Target Heart Rate For Exercise
Your target heart rate is 50 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. It is the level at which your heart is beating with moderate to high intensity. To determine your maximum heart rate, take 220 and subtract your age.
Sustaining a workout at this pace improves cardiorespiratory endurance. So knowing your target heart rate helps you pace your workouts. Exercising at the right level of intensity will help you avoid burning out or wasting time with a workout thats not vigorous enough to help you meet your goals.
What Is The Heart Rate
Heart rate or pulse rate is the number of times your heart beats in a minute. It is a simple measure to know how much your heart works during rest or activities.
Heart rate is one of the vital signs that are checked regularly whenever you visit your doctor, or when you get admitted to the hospital.
Your heart rate is lower when you are resting and higher when you are doing any kind of activity, or are feeling stressed or anxious.
When you exercise, your heart needs to work harder, which increases your heart rate. As soon as you rest, the heart rate starts decreasing gradually and returns to its normal level, usually within an hour.
How Do You Check Your Pulse
You can measure your heart rate manually by checking your pulse. Follow these three steps.
- Find your pulse in your wrist .
- Count each beat for a total time of 30 seconds.
- Double the number of beats you counted. This is your heart rate or pulse, measured in beats per minute.
Also make a note of whether your heart beats at an even or uneven rhythm. A normal heart beats at a steady rhythm like a clock, tick tock tick tock.
Some people like to use a heart rate monitor to measure their heart rate. These monitors are often included in fitness trackers, which are now widely available in sports stores and other retail outlets. However, their accuracy depends on the quality of the device.
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Maintaining A Normal Heart Rate
A healthy heartbeat is crucial for protecting cardiac health.
While exercise is important for promoting a low and healthy heart rate, there are several other steps a person can take to protect their heart health, including:
- Reducing stress: Stress can contribute to an increased heart rate and blood pressure. Ways to keep stress at bay include deep breathing, yoga, mindfulness training, and meditation.
- Avoiding tobacco: Smoking leads to a higher heart rate, and quitting can reduce it to a normal level.
- Losing weight: More body weight means that the heart has to work harder to provide all areas of the body with oxygen and nutrients.
What Heart Rate Should I Have When Running On A Treadmill
Africa Studio/
By Simon Gould
Using your heart rate is a great way to see how hard your exercising. Your heart rate when running and walking depends on a number of factors. We can use it to determine how fast or slow you need to go in order to achieve the exercise goals you’re aiming for. This is the case for health, weight loss and muscle gain.
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Walking Heart Rate And Aerobic Exercise
For cardiovascular fitness, it is best to exercise at around 60 to 80 percent of maximum heart rate, and is frequently called the aerobic zone. This is also the best intensity level for losing weight. For new exercisers who have been sedentary, a low-intensity program like walking is often recommended. Even in a walking workout, reaching the 60 to 80 percent maximum heart rate range is important.
What Is Your Heart Rate While Walking
If you are walking on an even ground and slowly, your heart rate will not increase that much. However, if you are walking uphill, your heart rate will increase more.
Target Heart Rate When Walking
Then what should your target heart rate be?
- If you are just beginning with walking exercise, you should exercise in the so-called healthy heart zone which is about 50 to 60% of your maximum heart rate.
- However, as you continue to exercise you should increase your speed or hand weight to the so-called fat-burning zone which is about 60 to 70% of your maximum heart rate.
- Aerobic exercise has to do with increasing cardiovascular fitness. Your heart rate reaches about 70 to 80% of the maximum heart rate and it involves adding stairs or hills while you are walking.
A Recommended Walking Program
A walking program which consists of a warmup period, brisk walking and a cool down period, is beneficial for cardiovascular training. While warming up and cooling down, you should aim for a 60 to 70% of your maximum heart rate. However, during brisk walking, you should aim for 70 to 80% of your maximum heart rate. Increase brisk walking gradually by a couple of minutes every day until you reach about 30 minutes a day.
In the following chart, you can find out the maximum heart rate according to age and intensity level.
Other Factors Also Affect Your Heart Rate While Walking
Other factors that can affect your heart rate include:
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What Does A High Rate Mean
A high active heart rate can mean that a person is exercising too vigorously. If a person finds that their heart rate is higher than the recommended range, they should slow down or take a break.
Although it is beneficial for workouts to be somewhat challenging, it is not healthy to push the heart too hard.
Whats Considered Brisk Walking
The term brisk walking is somewhat vague. Is it a little faster than your normal pace? Is it a lot faster?
To help firm up exactly what it means, there are several ways to measure your pace to make sure youre in the brisk zone. Lets take a closer look at three options for gauging whether youre walking at the right pace.
