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Why Heart Attack Happens In The Morning

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Why Is It Common In The Morning

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Heart attacks are more common during this period because there is a sudden increase in demand on our heart, our coronary arteries are more constricted and our capacity to dissolve blood clots is diminished, a data published by the Philippine Council for health research and development.

According to a study published in a cardiology journal heart, the heart attacks that occurred in the morning hours were associated with about 20% more dead heart tissue.

You must know these signs and symptoms of Heart attack

In the early hours of the morning, your levels of PAI-1a protein that prevents your body from breaking down blood clots, a major contributor to heart attack and strokespike.

During the early morning hours, the blood platelets are stickier and increased adrenaline released from the adrenal glands can trigger the rupture of plaques in coronary arteries. Your body also sees a natural surge in cortisol, taxing your heart.

In a study performed on mice, it has discovered that the heart rate is slow in the morning with irregular heartbeats. As the heart loses the regularity of the beat, it cannot pump blood efficiently and a person can die suddenly. The data published in the journal Nature.

It further links the risk between a protein, KLF15, and the bodys natural circadian rhythm.

Early morning when you wake up, our body and heart need more supply of oxygen to awaken the relaxed cardiovascular system. Also, more energy needed to perform other activities.

Abrupt Changes In Blood Pressure

Blood pressure follows a daily pattern. It is normally lower at night while you are sleeping and starts to rise a few hours before waking up. This rise in BP continues during the day, usually peaking in the middle of the afternoon. By late afternoon or evening, your BP would begin to drop again.

Must read Hypertension: Beware of this silent killer.

In the morning, the body releases certain hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones give you energy boosts but can also raise your BP. This morning increase in BP is usually seen between 6 am and noon.

Hence, when you first wake up in the morning, blood pressure increases due to the bodys normal circadian rhythm. One of them is a morning surge in BP , which results in an increased risk of damage to the brain, heart, and kidneys.

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In the nutshell

Events like stroke or Heart Attack, or Cardiac arrest can happen to anybody anywhere at any time. Its good that everyone is familiar with heart attack signs, stroke, and cardiac arrest.

Also, it is surely found that blood pressure plays a critical role in all these events. Get some natural ideas to manage blood pressure here.

Finally, making basic lifestyle changes is the most effective way to prevent cardiac arrest or heart attack or stroke events.

Recommended Reading: Is Stomach Ache Sign Of Heart Attack

We’re All Devastated: Bills Player Dion Dawkins Discusses Team Response

Buffalo Bills offensive tackle Dion Dawkins said the team has faced a lot of sadness since teammate Damar Hamlin suffered cardiac arrest Monday and collapsed mid-game on the field.

However, there are “happy spirits” and “happy prayers” for Hamlin, he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Tuesday.

“We’re all devastated. When things like this happen, its a shock to all of us. Its a dramatically unique thing that has happened and were all going through it together and, honestly, the entire world is. Everybody that has seen it, our whole country, every football fan, everybody whos not even a part of football has seen and heard this story. So were all handling it in different ways, but its a unique situation.

He described the moment he realized the severity of his teammate’s injury Monday night.

You kind of look around and you kind of see the medical staff doing their job, and you know when its like something minor like someone is down, but theyre sitting up, the guys are moving at a nice pace, Dawkins explained. But when things like this are going on, like then theyre waving really fast and calling guys on the field and calling for the elite medical staff, thats when you really realize that something is really, really wrong. And this was one of the first experiences for myself where something like this has happened in this type of way, where it silenced an entire stadium that was at an uproar half a play earlier.

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Revealed Why Heart Attacks Happen In The Morning

Reported By:| |Source: ANI |Updated: Nov 26, 2013, 03:21 AM IST

Researchers have found that the internal body clock may contribute to the morning peak in heart attacks and ischemic strokes.

Corresponding author Frank A.J.L. Scheer, PhD, director of the Medical Chronobiology Program at Brigham and Womens Hospital , said that their findings suggest that the circadian system, or the internal body clock, contributes to the increased risk for cardiovascular events in the morning.

The researchers studied 12 healthy adult volunteers in the intensive physiological monitoring laboratories at BWH.

Participants were assessed throughout a two-week laboratory protocol designed to desynchronize daily behavioral and environmental rhythms from internal circadian rhythms.

Researchers specifically evaluated the role of Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 , which inhibits the breakdown of blood clots and is thus a risk factor for blood clotting, one of the major contributors to heart attack and ischemic stroke.

The researchers sought out to test whether this morning peak in PAI-1 is caused by the internal circadian system or by behaviors that typically occur in the morning, such as altered posture and physical activity.

