Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Do I Get Heart Palpitations When I Lay Down

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How Do I Manage Heart Palpitations At Night

Heart palpitations when laying down

Most of the time, heart palpitations at night dont require treatment, especially if they only happen occasionally. You may be able to relieve heart palpitations at night yourself. If your heart is racing at night, you should:

  • Breathe deeply: Try pursed lip breathing techniques, which involve long, deep breaths. You can also meditate and try other relaxation techniques to reduce stress.
  • Drink a glass of water: If youre dehydrated, your heart has to work harder to pump blood.
  • Roll over or get up and walk around: A change of position might be all you need to relieve heart palpitations. Try rolling over in bed, sitting up or going for a short walk around the room while taking deep breaths.

If a health condition is causing palpitations, your provider will treat the condition. Treatments vary depending on the cause. Sometimes, providers prescribe a type of medicine called beta blockers to treat palpitations. These medications slow the heart rate and reduce palpitations.

Can I Prevent Heart Palpitations At Night

You may not be able to prevent heart palpitations at night, but you can lower your risk. You should:

  • Avoid drinking too much alcohol or caffeine, especially before bed. If you smoke, talk to your provider about a plan to quit smoking.
  • Dont eat a big meal right before you go to bed.
  • Get treatment for anxiety or depression. Talk to your provider about antidepressant medication and therapy.
  • Take steps to reduce stress on a daily basis. Try meditation, yoga, diaphragmatic breathing and other relaxation techniques.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. If you carry extra weight or have obesity, ask your provider about a weight loss plan.

What Are The Health Risks Of Experiencing Heart Palpitations

The irregularity of the heart rhythm per se usually does no damage to the heart itself. Patients with a very rapid heart over a long period of time do run a risk of developing enlargement and failure of the heart.

We see heart enlargment with a very common cause of palpitations called atrial fibrillation. Patients can be in atrial fibrillation for many years without harm, but some patients with very little symptoms may have too rapid and irregular a rhythm present with symptoms of heart failure. There may also be some increased risk of stroke because of blood clots that can form in association with atrial fibrillation.

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Can Herbal Remedies Help Prevent Heart Palpitations

In terms of herbal remedies, I am not aware of an herbal remedy specifically effective for heart palpitation. I should say that low levels of potassium or magnesium in the body may be associated with palpitations and occasionally even more severe heart rhythm disorders, and in those cases supplements or foods high in potassium and magnesium are quite helpful.

How Are Exercise And Pvcs Related

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The relationship between extra beats and exercise is a complicated one. Many patients experience PVCs or palpitations before and after exercise, but not during exercise.

When most patients start to exercise, their own heart rate rises and the PVCs or other extra beats disappear at higher heart rates. After exercise, the body’s natural adrenalin level remains high for a period of time while the heart rate begins to go down during rest. This period of time often permits the extra beats to come back, and sometimes their rate and frequency are higher than before exercise.

If the other symptoms are mild or not present, usually there is not any reason for serious concern. If other symptoms accompany the palpitations such as shortness of breath, chest discomfort, or severe lightheadedness or loss of consciousness, those symptoms with palpitations in any setting are a cause for concern and require further evaluation.

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Why Do Heart Palpitations Happen

Your heart beats because it has the very important job of sending oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to every part of your body, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute . It also sends the carbon dioxide your body produces as a waste product to your lungs so you can expel it. When theres a glitch in this system, you might experience a palpitation.

Typically, your heart knows when to squeeze based on electrical impulses from a group of cells known as your sinoatrial node, according to the NHLBI. These cells are housed in your hearts right chamber, also known as its right atrium. If your SA node starts sending wonky electrical impulses, you might experience heart palpitations.

How Your Heart Works

Your heart has a right side and a left side, separated by a wall. Each side has a small collecting chamber , which leads into a large pumping chamber . There are four chambers the left atrium and right atrium , and the left ventricle and right ventricle .

Normally, the upper chambers of your heart contract first and push blood into the lower chambers . The ventricles then contract the right ventricle pumping blood to your lungs and the left ventricle pumping blood to the rest of your body.

In a healthy heart, heartbeats are set off by tiny electrical signals that come from your hearts natural pacemaker a small area of your heart called the sinus node, located in the top of the right atrium. These signals travel rapidly throughout the atria to make sure that all the hearts muscle fibres contract at the same time, pushing blood into the ventricles.

These same electrical signals are passed on to the ventricles via the atrioventricular node and cause the ventricles to contract a short time later, after they have been filled with blood from the atria. This normal heart rhythm is called the sinus rhythm, because it is controlled by the sinus node.

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Diagnosing Heart Palpitations With Severe Symptoms

If the patients symptoms are more severe, such as significant lightheadedness or loss of consciousness associated with palpitations, a more comprehensive evaluation is warranted. That type of evaluation might well involve an ultrasound of the heart, a treadmill test, more sophisticated blood tests including thyroid tests, and an ambulatory EKG or Holter monitor. Some patients may require invasive studies if a serious heart condition is suspected to underlie the symptom of palpitations.

