Friday, September 13, 2024

Can Aortic Valve Be Replaced Without Open Heart Surgery

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What Is A St Jude Bioprosthetic Valve

TAVR – The Way to Replace a Heart Valve without Open Heart Surgery

The Trifecta aortic bioprosthesis is a stented pericardial tissue heart valve designed for supra-annular placement. Its valve design includes pericardial tissue leaflets attached to the exterior of the valve stent to improve the opening area.

How long does a tissue heart valve last?

Tissue Valve Tissue valves can last 10 to 20 years, and usually dont require the long-term use of medication. For a young person with a tissue valve replacement, the need for additional surgery or another valve replacement later in life is highly likely.

What is Biocor valve?

Recently a stentless mitral valve became available for clinical use. It is a porcine mitral valve with the entire chordal apparatus, the sewing ring being reinforced by a bovine pericardial ring and the chordae being sutured together onto two pericardial patches.

Open Heart Surgery: Traditional Treatment Of Aortic Stenosis

Once AS is diagnosed and symptoms are present, it needs to be treated. The historical gold standard for treatment of AS has been open-heart surgery with surgical aortic valve replacement .

Open heart surgery is a major operation in which the surgeon opens the chest to access the heart. During open-heart surgery the heart is stopped, and blood is bypassed through a heart-lung machine. With SAVR, the diseased valve is removed and a new artificial valve is sewn into place.

SAVR has had good outcomes in patients who are suitable candidates for surgery. However, SAVR does have a long recovery period that generally requires five to seven days of hospitalization after surgery, and upwards of six weeks to make a full recovery. Also, there are many patients who require aortic valve replacement but have too many other medical conditions that make them unsuitable candidates for SAVR.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Leaky Heart Valve Surgery

Recovering from valve surgery usually takes most people between 4 and 8 weeks. If you had minimally invasive surgery, you may recover even sooner. Before you leave hospital, youll be given detailed instructions for exercise, medications, ongoing wound care and resuming normal activities.

What is the success rate of heart valve repair surgery?

Survival Rate of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Heart valve replacement surgery

What procedure is the surgical repair of a heart valve?

Aortic valve repair involves a surgical procedure during which the cardiac surgeon may need to trim, reshape or rebuild your diseased valve. During valve repair surgery, a ring is placed at the base of the heart valve to provide added support to the repaired valve. This procedure is referred to as an annuloplasty.

Do leaky heart valves get worse over time?

A mild case of heart valve leakage usually does not cause any symptoms at all. But over time, a leaky valve can cause some symptoms that tend to worsen.

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Preparing For The Operation

To make sure youâre healthy enough for surgery, youâll get:

  • Drugs you buy âover the counterâ
  • Prescription medicines

You may need to stop taking certain ones before surgery.

Also tell your doctor about any illnesses you have, even a simple cold. It might seem minor, but it could affect your recovery.

If you smoke, youâll need to stop 2 weeks before surgery to help prevent blood clots and problems breathing.

The night before surgery, youâll likely need to wash with a special soap that your doctor provides to kill germs. And in most cases, you wonât be allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight.

Fixing Heart Valves Without Open Heart Surgery

With New Study, Era of Open

Stanford Health Care doesnt stop looking for a better way. Whether thats figuring out how to replace damaged heart valves without open surgery, or developing personalized plans to lower cholesterol, our cardiovascular specialists are committed to providing you with world-class care, regardless of your current state of health.

A minimally invasive approach to a serious problem

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The Benefits Of Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Surgery

If you take good care of yourself and follow a healthy lifestyle, you are likely to avoid open-heart surgery. However, if you develop coronary artery disease, you may want to consider a bypass. The use of minimally invasive heart valve surgery allows us to avoid breaking the chest and shorten the recovery time.

What Is Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve Replacement

A minimally invasive aortic valve replacement is a surgery to replace a poorly working aortic valve with an artificial valve. The aortic valve is one of the hearts 4 valves. The valves help blood flow through the hearts 4 chambers and out to your body normally. The surgery is called minimally invasive because it uses a smaller incision than a traditional open repair. This may lead to easier and faster recovery from surgery.

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Treating Valvular Heart Disease At Montefiore Medical Center

Montefiore Medical Center is a nationally recognized leader in the diagnosis and treatment of complex valve disease. Here, patients are cared for by a multidisciplinary team composed of highly skilled physicians and surgeons who offer the most advanced interventional and minimally invasive surgical treatments for complex conditions of the heart valves.

Patients diagnosed with aortic stenosis narrowing of the aortic valve may experience symptoms including chest pain, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, or rapid heart rate. These patients can often benefit from surgery to replace their ailing valve, but only two-thirds of them undergo the procedure each year. Patients deemed high-risk for traditional open-heart surgery may be eligible for transcatheter aortic valve replacement . The TAVR procedure, which is performed via an artery in the groin or via a small incision in the chest, allows the diseased native heart valve to be replaced without open-heart surgery.

