Eat Less Sugar And Industrialized Foods
Industrialized, processed foods, from white-flour muffins to potato chips, and highly sugared foods and drinks can damage our arteries in multiple ways, such as raising triglyceride fats, blood glucose, and inflammatory levels, not to mention packing on the pounds.
Many people dont realize that having type 2 diabetes, the all-too-common result of our highly processed American diet and sedentary lifestyle, dramatically increases the risk of a heart attack. The chance of dying from heart disease for people with diabetes is two to four times higher than those who do not have diabetes.
Another heart attack promoter is a pre-diabetes condition called the metabolic syndrome. The root cause of metabolic syndrome is a poor diet and excess body fat. You have the metabolic syndrome if you have at least three of the following five conditions:
Miracle Cures That Can Reverse Heart Disease
The reality is that miracle cures are typically backed with low quality often-laughable research. When asked why the medical community as a whole is dismissive, they blame the medical community for being ignorant, obsessed with big pharma and too arrogant to open their eyes. The reality is that while a minority of healthcare providers lack compassion and the ability to listen to their patients fears and concerns, most healthcare professionals care, and care a lot. They want their patients to benefit from available therapies, and its not the case that they are ignorant of alternative methods rather they are understandably reluctant to recommend therapies that make ludicrous claims on the basis of poor science to back them. I certainly dont want my patients to be conned and taken advantage of.
The reality is that there is a lot of hope for patients with heart disease. While heart disease is at an all time high, the deaths from heart disease have not followed that trend. Treatments can act to stabilize the disease even if they cant necessarily reverse it. Its actually an amazing era in which to be a heart patient from a treatment perspective.
Good News On The Diet Front
There is good news for wine drinkers. A Study by the National Institute of Health shows that moderate red wine consumption increases the amount of Reverastrol in the body which decreases heart disease by up to 40%. Reverastrol can also come in pill form.
The American Heart Association recommends a low-fat, high-protein diet to decrease the risk of heart disease. However, many recent studies are showing a diet high in good fats is very helpful to reverse heart disease, especially when paired with Reverastrol.
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What To Make Of It
If modern day evidence based medicine is to be believed, then the cholesterol lowering medications are clearly associated with a decrease in cardiovascular events. Underlying this is likely a role in stabilization of plaques that cause coronary artery blockages that likely prevents rupture of the plaques that would cause heart attacks. There is some evidence that statins cause some mild reversal of the plaques also. Studies suggest that if started earlier in those at high-risk then statins can prevent the development of complex plaques. There is currently no magic bullet to go and clear out arteries and totally reverse plaques, however statins appear to be the most well researched medication available to stabilize plaques and prevent progression.
Q: What Are Some Healthy Diet Changes I Can Make To Help Reverse My Heart Disease Or Make Sure It Doesnt Get Worse
Dr. Tam: In general, we recommend a diet that avoids:
- Processed food, such as frozen meals, hot dogs or fast food.
- Simple carbohydrates, such as white rice or white bread.
- Saturated fats, which are found in fried food, cheese and fatty meat.
A good example of a heart-healthy diet is the Mediterranean Diet, which is rich in good fats, such as olive oil, fish, avocados and nuts. The Mediterranean Diet is also filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and less red meat.
If you do decide to eat meat, choose lean meat whenever possible such as fish or poultry and limit your serving to no more than 5.5 ounces per day.
You should also avoid excessive salt intake, which can increase blood pressure and make fluid retention worse in patients with heart failure. Most adults should aim for no more than 1,500 mg of sodium per day, according to the American Heart Association.
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Surgical Options To Treat Underlying Causes Of Heart Failure
- Coronary artery bypass graft or angioplasty to prevent and treat heart failure caused by blocked arteries. During bypass surgery, blood vessels taken from another part of the body usually the leg are used to link the open parts of a blocked artery around the blockage. In angioplasty, a thin flexible tube called a catheter is inserted through a small incision in the groin or neck into a blood vessel. In one procedure, a balloon is introduced through the catheter into the center of a blocked blood vessel. When the balloon is inflated, the blockage material is compressed back against the walls of the artery. A small metal device, called a stent, may be inserted through the catheter to serve as a permanent barrier to keep the plaque compressed. In another type of procedure, instruments are introduced through the catheter to remove the plaque.
