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What Do You Do If Someone Is Having A Heart Attack

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Risk Factors For A Silent Heart Attack In Women

What To Do If Someone Around You Is Having A Heart Attack? | A Step By Step Guide

Still, Ekery says, the risk factors for a silent heart attack are the same as those for a recognized heart attack, and:

  • obesity
  • age

A silent heart attack can be just as dangerous as its more obvious counterpart, says Ekery. Because the event often leaves scarring and damage to the heart, it puts the person at greater risk of other heart problems. And because the person didnt know to seek treatment, blood flow to the heart might not have been restored early on, and no medications were administered, so the impact could potentially be greater.

Know The Warning Signs Off By Heart

The symptoms of heart attacks vary widely. They differ between individuals, but also between men and women.

A heart attack can come on suddenly and be intense. Or it can start slowly and be mild. Some patients dont experience any pain. Some people mistake a heart attack for indigestion or angina.

Those experiencing severe chest pain are more likely to call 999. Those experiencing less serious symptoms, dont always seek immediate medical attention. However, responding rapidly when you suspect a heart attack can greatly improve your chances for survival and avoiding serious heart damage.

If you are uneasy about any symptoms, if you have symptoms bought on by exercise or exertion, or if you are woken up by symptoms or they come on at rest you should always quickly seek medical help.


What To Do When Someone Is Conscious During A Heart Attack

  • Ease the strain on the heart. Make the person having a heart attack as comfortable as possible in a half-sitting position, with their head and shoulders well supported and knees bent to ease the strain on the heart. Loosen clothing at the neck, chest, and waist.
  • Keep bystanders away from the patient.
  • Give angina medication. If the patient has medication for angina, help them to take it. Keep them calm and encourage them to rest.
  • Give aspirin. If the patient is fully conscious, give them a full-dose aspirin tablet. Tell them to chew it slowly so that it dissolves and is absorbed into the bloodstream more quickly when it reaches the stomach. Aspirin helps to break down blood clots, minimizing muscle damage during a heart attack.
  • Monitor patient. Regularly check and make a note of consciousness, breathing, and pulse.

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Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection

SCAD is a type of heart attack that happens when the inner lining of a coronary artery tears for no clear reason, slowing or blocking blood flow down the artery.

SCAD can occur in otherwise healthy people who do not have the typical risk factors of heart disease. And according to an article in Clinical Cardiology , about 90% of SCADs happen to women between the age of 30 and 60.

Put Time On Your Side

Heart Health

Acting quickly can save lives. If given quickly after symptoms, clot-busting and artery-opening medications can stop a heart attack, and having a catheterization with a stent put in may open a closed blood vessel. The longer you wait for treatment, the more chances of survival go down and damage to the heart goes up.

About half of those who die from heart attacks do so within the first hour after symptoms begin.

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If You Think Someone Is Having A Heart Attack Taking Action Immediately Can Save Their Life Learn Heart Attack Symptoms To Look For And What To Do Next

About 790,000 Americans have a heart attack each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . The cause is an obstruction of the blood supply to the heart muscle . The outcome depends on how much of the muscle is affected and how quickly help can be given. If you think someone is having a heart attack, always call for help rather than waiting to see if the symptoms subside. The longer you wait, the more damage can occur to the heart muscle, says the CDC. Thats what its important to know what to do when someone is having a heart attack. First, recognize the symptoms of a heart attack.

Rest In A Comfortable Position And Wait For The Ambulance To Arrive

Resting will relieve pressure on the heart as it tries to pump blood around the body.

This may involve sitting or lying down, depending on which feels more restful.

If someone is on their own when they think they are having a heart attack, they should call 911 right away and follow the advice of the call handler.

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How Will I Know If Someone Is Having A Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when the heart cant get enough oxygen. A lack of oxygen causes the heart muscle to die. The most common symptom is . But this is only half the story. Sometimes people can have other symptoms withor withoutchest pain including:

  • Any type of or pressure, such as squeezing or achiness

  • Feeling queasy or throwing up

  • Looking white as a ghost

  • or feeling unusually tired

  • Difficulty breathing

Increases And Decreases In Blood Pressure During A Heart Attack

What should you do if someone is having a heart attack?

Blood pressure is measured by evaluating the pressure that blood flowing through your arteries exerts on the walls of those arteries. During a heart attack, blood flow to part of your heart muscle is restricted or cut off, often because a blood clot blocks an artery. Without the necessary blood supply, the affected portion of your heart does not get the oxygen it needs to function properly.