Patients with prior aortic valve replacement or mitral valve replacement whose valve is failing may be eligible for catheter-based treatment as an alternative to repeat open surgery. Montefiore now offers replacement using the valve-in-valve approach in selected patients.

For more information, or to be scheduled for evaluation by the Montefiore TAVR team, please contact 718-405-8247.

Medtronic Valve

What Causes Aortic Valve Disease

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) – A Less-Invasive Alternative to Open Heart Surgery

The aortic valve may be abnormal at birth or become diseased over time, usually seen in older patients .

Congenital aortic valve disease

Patients with bicuspid aortic valves are born with them and are present in about 1 – 2 percent of the population.

Normal aortic valve

Bicuspid aortic valve

Instead of the normal three leaflets or cusps, the bicuspid aortic valve has only two. Without the third leaflet, the valve opening may not close completely and leak or not open completely and become narrowed or leak.

In many cases, bicuspid aortic valves may function normally for several years without requiring treatment.

About 25 percent of patients with bicuspid aortic valves may have some enlargement of the aorta above the valve. If it is greatly dilated, the aorta is known as being aneurismal.

Acquired aortic valve disease

With acquired aortic valve conditions, changes occur in the structure of the valve. Acquired aortic valve conditions include:

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Repairing Heart Valves Without Surgery

The Structural Heart and Valve Center at NYP/Columbia has long been a leader in catheter-based treatmentthe least invasive therapyto repair the mitral valve. This valve regulates blood flow between the upper and the lower chambers on the left side of the heart. When it is damaged or defective, blood flows back up into the upper chamber, producing Mitral Regurgitation .

Patients with MR often have a heart murmur and may suffer from heart palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue after exertion, and swelling in the feet or ankles. As their valve disease progresses, patients with MR may experience other problems including heart failure, a condition in which the heart cant pump enough blood to meet the bodys needs.

Because our volume is one of the highest in the country, our Center is one of the first to study and test new devices for heart valve repair and replacement. As a result, our patients benefit from the latest therapies.

The following clinical trials promise to extend our range of options for patients not fit enough to undergo the rigors of conventional surgery. These catheterbased approaches are also referred to as percutaneous since no surgical incisions are necessary. Another advantage: The patient doesnt have to be placed upon a heart-lung machine during these procedures. Because the following treatments are minimally invasive, they are generally associated with a significantly faster recovery time and a lower overall risk.

The Gds Accucinch: An Adjustable Solution

A second trial will focus on the GDS Accucinch Systemanother new transcatheter approach to mitral valve repair. This device was designed to reduce congestive heart failure in MR patients who arent healthy enough for surgery. Placed through an artery in the patients groin, it cinches the mitral annulusa ring shaped structure that anchors the mitral valve and separates the top and bottom chambers on the left side of the heart. Cinching the mitral annulus helps increase contact between the mitral valve leaflets and stems the backward flow of blood through the mitral valve.

According to the study leader, Dr. Martin Leon, With the GDS Accucinch System, we can properly size the mitral opening by measuring MR in the beating heart. These are adjustments that cannot be made while the patient is on a heart-lung machine during traditional open surgery.

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Why Heart Valve Need To Be Replaced

The valves of the heart are responsible for allowing blood to flow through the chambers of your heart. Each heart valve is supposed to close and open completely before and after ushering the blood. Diseased heart valves are not closed and get opened properly.

If a valve does not close properly it can lead to regurgitation of the blood. Some amount of blood goes back into the chamber if valve leaflets are not closed properly. And, if a valve is narrowed, it does not function properly and is called stenosis of the valve. A Narrow valve causes a less than normal amount of blood to flow from one chamber to the next or to the Pulmonary artery and Aorta.

Can Heart Valve Replacement Surgery Be Done Without Open Heart Surgery

Aortic valve surgery in children

July 14, 2022 by Dr Musharraf Husain

Your heart pumps the blood continuously into your blood vessels to fulfill the need for oxygen in your body cells. Heart valves play a vital role in blood circulation and maintaining the blood flow to organs. If your heart valve is prolapsed or narrowed then heart valve replacement surgery or heart valve surgery is required. A heart valve replacement surgery or repair of the valve is required. But here is a big question, can a heart valve replacement surgery be done without open heart surgery?

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The Coapt Trial: More Data On The Mitraclip

This major multi-center trial will evaluate the MitraClip, the first catheter-based treatment for patients with MR whose valves leak due to depressed heart function. The MitraClip was patented by physicians at NYP/Columbia. A clip is mounted on the end of a catheter then threaded through a vein in the groin into the right atrium. The clip is opened as it passes through the mitral valve. When the heart contracts, the ends of the clip grab onto the flaps of the valve. The clip is then moved into the closed position, pinning the flaps together. The result is a bow-tie-shaped opening that permits blood flow when the heart relaxes, but prevents any leakage or back flow, when the heart contracts.

The COAPT trial will help determine the best way to manage patients with moderate to severe functional MR. If the trial shows benefits with the MitraClip, many more patients may soon be eligible to receive this effective therapy.

