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How Do You Calculate Target Heart Rate

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Is Resting Heart Rate Different By Age

How to Calculate Target Heart Rate

For most of us , between 60 and 100 beats per minute is normal.1 The rate can be affected by factors like stress, anxiety, hormones, medication, and how physically active you are. An athlete or more active person may have a resting heart rate as low as 40 beats per minute. Now thats chill!

When it comes to resting heart rate, lower is better. It usually means your heart muscle is in better condition and doesnt have to work as hard to maintain a steady beat. Studies have found that a higher resting heart rate is linked with lower physical fitness and higher blood pressure and body weight.2

When Is The Best Time Of Day To Work Out

Trying to find the best time for exercise? The truth is, its personal! Follow these tips to figure out what fitness routine works best for you.

Dawn, dusk or dead of night whens the best time to work out? Well, that depends;on whens the best time for you, because the;benefits of physical activity;depend upon how consistent you are.

You might have heard that the best time to exercise is early in the morning to get your metabolism going or to avoid unexpected distractions during the day that could derail your workout. But if youre not a morning person, it may not work for you to try to get up at dawn to work out. The key is to do whats most likely to work for you consistently.

If your schedule isnt predictable, you may need to be flexible and have a plan for various times of day.

If you find that working out too late in the evening keeps you from falling asleep easily, shift your exercise session earlier in the day or try less intense, more mindful forms of movement.

Some Tips To Hit Target Heart Rate

In order to achieve your target heart rate, interval training in which short spurts of maximum effort activity are interspersed throughout longer and less strenuous periods of activity has been shown to keep your heart in this desirable range. Keep in mind that target heart rates differ based on each individual, and can be affected by certain medications.

Medications that can affect your heart rate include:

  • Asthma medications
  • Amphetamines or illegal drugs such as cocaine
  • Heart and blood pressure medication
  • Depression and anxiety medications
  • Thyroid medication

It is important to talk to your doctor if you are taking these drugs or any combinations of them. Because these medications can affect heart rate in their own way, your currently prescribed treatment regimen may have to be adjusted.

Target heart rates may vary based on factors such as age and personal fitness level, but understanding and calculating yours can help you get the most out of your workouts while protecting and even improving your health.

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How Can You Use Your Target Heart Rate

You can use your target heart rate to know how hard to exercise to gain the most aerobic benefit from your workout. You can exercise within your target heart rate to either maintain or raise your aerobic fitness level. To raise your fitness level, you can work harder while exercising to raise your heart rate toward the upper end of your target heart rate range. If you have not been exercising regularly, you may want to start at the low end of your target heart rate range and gradually exercise harder.

To take your heart rate during exercise, you can count the beats in a set period of time and then multiply by a number to get the number of beats per minute. For example, if you count your heartbeat for 30 seconds, double that number to get the number of beats per minute. You can also wear a heart rate monitor during exercise so you do not have to take your pulse. A heart rate monitor shows your pulse rate continuously, so you see how exercise changes your heart rate. Then you can work harder or easier to keep your heart working in your target heart rate range.

Target heart rate is only a guide. Each individual is different, so pay attention to how you feel, how hard you are breathing, how fast your heart is beating, and how much you feel the exertion in your muscles.

Ati Sports Medicine Discusses Why Your Target Heart Rate Is Important

How to Calculate Your Target Heart Rate: 9 Steps (with ...

Weve all felt it . . . that thump-thump in our chest during exercise.; Sometimes, its a little flutter.; Other times, it can feel like our heart is going to jump out of our chest.;

While most know its important to monitor heart rate during exercise, many dont know why.

Monitoring your heart allows you to measure whether youre working out too much, or not enough, says Katie Varnado, Athletic Training Supervisor with ATI Sports Medicine in Bolingbrook, IL. One needs to hit an intensity level that will provide optimal health benefits, while remaining at a safe level.

The heart beats faster during exercise to supply the needed oxygen and blood to the body. The higher the intensity of the exercise, the faster the heart beats. By monitoring heart rate during exercise, the intensity and safe exercise levels can be monitored.

;Light Exercise Intensity Zone 40% to 50% of maximum heart rate.;Moderate Exercise Intensity Zone 50% to 70% of maximum heart rate.;Heavy Exercise Intensity Zone 70% to 85% of maximum heart rate.

Most healthy people should have a Target Heart Rate zone from 50 75% of your maximum heart rate, or within the Moderate Exercise Intensity zone.; If youre below this level, you may not be working out enough.; On the flip side, if youre above this level, you may be straining yourself.

So, what does this all mean and how can you hit this target?

