Although the troponin test is great in that it does not miss heart attacks, it is not specific for heart attacks alone. Basically, there are other problems that can cause an elevated troponin level. Many patients with critical illnesses, infections and kidney disease among many other conditions can have an elevated troponin that is not related to heart blockage. In these cases, although sometimes it is labeled NSTEMI, there is no concern for underlying critical heart blockage.

Heart Attack Versus Cardiac Arrest

What is a STEMI heart attack?

If youre confused by the terms used to describe heart attacks, youre not alone. Theyre often described as mild or massive, or even the ominous-sounding widow maker. But these terms are not necessarily helpful, and they may create confusion and anxiety.

The good news: most people who have a heart attack survive. The bad news? Any heart attack can be fatal, no matter how big, how small, or where it occurs in the heart, says Dr. James Januzzi, a cardiologist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. Furthermore, theres a lot of misunderstanding among the general public about what a heart attack actually is, he says.

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Prognosis Life After An Nstemi

A NSTEMI is a heart attack, so the treatment of that applies. Medicines are prescribed that have been proven to save lives in the long term for heart attack sufferers. Depending on factors such as symptoms and heart function, a number of medicines may be prescribed. Lifestyle changes and modification of risk factors is key in preventing recurrence. It is important for smokers to stop smoking. Blood pressure control and control of diabetes are key. A post-heart attack exercise plan should be incorporated into a daily lifestyle if possible. Often NSTEMI patients will be sent to cardiac rehab to receive education on the important of exercise and begin a program in a supervised environment.

How A Heart Attack Affects Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the inside walls of your arteries as it circulates throughout the body. Just as heart rate changes are unpredictable during a heart attack, so too are blood pressure changes.

Because blood flow in the heart is blocked and a portion of heart tissue is denied oxygen-rich blood, your heart may not be able to pump as strongly as it normally does, thus lowering your blood pressure.

A heart attack may also trigger a response from your parasympathetic nervous system, causing your heart and the rest of your body to relax and not fight while your heart struggles to keep blood circulating. This can also cause a dip in blood pressure.

On the other hand, the pain and stress from the heart attack can raise the blood pressure during a heart attack.

Blood pressure-lowering medications, such as diuretics or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, can keep your blood pressure low during a heart attack, too.

Risk factors for a heart attack include modifiable factors, such as your weight, as well as those beyond your control, such as your age. Some of the most common conditions that raise your risk for a heart attack include:

  • advancing age

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What Are The Symptoms Of A Heart Attack

Symptoms of a heart attack include:

  • Angina: Chest pain or discomfort in the center of the chest also described as a heaviness, tightness, pressure, aching, burning, numbness, fullness or squeezing feeling that lasts for more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back. It is sometimes mistakenly thought to be indigestion or heartburn.
  • Pain or discomfort in other areas of the upper body including the arms, left shoulder, back, neck, jaw, or stomach.
  • Trouble breathing or feeling shortness of breath.
  • Sweating or “cold sweat.”
  • Rapid or irregular heart beats.

If you are having any of these symptoms and they last for more than 5 minutes, SEEK EMERGENCY TREATMENT WITHOUT DELAY. These symptoms could be the signs of a heart attack and you need to get treatment as soon as possible.

Pathologic St Segment Elevation

Myocardial infarction

STEMI: Most commonly caused by an acute occlusion of a coronary blood vessel secondary to acute plaque rupture and thrombosis. However, cocaine use can also cause a STEMI due to coronary vasospasm, rather than occlusion with thrombosis.

Pericarditis: The hallmark features of pericarditis are diffuse global concave ST elevations with associated PR depressions. Patients with pericarditis will classically have chest pain that is worse with laying back and improved by sitting forward. Pericarditis itself may not cause instability, but an acute and/or large effusion may cause pericardial tamponade.

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Plavix Or Effient Or Brilinta

These antiplatelet agents thin the blood preventing further heart attacks. These are often given for a year after heart attacks and sometimes longer. When a stent is placed, it is important to ensure these medicines are not stopped until advised by a doctor as they help prevent clotting inside the stent.

Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Primary PCI is the term for emergency treatment of STEMI. You have a procedure to widen the coronary artery first to see if you are suitable for PCI. This procedure is called coronary angioplasty.

You may also be given blood-thinning medicines to prevent further clots from forming, such as low-dose aspirin.

You might need to take some of these medications for some time after PCI.

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Common Benign Causes St Elevation

Ventricular Paced Rhythm: A paced rhythm on EKG will appear morphologically similar to LBBB with discordant ST elevations seen. The one noticeable difference will be the presence of pacer spikes. In general, uou cannot read ischemia in a v-paced rhythm!

Benign Early Repolarization : Benign early repolarization usually represents a normal variant most often seen in young, healthy patients. ST elevations are most prominent in the precordial leads and there is often a fish hook or notching at the J-wave in lead V4. The ST changes in early repolarization may be more prominent at slower heart rates and resolve with tachycardia.