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Whats The Difference Between A Heart Attack And A Cardiac Arrest

A;heart attack;is a sudden interruption to the blood supply to part of the heart muscle. Its likely to cause chest pain and permanent damage to the heart. The heart is still sending blood around the body, and the person remains conscious and is still breathing.

A;cardiac arrest;happens when the heart suddenly stops pumping blood around the body. Someone whos having a cardiac arrest will suddenly lose consciousness and will stop breathing – or stop breathing normally. Unless immediately treated by cardiopulmonary resuscitation , this always leads to death within minutes.

A person having a heart attack is at high risk of experiencing a cardiac arrest.

Both a heart attack and a cardiac arrest are life-threatening medical emergencies and require immediate medical help.

What Do You Do If You Have A Heart Attack

If you have any of the listed symptoms:

  • tell someone and ask them to get help right away

The faster you get help, the better your chances of surviving a heart attack. Half of heart attack deaths happen within 2 hours of the first signs.

On average, Canadians wait almost 5 hours before getting medical help. Many people find it hard to believe that they are having a heart attack. They convince themselves that the symptoms are something else and that they will go away.

Not getting help for your symptoms could lead to death. New therapies and drugs can reduce damage and save your life if treatment begins soon enough. Your health care provider will work with you to determine treatment and recovery needs.

If you have suffered a heart attack, having important health information close by can help medical staff treat you. Carry personal health information with you at all times and have it posted by your phone. You may not be able to tell medical staff this information yourself, depending on your condition.

Your list should include:

  • telephone and health care number
  • medical history
  • current medications
  • health care provider
  • health insurance number for expenses that are not covered under provincial health insurance plans, such as:
  • ambulance services

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Is Chest Pain Normal After A Heart Attack

Once you’ve had a heart attack, you’re at higher risk for another one. Not everyone who has CHD;will have chest pain;, but if you do, it should be a light pain or pressure in your chest that quickly goes away. It will typically happen during or right after physical exertion, intense emotion or eating a heavy meal. If you’re having ANY chest pains, tell your doctor. There are exercises and medication that can help ease or prevent the pain. If you don’t know if your chest pain is angina or a heart attack, call 911.

Perform Cpr If You Are Qualified

How to tell if it is a panic attack or a heart attack

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is one link in what the American Heart Association calls the “chain of survival.” The chain of survival is a series of actions that, when done in sequence, will give a person having a heart attack the best chance of survival.

In an emergency, the first link in the chain of survival is early access. This means activating the EMS system by calling 911 . The next link in the chain of survival is to do CPR until thereâs access to a defibrillator.

The most common cause of death from a heart attack in adults is a disturbance in the electrical rhythm of the heart called ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular fibrillation can be treated, but it needs an electrical shock to the chest called defibrillation. If a defibrillator is not readily available, brain death will happen in less than 10 minutes.

One way of buying time until a defibrillator becomes available is to give artificial breathing and circulation with CPR. By giving a combination of manual chest compressions and artificial, or “mouth-to-mouth,” respiration, the rescuer can breathe for the other person and help circulate some of the blood throughout their body. Even without mouth-to-mouth, “hands-only” CPR can be very effective.

The earlier you give CPR to a person in cardiopulmonary arrest , the better the chance of resuscitation. By doing CPR, you keep oxygenated blood flowing to the heart and brain until a defibrillator becomes available.

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When To Contact A Medical Professional

  • Does not respond to you
  • Is not breathing

Adults should take steps to control heart disease risk factors whenever possible.

  • If you smoke, quit. Smoking more than doubles the chance of developing heart disease.
  • Keep blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes in good control and follow your health care provider’s orders.
  • Lose weight if obese or overweight.
  • Get regular exercise to improve heart health.
  • Eat a heart-healthy diet. Limit saturated fats, red meat, and sugars. Increase your intake of chicken, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Your provider can help you tailor a diet specific to your needs.
  • Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. One drink a day is associated with reducing the rate of heart attacks, but two or more drinks a day can damage the heart and cause other medical problems.

What To Do When Someone Is Unconscious During A Heart Attack

  • This is always the first thing to do if youre helping someone who is unconscious.
  • Open airway. Check for breathing and be prepared to begin CPR.
  • Send for AED. Ask someone to bring an AED , if possible, while you treat the patient. AEDs deliver a shock to correct an abnormal heart rhythm called ventricular fibrillation, which is the cause of some heart attacks. The machines are found in most public places, such as shopping centers and train stations.
  • Operate the AED. An AED is simple to use. Attach the pads as indicated on the machine; then the machine will talk the operator through the process. An AED will only deliver a shock if the patients condition indicates that it is necessary. If you have attached an AED to a patient, leave the machine switched on at all times and leave the pads attached, even if the patient recovers. Heres more on how to use an AED.