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When Should I Worry About My Heart Rate
Before you become worried over your heart rate, it is important to know the things that can increase or decrease your heart rate.
Your heart rate might be increased
- Soon after you consume coffee or smoke
- Whenever you feel scared, anxious, or stressed out
- If the climate is hot and humid
- If you are obese
- If you are on certain medicines like decongestants
- If you indulge in binge drinking frequently
Health conditions that may increase your heart rate and could be improved upon by treatment
- A thyroid disorder like hyperthyroidism
- Low hemoglobin level in the blood
Some conditions like supraventricular tachycardia may cause a sudden increase in your heart rate at rest. This is a medical emergency and needs immediate medical attention. This condition may lead to sudden death.
Consuming heavy amounts of alcohol frequently can lead to a fast and irregular heart rate . This again is a medical emergency.
A persistent high heart rate can also mean that the heart muscle is weakened, which forces it to pump harder to deliver the same amount of blood.
You may have a lower resting heart rate due to
- Exercising regularly
- Low levels of thyroid hormones in the body
Certain medications like beta-blockers, which are used for treating hypertension and anxiety
You should also be concerned about your heart rate if you notice your heart beating on an irregular rhythm frequently. This can be a serious condition known as arrhythmia for which you should see your doctor right away.
Exercise And Heart Rate
Like any other muscle, your heart needs exercise to keep it fit and healthy. Regular exercise can help reduce your risk of heart disease and other health conditions, such as diabetes.
To keep your heart healthy, you should aim to do 150 minutes of low to moderate intensity exercise a week. If you have a heart condition, talk to your doctor about what exercise and target heart rates are safe for you.
One way to measure the intensity of your exercise is by using your heart rate. To exercise at a low to moderate intensity your heart rate should be at 50 to 70% of your approximate maximum heart rate.
The easiest way to get an approximate maximum heart rate is to calculate 220 your age. You then need to calculate 50 to 70% of your MHR.
For example, if you’re 40-years-old:
- your approximate maximum heart rate is: 220 40 = 180 beats per minute
- 50% of your MHR is 180 X 0.5 = 90 bpm
- 70% of your MHF is 180 X 0.7 = 126 bpm.
Alternatively, you can use our heart rate chart below to get a rough idea.
Remember if you’re on medications to slow your heart rate down, you may not be able to meet these upper heart rates and the aim should be to exercise at a rate that makes you lightly puff.
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Exercise And Your Pulse
If you check your pulse during or immediately after exercise, it may give an indication of your fitness level. A heart rate monitor is also useful for recording your heart rate when resting and during exercise.
Aerobic activities such as walking, running and swimming are good types of exercise because they increase your heart and breathing rates.
If you haven’t exercised before, or haven’t for some time, see our Live Well section to read about the benefits of exercise and how much exercise you should be doing.
How High Is Heart Rate When Walking Around
If the idea of sweating through an aerobics class doesn’t exactly appeal to you, you might be looking for a lower impact — and less sweaty — method of cardio. After all, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that adults get 150 minutes of moderate cardio each week. Taking a brisk walk can help you fulfill that requirement and reaching your target heart rate can help you get the most from walking. Because target heart rate and beats per minute varies from person to person, you’ll need to calculate your individual beats per minute to make sure you’re getting a solid cardio workout.
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Calculating Maximum Heart Rate
A number of different calculations and tests can be help you determine your maximum heart rate. You’ve probably heard of the 220-age formula. Unfortunately, research has shown that this calculation can be off by 10 to 20 beats per minute for over half the population, and off by more than that for one-third of those who use it. Author and former collegiate champion John L. Parker, Jr. recommends using 205 minus one-half your age and adding five beats for women and long-time runners.
Regardless of how the maximum heart rate is calculated, simply multiply by 0.6 and 0.8 to find the target heart rate zone for exercise. For example, Mary is 42 years old and starting her walking program. Using Parker’s formula, her maximum heart rate would be 205 = 184 + 5 = 189 beats per minute. Her training heart rate range would be 189 X 0.6 and 189 X 0.8, or 113 to 152 beats per minute. If her heart rate after walking 1 mile is in that range, she’s exercising at the best intensity.
What Is An Average Resting Heart Rate By Age
When you are resting – whether sitting or lying down – you can check your resting heart rate. Provided that you have not smoked, consumed coffee, or exercised vigorously an hour before. Activities such as smoking, having coffee, loud noises, and vigorous physical activity make your heart beat faster for a while, and so you might not get your exact resting heart rate. And hence this may interfere with the correct heart rate.
Average resting heart rate by age:
Children : 70-100 beats per minute
Adults : 60-100 beats per minute
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What Is Your Pulse
When your heart beats it pushes blood around your body. This heart beat can be felt as your ‘pulse’ on your wrist or neck.