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy : LVH causes a similar pattern of ST elevations as LBBB with ST elevations present in leads with deep S waves and ST depressions or T wave inversions present in leads with tall R waves. The ECG changes that are seen are due to thickening of the left ventricular wall leading to prolonged depolarization.

Symptoms And Signs Of A Stemi

STEMI Heart Attack

A STEMI has the classic symptom of pain in the center of the chest. This chest discomfort may be described as a pressure or tightness rather than a sharp pain. Some people who experience STEMIs also describe feeling pain in one or both arms or their back, neck, or jaw.

Other symptoms that may accompany chest pain include:

  • nausea
  • lightheadedness
  • breaking out in a cold sweat

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Types Of Heart Attack: Stemi Nstemi And Silent Heart Attack

Written byDevon AndrePublished onNovember 2, 2016

A heart attack takes place when the heart does not receive enough oxygenated blood as a result of a blockage. In the U.S., there is a heart attack occurring every 43 seconds, and the American Heart Association estimates that one million Americans suffer a heart attack every year. In fact, one in six Americans will die of a heart attack.

There is a high urgency to seek immediate treatment for a heart attack. The longer a patient goes without treatment, the higher their risk of death is. Signs and symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain, nausea, and dizziness, to name a few.

There are three main types of heart attack: STEMI, NSTEMI, and silent heart attack.

Medications For Heart Attacks

Less severe heart attacks may be treated with medication. Your doctor will prescribe you medications based on your condition, risk factors, and overall health. These drugs may include:

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Heart Attack: An Acute Coronary Syndrome

Acute Coronary Syndrome is a name given to three types of coronary artery disease that are associated with sudden rupture of plaque inside the coronary artery:

  • Unstable angina
  • Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction or heart attack
  • ST segment elevation myocardial infarction or heart attack .

The location of the blockage, the length of time that blood flow is blocked and the amount of damage that occurs determines the type of acute coronary syndrome. These life-threatening conditions require emergency medical care.

Why Focus On Systems Of Care


A systems approach is the best strategy to make sure that STEMI patients are diagnosed quickly and transported to the hospital offering the most appropriate care. This starts with patients or bystanders calling 9-1-1 at the first signs of a heart attack. Most EMS agencies are able to diagnose a STEMI in the ambulance, and can determine which hospital is best able to deliver the appropriate patient care.

MDH has demonstrated success with systems-based approaches that guided the development of the Minnesota Statewide Trauma System and the Minnesota Stroke System. These systems have helped improve identification, triage, and appropriate care for patients experiencing trauma and stroke events.

MDHs goal is to build upon those successes by ensuring that all Minnesotans have access to the highest quality STEMI care no matter where they are in Minnesota.

Learn more about STEMI systems of care from the American Heart Association’s Mission Lifeline collaboration.

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Heart Attack Testing: Faq

Q: Why do I have to submit to a bunch of tests?A: Tests help the doctor determine if a heart attack occurred, how much your heart was damaged and what degree of coronary artery disease you might have. The tests screen your heart and help the doctor determine what treatment and lifestyle changes will keep your heart healthy and prevent serious future medical events.

Q: Whats the difference between invasive and non-invasive tests?A: Non-invasive cardiac tests measure your hearts activity through external imaging and electrocardiography. Invasive tests include drawing and testing samples of your blood, and inserting and threading a thin hollow tube called a catheter into a blood vessel to get an inside view.

Q: How can I learn more about the tests that may be performed?A: These diagnostic tests and procedures can reveal if you had a heart attack, how much damage was done and what degree of coronary artery disease you have.

Q: What types of treatment will I get after the hospital diagnoses my heart attack?A: If youve had a heart attack, you may have already had undergone certain procedures to help you survive your heart attack. Those same procedures can help to diagnose your condition. Such procedures include:

Inpatients Who Have Stemi Heart Attacks More Likely To Die Than Outpatients

University of North Carolina School of Medicine
A new study finds that patients who suffer a STEMI heart attack while hospitalized are 10 times more likely to die than patients who suffer a STEMI outside the hospital.

If you suffer a heart attack while walking down the street and are taken to the hospital quickly, your chances of survival are very good. But if you have a heart attack while already in the hospital for something else, you are 10 times more likely to die.

That surprising finding comes from a study by University of North Carolina School of Medicine researchers. Their study, which is the first to systematically examine outcomes among hospital inpatients who suffer a type of heart attack called an ST elevation myocardial infarction , was published on April 4, 2013 in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

“We found that the survival rate for outpatients brought to UNC Hospitals for STEMI treatment was slightly more than 96 percent,” said George A. Stouffer, MD, distinguished professor in the UNC School of Medicine and senior author of the study. “But the survival rate for inpatients who suffered a STEMI was much lower, only 60 percent.”

Nationwide, there are approximately 11,000 cases of STEMI a year among hospital inpatients, which would translate into approximately 4,300 deaths based on extrapolating data from this study.

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