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Catch The Signs Early

Dont wait to get help if you experience any of these heart attack;warning signs. Some heart attacks are sudden and intense. But most start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Pay attention to your body and call 911 if you experience:

  • Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or it may go away and then return. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain.
  • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
  • Shortness of breath. This can occur with or without chest discomfort.
  • Other signs. Other possible signs include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.

Download the;common heart attack warning signs infographic;|;

Why Are Lifestyle Changes Important

What to do if you think you’re having a heart attack

Making changes in your lifestyle is one of the most important things you can do to prevent another heart attack, heart disease and stroke. The ABCs of prevention are:

  • Avoid Tobacco As a nonsmoker, you can go so many places and enjoy so many experiences that were off limits to you as a smoker.
  • Become More Active Regular physical activity will ease stress and depression, help control weight and help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Choose Good Nutrition Good nutrition will help control your weight, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Even if you’re taking prescription medication, it’s still extremely important to lead a heart-healthy lifestyle. Learn more about the lifestyle changes;for heart attack prevention.

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What Is A Cardiac Rehabilitation Program

Before you leave the hospital, your doctor may talk to you about a cardiac rehabilitation program. These programs provide information that will help you understand your risk factors. It will help you live a healthy lifestyle that can prevent future heart problems. You will learn about exercise and;diet, and how to reach and maintain a healthy weight. You will also learn ways to control your stress level, your;blood pressure,;and your;cholesterol;levels.

Your cardiac rehabilitation program will probably start while you are still in the hospital. After you leave the hospital, your rehabilitation will continue in a rehab center. The rehab center may be at the hospital or in another location.

Most cardiac rehabilitation programs last 3 to 6 months. Your doctor will talk to you about how often you need to attend the program. Once you enroll in a cardiac rehabilitation program, regular attendance is important. The more lifestyle changes you make, the better your chances of preventing future heart problems.

The sooner you get medical help, the greater your chances of surviving a heart attack. Do not delay getting immediate medical attention if you are experiencing symptoms of heart attack.

Would You Know What To Do In Case Your Loved One Suffers A Heart Attack Well Here Are Expert Tips That Can Help You Save Someone’s Life

Written by Editorial Team | Updated : February 9, 2017 5:50 PM IST

A heart attack is a serious condition where the arteries supplying blood to your heart is unable to do so because of a blockage or other complications. Quickly becoming a common occurrence with even people in their 20s and 30s suffering from the condition, a person may suffer a heart attack without any warning signs. In this post, our expert Dr Vijay Surase tells you exactly what you need to do to help the person who might be suffering from a heart attack before you can take him/her to a hospital for treatment.

What should you do when someone has a heart attack?

Dr Surase says, ‘ If a person is having chest pain, even if there s a chance that he might not be suffering from a heart attack, he deserves the benefit of doubt. The first step is to help the patient relax. Loosen their clothes and open the windows. Next pop a tablet of aspirin into their mouth. Don t give it to them with water. Ask them to chew it instead. If that s not possible crush the tablet in a little water and give it to them. Another medicine you can use is sorbitrate. Place the tablet under the patient’s tongue. You can give up to three sorbitrates in five minutes. Both aspirin and sorbitrate have anti-coagulant properties and help dissolve blood clots. However DO NOT GIVE sorbitrate to people who have low blood pressure or/and are sweating profusely.’

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How Long Does A Heart Attack Last

Initial heart attack symptoms, including chest pain and shortness of breath, may come and go. Symptoms often last around 10 minutes or longer.

A study published in Critical Pathways in Cardiology found that symptoms lasting less than five minutes are unlikely to indicate a heart attack, while symptoms lasting longer than five minutes should be taken seriously as signs of a myocardial infarction .

However, this finding comes from only one study. So if you have symptoms lasting longer than a few minutes, you need to call 911.

How To Help Someone Having A Heart Attack

St John Ambulance on Twitter: "As well as giving #Aspirin ...

Chest Pain & Heart Attack

If you find yourself in a situation where youre unsure what to do when someone is having a heart attack, Complete Care has created this guide for you. In this article well be discussing how to help someone having a heart attack, symptoms and warning signs to look out for, and even what to do when having a heart attack alone.;

If you are helping someone who is in immediate medical crisis, to skip to our instructions for heart attack first aid treatment.;

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