Risks Of An Aortic Valve Replacement

An aortic valve replacement is a big operation and, like any type of surgery, carries a risk of complications.

Some of the main risks of an aortic valve replacement include:

  • wound, lung, bladder or heart valve infections
  • a temporarily irregular heartbeat
  • reduced kidney function for a few days

The risk of dying from an aortic valve replacement is around 2%, although this risk is much smaller than that of leaving severe aortic valve problems untreated.

Most people who survive surgery have a life expectancy close to normal.

Read more about the risks of aortic valve replacement.

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When Surgery Is Required

If your symptoms are mild, you will be invited to come in for an echocardiogram every year or two to check whether the problem is getting worse.

If your symptoms are severe, it is highly likely that surgery to replace the valve will be recommended. Without treatment, stenosis or regurgitation of your aortic valve is likely to get worse and will eventually lead to heart failure, which is a long-term and sometimes debilitating condition.

There is also a small risk that the heart will suddenly stop beating , which can also be fatal.

Research has found that people with severe aortic stenosis who are not treated with surgery have a 25% chance of dying in the first year after the symptoms start. The risk is 50% in the second year.

People with severe aortic regurgitation who are not treated with surgery have a 25% chance of dying after 5 years following the start of symptoms. The risk is 50% after 10 years.

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation

Aortic valve replacement without open heart surgery

Transcatheter aortic valve implantation is a relatively new procedure. It involves accessing the aortic valve through the femoral artery or vein , or through a small surgical incision in your chest.

A balloon catheter is guided into the left ventricle chamber in your heart, and it is used to position the prosthetic valve over the old one.

TAVI may be used if someone is too frail to cope with the stress of standard valve replacement surgery, for example due to their age or another illness.

While it is not as effective as traditional open surgery, a TAVI does offer a marked improvement in survival for people with severe aortic valve diseases. One study found that this type of treatment could half a persons risk of death.

However, there is around a 1 in 16 chance of having a stroke in the first year after a TAVI.

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Which Valve Is Best For Heart

Biological heart valves are used in the majority of replacements and are generally considered, across all age groups, to be the best option. Mechanical valves are much more durable, but they are also more likely to succumb to clotting problems.

How long do bioprosthetic heart valves last?

Because most bioprosthetic valves are free from structural deterioration for 12 15 years, many patients will die before the valves degenerate. The risk of tissue valve reoperation increases progressively with time, especially in younger patients.

What is the difference between bioprosthetic valve and prosthetic valve?

What Is Aortic Valve Disease

Aortic valve disease occurs when the aortic valve does not work correctly. This can be caused by:

  • Aortic valve stenosis: These stiff, fused, thickened, inflexible valve leaflets lead to the narrowing of the aortic valve, which limits the blood flow. Aortic valve stenosis progresses when calcium is deposited on the valve leaflets, further limiting their mobility. Stenosis can occur in patients with either a tricuspid or a bicuspid aortic valve.
  • Aortic valve regurgitation : These valve leaflets do not close completely. Regurgitation causes the blood that is ejected by the heart to immediately flow back into the heart once the heart stops squeezing and relaxes. Regurgitation may occur because of floppy leaflets , abnormal congenitally deformed valves , infection of the valve , the inability of the leaflets to close tightly due to dilatation of the aorta , holes in the leaflets, or rheumatic valve disease.

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How Do Prosthetics Improve Quality Of Life

A prosthetic is an artificial limb that replaces a missing body part. Its goal is to replace as much function of the original limb as possible. At the very least, a prosthetic should help an amputee take care of necessary daily activities such as eating, walking and being able to get dressed on their own.

Do You See Patients From Other States

Trans catheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI)

Actually, we see patients from all over the world! Dallas has two major airports and our hospital is located only two miles from Dallas Love Field Airport. Steva and Nelly our intake coordinators work with out-of-town patients all the time. They take care of coordinating benefits, making sure we have the required tests sent over from your providers, and even offer sound technical support because our first appointment is always conducted via telemedicine.

This makes getting a second opinion for out-of-state patients incredibly easy. Since our patients spend an average of only three days after surgery in the hospital, and because pain management is considerably less challenging due to our small incision, our patients are cleared to travel shortly after leaving the hospital.

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Recovery: What To Expect

Things that can affect your surgery include your age, overall health, and the type of surgery. If you have a minimally invasive surgery you’ll be up and around in a few days.

If you have open heart surgery, your recovery will take longer. Your wound might be sore, swollen, and red. Youâll get tired easily. You might not feel like eating much, and you might find it hard to sleep. Thatâs all to be expected, and it gets better with time.

Your breastbone will take 6-8 weeks to heal, but it might be 3 months or so before you feel back to normal. Your doctor may suggest an exercise program or cardiac rehab to help.

As far as getting back to work, expect it to take 6-8 weeks for a desk job. If your work is more physical, it could take up to 3 months.

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