- Implantation of pacemakers and other devices such as artificial heart valves
- Repairing congenital heart defects
Surgical treatments for heart failure itself include:
Reversing Heart Disease The Obvious
Before even thinking about reversing something we need to understand why it occurs. In the case of heart disease its pretty obvious. And a close look at the miracle cure programs show that in general they simply state the obvious. The fact is most of us take very little care of ourselves until an emergency forces us to. Our diets are typically poor and full of refined and processed foods, we dont make time to exercise, we deal with a lot of stress, smokers keep smoking, we forget to pay attention to blood pressure and cholesterol profile.
Making this worse is the confused advice that the authorities have come out with regarding nutrition. First we should avoid all fats, then we are told that actually fat is ok but carbs are bad. Some say high protein, some say low. Some say calorie count, some say dont ever count calories. The dietary recommendations are really where the confusion has set in. The reality is however that hardly anyone is capable of following a strict diet plan when most of us struggle to do anything in moderation.
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The Root Cause Of Heart Disease:
What we came to learn is that there are 2 doctor recommended treatments you should absolutely avoid if you Want To reverse your heart disease and cholesterol troubles. First a quick lesson. It has recently been revealed that having high cholesterol and elevated blood pressure levels does not mean you have heart disease. Two prominent doctors were featured on the Dr OZ show, and they proved that high cholesterol is not the enemy. What you need to worry about is the type of cholesterol that is in your body.
The secret that will allow you to lower your cholesterol, remove artery plaque, and reverse heart disease incredibly fast. This shocking discovery proves, that people with atherosclerosis and high cholesterol are found to have extremely high quantities of one particular type of cholesterol in their bodies. It is called LPA LDL.Artery plaques are made up of only this type of cholesterol,Dr. Beisiegel in Germany examined plaques post mortem and found only Lp, not LDL cholesterol! Lp was the genetic difference between species that suffer cardiovascular disease and those that do not.A re-evaluation of the world renowned Framingham Heart Study found that Lp and not LDL is highly predictive of cardiovascular disease.
Dr. Elmer M. Cranton writes in his book Bypassing Bypass Surgery
Reversing Heart Disease: Its Easier Than You Think
- 11 Dec 2018
A study titled Cardiovascular Diseases in India published by the American Heart Association, states that in comparison with Caucasians, heart or cardiovascular diseases affect Indians at least a decade earlier and in their most productive midlife years. The study goes on to state that in western populations only 23% of CVD deaths occur before the age of 70 years in India, this number is 52%.
CVDs are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels. These include coronary heart disease/heart attacks, cerebrovascular disease/stroke, heart failure, hypertension, peripheral artery disease , rheumatic heart disease , and congenital heart disease .
However, doctors say the onset of CVD can be prevented to a great extent and even reversed in a lot of people.
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Is The Reversal Of Heart Disease 100%
Turmeric / curcumin has been shown to lower lipoprotein levels in the blood stream. One study shows that curcumin does lower lipoprotein a which is a protective armor of LDL cholesterol.
Lowering of lipoprotein a indicates that progression of atherosclerosis in halted. Even a small decrease in in size of atherosclerotic plaque increases blood flow to the heart and reduces angina pain, blood pressure, triglycerides.
For 100% reversal it is necessary that the arteries be strengthened by promoting collagen synthesis. Vitamin c supplements containing vitamin C, lysine and proline are very effective in prevention and reversal of heart disease. One such example is the Pauling therapy essentials formula
Who Is More At Risk And Why
Coronary Artery Diseaseis the leading cause of heart attack in both men and women and includes the same process that leads to different kinds of risks. Although the process leading up to heart disease are the same, the symptomsare different in women than in men. The difference in gender leading up to heart disease can be influenced by many factors. Women tend to have a higher risk of experiencing heart disease according to various studies found at Harvard University.These studies identified the following:1. Women are more likely to develop small vessel disease, where blockages occur in small parts of the heart muscle, rather than large surface arteries, as found in men.2. Post-Menopause in women are found to have unusual changes in the shape of their heart muscle.3. Women are at greater risk of experiencing stroke due to hormones, reproductive health, pregnancy, and childbirth. 4. Diabetes is more likely to happen in women due to a higher levels of emotional stress, higher anxiety, and depression.Although research identifies women to have higher risk, it is also important to take in to account that women have a longer lifespan than men. This can increase the overall statistic in determining the number of cases of heart disease found in general.
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Can You Reverse Heart Disease
Making simple changes in what you eat, how often you exercise, how much you weigh, and how you manage stress can help put the brakes on heart disease.
But can you actually reverse it, not just slow it down?
You can undo some, but probably not all, of the damage. Youâll have to make big, lasting changes to your lifestyle.