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Know The Risk Factors For Heart Disease

How to tell if the palpitations you are getting are serious or not

Heart disease can affect anyone. But if youre experiencing one or more of the symptoms above, you should take the time to learn whether you have certain risk factors that make you more likely to develop heart trouble. Here are a few risk factors to consider:

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How Do I Know If I Have Heart Problems Or Anxiety

People who suffer from panic attacks often say their acute anxiety feels like a heart attack, as many of the symptoms can seem the same. Both conditions can be accompanied by shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, sweating, a pounding heartbeat, dizziness, and even physical weakness or temporary paralysis.

A Fast But Regular Heartbeat

There are many reasons why the heart rate can be faster than normal. Some of these are:

  • Exercise.
  • In other cases, you may need a test of your heart while you exercise.
  • Electrophysiology tests may also be used. Small wires are inserted into your heart via one of your veins. These wires measure the electrical signals in your heart and can determine where any abnormal electrical signals are coming from.

All these tests are to make sure there is no abnormality in your heart causing the palpitations. However in many cases, palpitations are NOT caused by any problem with your heart.

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Sometimes Though Palpitations Might Signal Something More Serious

For example, these impulses go offbeat due to arrhythmias, which are basically short circuits in your hearts electrical system, the NHLBI explains. Arrhythmias can make your heart beat irregularly and feel strange, along with causing weakness, dizziness, feeling light-headed, fainting, shortness of breath, and chest pain, among other symptoms, according to the NHLBI.

While arrhythmias often arent dangerous and can be treated in many ways, sometimes they can be life-threatening. Only a doctor can tell you for sure, but any symptoms besides the strange heart sensations are typically a clue that your arrhythmia may be more serious, says the NHLBI. If you think youre experiencing any strange symptoms along with your heart palpitations, seek medical attention immediately.

Other times, the Mayo Clinic notes, heart palpitations can be a sign that somethings up with a different organ, like your thyroid gland. Your thyroid produces hormones like thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which influence many of your bodys systems, according to the Mayo Clinic. If your thyroid is on overdrive , it will generate too much thyroxine, which kicks up your bodys metabolism. This can lead to a rapid or irregular heartbeat, along with symptoms like an increased appetite and sudden weight loss.

What Medications Are Usually Prescribed To Prevent Palpitations

Why Do I Experience Palpitations When Lying Down?

There are a large number of medications that are used by physicians that are used to treat more serious types of heart rhythm disorders. These are usually prescribed by a heart specialist because they do have significant side effects and if not used correctly can cause serious cardiovascular problems, even a cardiac arrest or sudden death.

When used correctly, these powerful medications can prevent serious heart rhythm disorders from occurring and can be quite useful, although most patients would prefer not to be on them because of their cost, side effects, and they often must be taken multiple times a day.

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What Causes Heart Palpitations

Most people have heart palpitations from time to time. Some common causes include:

  • Hormones: Fluctuating hormones can speed up your heart rate during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause.
  • Stress: Anxiety, depression, and stress can affect your heart rate.
  • Alcohol or caffeine: Having either of these stimulants close to bedtime can cause your heart to race and make it difficult for you to sleep.
  • Bedtime snacks: What you eat also affects your heart. Sugary foods, chocolate, and super salty foods or those with monosodium glutamate can make it feel like your heart is racing.
  • Medicines: Certain prescription and over-the-counter medicines, including those taken for allergies, may be the culprit.

A Cardiologist Explains What Can Cause Palpitations Or The Feeling Of Skipped Heartbeats After You Lie Down

So you get into bed and are ready for the nights sleep, and only a few minutes later, your heart suddenly skips a beat or flutters.

Youve noticed that usually when you feel a skipped beat or flutteringpalpitationsits very soon after settling into bed for sleep. Why is this?

The cause of a fluttering or seemingly skipping heartbeat, soon after getting into bed, is anxiety and stress.

Image: Dreamstime Chrisharvey

After all, the minute your head hits the pillow, you may become inundated with the stress of all the things you have to do the next day.

Yes, this is usually the cause, says Robert M. Davidson, MD, a cardiologist with SignatureMD.

Also, it is easier to feel your heartbeat when lying down and it is quiet, especially if you are lying on your left side.

Now that we know its usually stress and anxiety, fretting about the next days tasks, that causes palpitations or fluttering, just what is the mechanism behind this annoying phenomenon?

It is due to an increase in both adrenaline, released from the adrenal glands at times of stress, which has a direct effect on the heart, and to an increase in involuntary nervous stimulation of the heart , which also stimulates the heart, says Dr. Davidson.