The researchers found a robust circadian rhythm in circulating PAI-1 with a peak corresponding to approximately 6:30 a.m. in a regular sleep/wake cycle.

The new findings have been published in the journal Blood.

Can You Survive Commotio Cordis

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When this condition does occur, it’s extremely important to start CPR and defibrillation in a timely manner, Torres said.

You want to start CPR within two minutes, and they had defibrillators on hand which Im sure they used during CPR to try and get him resuscitated, he said, adding that the paramedics springing into immediate action likely saved Hamlin’s life.

According to a 2009 literature review of commotio cordis , resuscitation within 3 minutes resulted in a survival rate of 25%, and that rate dropped to 3% when resuscitation is delayed beyond 3 minutes.

Cardiac arrest is one of the most time-sensitive diseases in all of medicine. If CPR is not started right away, the chance of survival falls 10% to 15% per minute without CPR, Dr. Benjamin Abella, director of the Center for Resuscitation Science at the University of Pennsylvania, tells

It is a very horrifying, rare thing to witness a cardiac arrest live … that is a real trauma, he continues, adding that he hopes Hamlins family, teammates, coaches and other witnesses get the support and resources they need to heal.

Azar added: “Kudos to the EMTs and everyone there who on the spot.”

After what happened on the field, the next step was getting Hamlin to a hospital for further evaluation and treatment, Torres said.

“We’ll know in the next 24 hours or so how hes going to do,” Torres said.

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Heart Attacks ‘are Worse’ If They Happen In The Morning

People who have a heart attack in the morning tend to fare worse than those who have one at other times of the day and night, experts have discovered.

Heart attacks occurring between 0600 and noon are more likely to create a larger area of damaged heart tissue.

The findings in Heart journal come from a study of over 800 patients in Spain.

Experts say the body’s natural sleep-awake cycle could explain the differences seen, but advise more research to confirm the findings.

It is well established that a person’s 24-hour body clock can influence heart attack risk.

For example, doctors know that people are more likely to have a heart attack around the time when they are waking up from sleep than at other times, but what is less known is the extent of damage that this leads to.

To investigate, Dr Borja Ibanez and colleagues analysed data on 811 patients at their hospital who had suffered a type of heart attack known as an ST elevation myocardial infarction, which occurs when there is a prolonged period of blocked blood supply to the heart muscle.

The researchers split the patients into four groups based on what time segment of the 24-hour clock the heart attack occurred.

They found that one group in particular – the 0600 to midday or “morning” heart attack group – had the most severe heart attacks.

This morning group had much higher levels of an enzyme in their blood that is a marker of dying heart tissue than patients whose heart attack had occurred in the evening .

How Did The Researchers Interpret The Results

The researchers say that the amount of damage caused by heart attacks, as measured by their enzyme levels, was significantly larger in patients who had a heart attack between 6am and noon, than at other times of the day.

They say that, although the reason is not fully understood, it may be due to natural changes in the body during the 24-hour period, so that at certain times there is less cardioprotection. For example, circadian variations in heart rate, blood pressure and coronary flow may all be involved.

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Why Heart Attacks Happen In Morning

Researchers have found that the internal body clock may contribute to the morning peak in heart attacks and ischemic strokes.

Corresponding author Frank A.J.L. Scheer, PhD, director of the Medical Chronobiology Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital , said that their findings suggest that the circadian system, or the internal body clock, contributes to the increased risk for cardiovascular events in the morning.

The researchers studied 12 healthy adult volunteers in the intensive physiological monitoring laboratories at BWH. Participants were assessed throughout a two-week laboratory protocol designed to desynchronize daily behavioral and environmental rhythms from internal circadian rhythms.

Researchers specifically evaluated the role of Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 , which inhibits the breakdown of blood clots and is thus a risk factor for blood clotting, one of the major contributors to heart attack and ischemic stroke.

The researchers sought out to test whether this morning peak in PAI-1 is caused by the internal circadian system or by behaviors that typically occur in the morning, such as altered posture and physical activity.

The researchers found a robust circadian rhythm in circulating PAI-1 with a peak corresponding to approximately 6:30 a.m. in a regular sleep/wake cycle.

The new findings have been published in the journal Blood.

How Is A Heart Attack Treated

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Quick treatment to get the blood flowing to your heart muscle again is important. This can reduce the amount of permanent damage to your heart and save your life.

Many people need to have emergency treatment to restore the blood flow:

  • Coronary angioplasty re-opens the blocked coronary artery by inserting one or more stents. This helps keep the narrowed artery open.
  • Thrombolysis involves giving you clot-busting medicine to dissolve the blood clot thats blocking the coronary artery.
  • Coronary bypass surgery helps to restore normal blood flow by using a blood vessel from your leg, arm or chest in your heart to bypass the blocked artery.