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When Does It Start
Atherosclerosis begins at an early age with the earliest lesions appearing in late adolescence with advanced lesions typically developing at ages 30-40. With advancing age, the lesions become even more advanced, hard and calcified. Risk factors such as high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes and high blood pressure are associated with the development of lesions and control of these risk factors are associated with a lower likelihood of developing significant disease.
Mayo Clinic Minute: Reversing Versus Preventing Heart Disease
Regular exercise, a heart-healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking can help prevent heart disease. But is there anything that you can do to reverse it?
Yes, in certain cases, says Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist.
Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg is in the downloads at the end of the post.Please “Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network.” Read the script.
“The heart disease you can reverse is the narrowing of the arteries in the heart,” says Dr. Kopecky.
He says even if you have known heart disease, you can improve your risk factors for developing blockages that cause heart attack. And while lifestyle changes won’t open an artery if it’s already blocked by calcification, they can help prevent other blockages from happening.
“Once you do things like stop smoking, take care of your diabetes, take care of blood pressure, the progression stops,” says Dr. Kopecky.
Making changes isn’t easy and it takes some time to see improvements. Dr. Kopecky says to start small. Replace a bag of chips with an apple and build from there. Because, he says, it’s worth it.
“There are so many good benefits to lifestyle in addition to just helping your heart. It also helps reduce Alzheimer’s disease, almost all cancers and arthritis. A lot of good things happen,” says Dr. Kopecky.
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Hope After Heart Attack
What is undo it?Ornish Lifestyle Medicine at Geisinger Wyoming ValleyWhat is the Ornish diet?Dr. Bryan Martin, DO, is a cardiologist at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center in Wilkes-Barre. For more information about Ornish Lifestyle Medicine, visit or call 570-808-7973.
Geisinger Health Plan may refer collectively to Geisinger Health Plan, Geisinger Quality Options Inc., and Geisinger Indemnity Insurance Company, unless otherwise noted. Geisinger Gold Medicare Advantage HMO, PPO, and HMO D-SNP plans are offered by Geisinger Health Plan/Geisinger Indemnity Insurance Company, health plans with a Medicare contract. Continued enrollment in Geisinger Gold depends on annual contract renewal. Geisinger Health Plan Kids and Geisinger Health Plan Family are offered by Geisinger Health Plan in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services . Geisinger Health Plan is part of Geisinger, an integrated health care delivery and coverage organization.
Turmeric And Heart Disease Reversal: Can Turmeric Reverse Heart Disease
Can turmeric reverse heart disease? If turmeric or curcumin can remove the plaque attached to arteries, then it is possible to reverse heart disease.
The finding of the study on curcumin and heart disease are being presented In July 20, 2009 at the American Heart Associations Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Annual Conference in Las Vegas.
Previous studies in rats showed that curcumin had the power to prevent heart failure. Turmeric-based compounds have also been touted as potential treatments for Alzheimers, arthritis, and breast cancer.
The current study suggests curcumin may thwart the development of atherosclerosis, or clogged arteries, a key risk factor for heart attacks and strokes.
Researchers in France fed 20 mice a diet supplemented with curcumin or a comparison diet not supplemented with curcumin. After 16 weeks, mice fed on the curcumin-based diet had a 26% reduction in fatty deposits in their arteries compared to mice on the comparison diet.
In addition, curcumin appeared to alter the genetic signaling involved in plaque buildup at the molecular level. Turmeric protects the patients at the risk of CVD by improving serum lipid levels. Maintaining healthy cholesterol is very important to lead a healthy life.
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Modifying Lifestyle And Diet
Two important components of life style modification are : Vegan-diet and Exercise , working on these components you can naturally overcome heart diseases. A healthy lifestyle includes daily basis Walking habits , Yoga and meditation for underlying stress management . While dealing with heart diseases lifestyle modification and Diet works as a standard formula to get rid of cardiac problems .
But as we know diet plays a major role in reversal of cardiac diseases , specially whole food plant based diets are the secret of healthy heart because these diets are deficient in high amount of unsaturated fats and unwanted calories . Diets like vegetable , fruits , whole grains are the best diet one can have them for owns self . Natural diets are like remedies while having them you can maintain your health status .
Q: How Much Should I Exercise To Help Keep My Heart Disease Under Control
Dr. Tam: We recommend at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity at least five days a week for heart health. If youre looking to lose weight, you may need to exercise for more extended periods or more often.
Exercise can include a formal fitness program at the gym or other activities you enjoy, such as swimming, water aerobics, gardening, speed walking, or hiking. The point is to keep your heart rate up and stay as active as possible. Talk to your doctor about which exercises are safe for you.
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