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How To Calculate Your Target Heart Rate

Written byDevon AndrePublished onFebruary 21, 2017

Your target heart rate is meant to be your goal when exercising in order to ensure that you are working out effectively while not overdoing it. Target heart rates vary based on personal fitness level and may be different for each individual. To find out how to calculate and reach your target heart rate, continue reading.

Measure Your Heart Rate

To determine your heart rate, use your first two fingers to press lightly over the blood vessels on your inner wristthe side by your thumb. Count your pulse for ten seconds and multiply this number by six.

If your heart rate is 50 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate, you have hit your target heart zone and are working at the right level of intensity.

Wearing a multifunctional fitness tracker such as the Fitbit, or Nike+ FuelBand SE, does the work for you. The device is worn like a bracelet or watch and measures your heart rate.

Exercising at the right level of intensity improves heart and respiratory endurance and helps keep your workout at a level that is vigorous enough to meet your health goals.

Also Check: Heart Rate Too High When Exercising

Burn Calories And Lose Fat

While we burn calories by just breathing and doing regular everyday tasks, if your goal is to drop several pounds in a reasonable time frame, exercising with decent intensity will dramatically speed up the process.

Of course, you could simply eat fewer calories and not exercise to lose weight, but then you wont get the benefits of exercise.

Moving your body at a decent intensity and sustaining this as part of a normal routine will help you to burn more calories following exercise, also known as excess post-oxygen consumption .

Plus, activity helps to stave off disease and keep your body healthier which plays an important role in weight management.;

Really, there are many benefits of being active.;

Its Even Easier With This Heart Rate Calculator:


Lets use a 35-year old person as an example:

  • max heart rate = 220 35
  • max heart rate = 185
  • target heart rate for max performance = max heart rate x .85
  • target heart rate = 185 x .85
  • target heart rate = approx. 157

Getting healthy and staying fit requires training in an appropriate heart rate zone. The easiest way to do this is by wearing a heart rate monitor or smartwatch. Many of the most popular devices are compatible with the adidas Running and adidas Training apps to make tracking your health and fitness easy and fun.

The app guides your workouts so that you are always in the most effective heart rate zone for your unique body.

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Max Hr In Higher Body

If your body fat is higher than 30% of your weight , then a modification of the above formulas is recommended. The formula in this case is 200 – 0.5 x Age .

As visible, people with over 30% body fat percentage have lower maximal heart rate in under forty while having a higher one later on in life. Our calculator has a simple checkbox you can select in order for the equation to be adjusted accordingly.

The Best Time To Check Resting And Target Heart Rate

Calculating your heart rate is simple, but there are a few tips that can make it easier or more accurate. Its a good idea to check your resting heart rate first thing in the morning before taking medication or drinking caffeine, both of which can speed up your heart rate. You can also check your heart rate during physical activity to make sure youre in your target training zone.

If you want to calculate your resting heart rate, make sure to wait for one to two hours after any physical activity. It can take some time for your heart to return to a normal rate, even after mild exercise. If you forgot to check your resting heart rate before drinking caffeine, try taking it an hour later when the effects subside.

While physical activity can affect your resting heart rate, so can a lack of activity and body position. Dont take your resting heart rate if youve been sitting or standing in one spot for hours. Instead, take a short walk, and then wait one hour before trying to measure your resting heart rate.

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What Is A Normal Resting Heart Rate

Resting heart rate; is a measure of the number of times your heart beats in one minute when at rest. Even minor to moderate activity such as walking or drinking a cup of coffee can change your heart rate speed. Your medications, hormones, body size, stress and activity level can also lead to changes in resting heart rate. To find your average resting heart rate, its best to check first thing in the morning, before you do anything else.

The normal resting heart rate is between 60 to 100 beats per minute;. Medical experts use the term bradycardia for resting heart rates lower than 60 and tachycardia for heart rates above 100 beats per minute.

In general, its better to have a lower heart rate than a higher heart rate. Thats because a lower heart rate means your heart doesnt have to work as hard to keep things operating smoothly. Research also shows a correlation between high heart rate and health conditions including high blood pressure;and metabolic syndrome.

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Target Heart Rate Calculation

3 Ways to Calculate Your Target Heart Rate

When you work out, don’t you wonder if are you doing too little or too much exercise? One way to tell is to compare your heart rate during exercise with your estimated target heart rate. The former you can learn from any suitable heart rate measurement device while the latter can be estimated using our free target heart rate calculator.