Both of these stimulants are part of the normal adaptive response to stress, the fight or flight response, which causes the heart to beat faster and harder, adds Dr. Davidson. So heres how it works:

Shutterstock/Memo Angeles

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Causes Of Heart Palpitations When Lying Down

Here are some common causes that are related with sensation of palpitation in the heart,

  • One of the most causes of palpitations is caffeine. Caffeine is known to increase the metabolic rate of the body therefore increasing the persons heartbeat. Too much intake of coffee will likely bring an abnormal heart rhythm.
  • Another cause of irregular heartbeat is smoking. Cigarette contains nicotine which is also known as stimulant. Stimulants cause heart to beat fast so people who smoke often have the high chance of experiencing abnormal heartbeat.
  • Stress, anxiety, panic and fear also cause palpitations. This is a normal body reaction when a person is exposed to stressful environment. Automatically the metabolic rate rises hence causing the heart to beat fast.
  • Heart disease is one cause why people experience palpitations. When one is diagnosed with heart illness such as congestive heart failure, this is felt more frequently as the heart has a defect already. Valuvular heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias and myocardial infarction can also result in abnormal palpitation of the heart.

What Are Heart Palpitations

Heart Palpitations Medical Course

Heart palpitations are the sensation that your heart is pounding, racing, or skipping beats . It is normal to hear or feel your heart pounding as it beats faster when you exercise. You may feel it when you do any physical activity. But if you have palpitations, you might feel like your heart is pounding while you are just sitting still or moving slowly.

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Could Heart Palpitations Accompanied By Shortness Of Breath Be Serious

Heart palpitations can certainly be associated with shortness of breath, that is, the two symptoms together without a serious condition being present. That usually indicates that the irregularity of the heart rhythm is significant and may signal the need for a more comprehensive evaluation.

In general, the more serious the symptoms, such as lightheadedness, loss of consciousness, chest pain, shortness of breath, the more seriously one needs to take the problem.

If a patient has known heart disease such as a previous myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure , hypertrophic cardiomyopathy , and others, the symptoms of palpitations will require a thorough evaluation.

What Are The Symptoms Of Heart Palpitations At Night

When you lay down you may feel:

  • Fluttering. Some people describe this sensation as a flapping or fluttery feeling in the chest. Your heart may feel like its doing flips.
  • Irregular heart rate. It might feel like your heart is beating out of rhythm, skipping a beat, or speeding up and slowing down. It can also seem like your heart stops for a second or two.
  • Pounding. You might feel like your heart is beating very hard or forcefully. Some people who have heart pounding say they can hear it beating in their ears.

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Deep Breathing for Immediate Relaxation

  • Breathe through your nose for 4 seconds
  • Hold your breath for 7 seconds
  • Release your breath through your mouth while making a wooshing sound for 8 seconds
  • Repeat cycle
  • Exercise for better heart healthWhat treatments are available? Nutritional interventions Pharmacological treatments:Beta blockersAnti-arrhythmic drugsCalcium channel blockersCatheter AblationJust remember, don’t panic!

    Potential Causes Of Your Heart Palpitations

    Why Do I Get Heart Palpitations after Eating?

    Now that we have a better understanding about what heart palpitations are and why they seem to occur more at night, lets take a look at some of the potential causes. In most cases, heart palpitations on their own arent usually serious and are often caused by:

    • Stress and anxiety
    • Dehydration
    • Certain medications

    In more serious cases, you may have a heart rhythm disorder such as atrial fibrillation, which affects approximately 2.7 million people in the United States. With this condition, the two upper chambers of your heart your atria beat irregularly, upsetting the rhythm of your heart.

    Atrial fibrillation can lead to serious complications like blood clots, so we need to monitor the condition closely.

    In order to figure out whats making your heart race at night, we urge you to come in for a full evaluation, even if its just for your peace of mind. For example, if we find that stress or anxiety is behind nighttime racing, you can take action through relaxation exercises.

    If we do find an electrical or structural problem in your heart, that diagnosis is key in helping us move forward and find you the best treatment options for your racing heart.

    To figure out whats causing your heart to race at night, please contact our office in Little Rock, Arkansas, to set up an appointment. We also offer telehealth visits.

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    If This Problem Plagues You Most Nights Try This:

    Do one minute of your hardest exercise such as squat jumps, squat thrusts, burpees, jump lunges, pushups or sprinting on your treadmill. Tomasz Borucki

    And I mean DARN HARDEST for 60 seconds, so that at the end, youre gulping air.

    This one minute of strenuous exercise will trick the body into thinking you engaged in the fight part of the fight or flight response.

    The body will then release hormones that will oppose the stress hormones that cause your heart to flutter in the first place!

    This approach may calm down your heartbeat, once your rate returns to normal after the exertion.

    Dr. Davidsonis with the Division of Cardiology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, and has been practicing for 30+ years. Areas of specialty include coronary artery disease, heart attack and palpitations.
    Lorra Garrick has been covering medical, fitness and cybersecurity topics for many years, having written thousands of articles for print magazines and websites, including as a ghostwriter. Shes also a former ACE-certified personal trainer.

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