Your pulse is measured by counting the number of times your heart beats in one minute. For example, if your heart contracts 72 times in one minute, your pulse would be 72 beats per minute . This is also called your heart rate.
A normal pulse beats in a steady, regular rhythm. However, in some people this rhythm is uneven, or ‘jumps about’. This is known as an irregular pulse.
What Are Heart Palpitations
A heart palpitation is when you suddenly become aware of your heart beating, usually in an irregular way. Sometimes you can feel it in your ears or your chest when youre lying down. Your heart beat may feel:
- too fast or slow
- like its fluttering
- like its thudding, or pounding.
It is not unusual to feel heart palpitations occasionally and mostly they are harmless. However if youre experiencing them on a regular basis, see your doctor.
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How To Lower Heart Rate
If your heart rate is too high there are ways to lower it safely. Your heart rate could be high after exercising or because youre feeling stressed or anxious.
Here are some fast-acting methods that can help lower a fast heart rate:
- Breathing exercises: You can use your breathing to raise the aortic pressure in your heart, which will lower your heart rate. To do this, close your mouth and nose and raise the pressure in your chest. Breathe in for five to eight seconds, hold it for three to five seconds, and then exhale slowly. This can be repeated several times.
- Taking a bath: This can help relax you and bring your heart rate down.
- Light yoga: Calming yoga or meditation can help relax you and bring a high heart rate down.
- Moving to a cooler location: If your heart rate is raised because youre too hot, moving to a cooler location will help bring it down.
Here are some long-term solutions that can help you achieve a healthy heart rate:
- Exercising regularly: Starting and keeping an exercise program will help decrease resting heart rates over time.
- Eating healthy:Healthy diets that contain whole grains, leafy greens, fruits, and omega-3 fatty acids are great for supporting long term heart health and will help keep heart disease at bay.
- Quitting smoking:Non-smokers have a lowered risk of recurrent heart attacks and cardiovascular disease.
- Staying hydrated:Drinking enough water allows the heart to pump blood more easily throughout the body.
Know Your Numbers: Maximum And Target Heart Rate By Age
This table shows target heart rate zones for different ages. Your maximum heart rate is about 220 minus your age.3
In the age category closest to yours, read across to find your target heart rates. Target heart rate during moderate intensity activities is about 50-70% of maximum heart rate, while during vigorous physical activity its about 70-85% of maximum.
The figures are averages, so use them as a general guide.
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Why Is It Important To Get It Checked
Often an irregular pulse is harmless. However, it’s important to get it checked by a health professional, because sometimes it’s a sign of a heart condition.
The most common kind of heart rhythm condition is atrial fibrillation , which can put you at greater risk of having a stroke. Fortunately, if you have AF, there’s medication you can take to help reduce this stroke risk.
Your doctor can do a simple test called an ECG to further check your irregular pulse.
What Is A Good Heart Rate While Walking
Provided you keep your pace during your one-mile walk no greater than 3 mph, your heart should beat at a moderate rate. The CDC reports that a moderate heart rate is between 50 and 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. If youre a 50-year-old woman, this rate would be between 85 and 119 beats per minute.
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What Should My Heart Rate Be When Walking On A Treadmill
When you are walking with a nice, long stride that takes up the entire belt of the treadmill, you’ll find your heart rate increasing naturally. But what rate is the best? It depends on your resting heart rate. Before you begin, check your resting heart rate. The average resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.
Your target heart rate will depend on your age as well as your resting baseline. If you are 20 years old, your target heart rate for exercising is around 100 to 170 beats per minute. If you are 40 years old, it’s between 90 and 153 beats per minute. If you are 60, it’ll be between 80 and 136 beats per minute.
Keep track of your heart rate so you can improve your cardiovascular fitness, too.
What Is A Good Pulse Rate For Walking
Standing or gentle walking your pulse should probably not go over 100 and certainly not up to 180 which is probably near or over your max heart rate (Max heart rate is 220 minus your age in years so if youre 40, your max heart rate is 180 and your target rate for vigorous exercise is 70% of that i.e. about 135
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Is Resting Heart Rate Different By Age
For most of us , between 60 and 100 beats per minute is normal.1 The rate can be affected by factors like stress, anxiety, hormones, medication, and how physically active you are. An athlete or more active person may have a resting heart rate as low as 40 beats per minute. Now thats chill!
When it comes to resting heart rate, lower is better. It usually means your heart muscle is in better condition and doesnt have to work as hard to maintain a steady beat. Studies have found that a higher resting heart rate is linked with lower physical fitness and higher blood pressure and body weight.2