There are currently two methods for calculating your target heart rate during exercise – one is the Percentage Method in which the target rate is calculated based on your maximum heart rate . So, the formula is simply HRtarget = HRmax x Target . For example, if your exercise level target is 80% and your maximum heart rate is 200, you get a target HR of 200 x 0.80 = 160 beats per minute. Using our target HR calculator instead of the table you can get accurate results for any age, not just the tabulated ones.

The other approach is the Karvonen Method, which uses your resting heart rate as well. In the Karvonen method the thresholds are calculated as a percentage of the difference between resting HR and max HR and tends to yield somewhat higher rates than the percentage method, in general. The lower bound is x 0.5 + HRrest, the upper bound is x 0.85 + HRrest. Since this method came from a study with a very small sample size and we are unsure about its representativeness, we are only offering the percentage method in this target heart rate calculator.

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Heart Rate Tips To Keep In Mind

  • Start at your beginning.;Before getting overly concerned about your heart rate, Martin says, its best to simply get moving. If you havent exercised much before, start where youre comfortable and gradually exert yourself more over time.
  • Listen to your body.;Your body provides other indicators of how hard its working that you need to consider along with heart rate. Pay attention to how hard youre breathing or sweating, and stop if you feel very uncomfortable, Martin says. Devices recording your heart rate have been known to malfunction, for exampleanother reason listening to your body is important.
  • Remember that target heart rate is just a guide.;Dont get overly fixated on numbers, Martin says. Ideally, they just push you to work a little harder.

Understanding Your Target Heart Rate

Nearly all exercise is good. But to be sure youre getting the most fromyour workout yet staying at a level thats safe for you, you can monitorhow hard your heart is working.

Aiming for whats called a target heart rate can help you do this, says Johns Hopkins cardiologist;Seth Martin, M.D., M.P.H.;Think of it as the sweet spot between not exercising hard enough and overexerting.

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Try These Balance Exercises:

  • See how long you can stand on one foot, or try holding for 10 seconds on each side.
  • Walk heel to toe for 20 steps. Steady yourself with a wall if you need a little extra support.
  • Walk normally in as straight a line as you can.
  • If you find standing on one foot very challenging at first, try this progression to improve your balance:
  • Hold on to a wall or sturdy chair with both hands to support yourself.
  • Next, hold on with only one hand.
  • Then support yourself with only one finger.
  • When you are steady on your feet, try balancing with no support at all.

Why Does Resting Heart Rate Matter

TIP: How to Calculate your Target Heart Rate

Resting heart rate is an indicator of overall health. Changes in resting heart rate can be among the first signs of an underlying issue. Having a lower resting heart rate doesnt necessarily indicate a cause for concern. Elite athletes and people who have a high fitness level tend to have lower resting heart rates. Medications and sleeping patterns;can also lead to lower resting heart rates.

In some cases, low heart rates or significant decreases from your normal baseline can be a sign of an underlying problem such as heart disease. Additionally, heart attack, underactive thyroid, and some infections can also cause low resting heart rate.

Your heart rate;varies;when youre under stress during strenuous exercise and when youre just lounging.;Its normal for your heart rate to be higher when you exercise because your heart has to pump oxygenated blood to your organs faster when youre exerting a lot of energy. Exercise and mood changes can cause an increase in resting heart rate. Think about the last time you were really excited or nervous. The feeling of your heart pounding in your chest is a reflection of an increased heart rate.

When your heart rate is consistently too high, you may have a health problem. Asthma and other breathing conditions;can cause an increased resting heart rate. Anemia, heart problems, and medications can also raise heart rate numbers.

Recommended Reading: How To Calculate Your Resting Heart Rate

Key Target Zones For Exercise

This table a rough guideline for the intensity of work out expressed in % of max heart rate. You can use it to guide what you input in the “Target exercise level” field of the calculator.

Key target heart rate zones

Aerobic effort. Improves vital capacity, respiratory rate, increases size & strength of the heart and cardiac output.
81-90% Hard exercise Maximum fat burn, but only if you are fit enough. Improves VO 2 and you become less succeptible to sore muscles.
91-100% Extreme effort Athelete level, sustained for short periods of time . Develops fast-twitch muscles. High risk of over training and injuries!

The Truth About The Thr Equation: It’s Just An Estimate

Now that you’ve calculated your target heart rate range, it’s important to understand that the value is strictly an estimate. The formula is decades old and researchers have found that the equation will regularly overestimate or underestimate a person’s maximum heart rate, and therefore target heart rate. You may notice that you feel as if you’re not exercising hard enough when you’re working at the lower end of your target heart rate range. You may also find that you feel like you’re exercising at an intensity that’s higher than what’s comfortable. To truly determine your exact maximum heart rate, and thus target heart rate, you would need to undergo a stress test.

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