You might not have these treatments if your doctor decides its not safe or necessary.

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Sitting Posture In Toilet

The cardiac events that occur during defecation are, in many cases, the result of using the sitting posture for waste elimination. Intensive and repeated Valsalva Manoeuvres are needed for emptying the bowels in a sitting position. In fact, VM was found to be a triggering event.

We, humans, are optimally designed to poop in the squatting position. However, with globalization came the toilets that required people to sit comfortably rather than squat.

For many years, experts have started pointing out the western toilet positions harms on our digestive system. Using a sitting toilet triggers the risk more than a squatting toilet as it requires more strain.

Various studies have pointed out how western toilets cause constipation, hemorrhoids, Inflammatory Bowel Disease , appendicitis, and even heart attacks or cardiovascular events like cardiac arrest .

Cardiac Arrests Can Have Long

Without urgent medical attention, someone having a cardiac arrest will die, so it’s important to call the emergency services immediately and perform CPR to keep blood and oxygen circulating, then use a defibrillator to try and get the heart beating again, the BHF said.

After a cardiac arrest, a person will be treated in an intensive or coronary care unit, and they may be put in an induced coma, the BHF said.

To reduce the risk of suffering another cardiac arrest, a person may be given a pacemaker or an implantable cardioverter defibrillator, and be told to make lifestyle changes such as to their diet

It’s normal not to remember having a cardiac arrest, and there can be long-term impact on the brain including speech and memory problems, dizziness, and fatigue, the BHF said.

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Heart Attacks More Common In The Morning

Heart attacks are five to six times more likely to occur in the early morning hours between 1 and 5 a.m., and studies have shown that morning heart attacks tend to be more severe than those that happen later in the day.

Though it has often been assumed that this is partly due to the stress associated with going to work in the morning, a new study finds a more biological basis for the peak.

The study, published in the journal Nature, has identified a link between your circadian rhythm and the rise in early morning heart attacks.

Experts have known that the type of heart attack that tends to occur in the morning is called ventricular fibrillation, caused by a rapid irregular heart beat . The study, performed on mice, discovered events on the molecular level that can lead to these more rapid irregular heartbeats.

Levels of a protein called KLF15 vary throughout the day, following the lead of the circadian clock, which governs hormonal rhythms in your body. The study found that having too low or too high levels of KLF15 set off a cascade of events that change the potassium current, affecting the electrical recovery time of heart muscle cells.

The research needs to be repeated in humans to see if KLF15 is as important. If it is, it could lead to medications that target arrhythmias.

Our work suggests that drugs that would fine tune electrical activity of the heart could perhaps prevent sudden cardiac death in the morning, but this remains to be studied, says Wehrens.

Buffalo Bills’ Damar Hamlin In Critical Condition After Suffering Cardiac Arrest On Field

    shortness of breath and numbness in arms ...

Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin is in critical condition after collapsing on the field during Monday night’s game against the Cincinnati Bengals, the Bills said.

The team said Hamlin suffered cardiac arrest following a hit in the game. His heartbeat was restored on the field and he was transferred to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center for further testing and treatment, the Bills said.

Hamlin’s uncle, Dorrian Glenn, spoke to reporters outside the medical center on Tuesday night and said his nephew’s heart stopped twice, once on the field and again at the hospital, CBS Chicago’s Charlie De Mar reported. He also said Hamlin has lung damage and can’t breathe on his own. The player had been receiving 100% oxygen from a ventilator but that is down to only 50%, he said.

Earlier Tuesday, the Bills said Hamlin spent the night in the intensive care unit and remained in critical condition.

Damar Hamlin spent last night in the intensive care unit and remains there today in critical condition at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center.We are grateful and thankful for the outpouring of support we have received thus far.

Buffalo Bills

“We are grateful and thankful for the outpouring of support we have received thus far,” the team tweeted.

Tuesday evening, Hamlin’s uncle spoke to reporters outside the hospital and said his nephew’s heart stopped twice, once on the field and again at the hospital, CBS Chicago’s Charlie De Mar reported.

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In the past few months, there has been a massive surge in cases. It can strike anyone at any time. However, many experts believe that most people experience during the early hours of the day.

According to a report published in The Indian Express, a study by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Oregon and Science University, our body’s internal clock is to be blamed. Dr Niti Chadha Negi, Senior Consultant Cardiologist, Metro Heart Hospital, Faridabad, said, “During the day, we are more alert and efficient, but we use all our energy and are ready for some much-needed sleep. Our biological clock helps in responding to our daily needs. Due to this biological clock, we see a rise in blood pressure and heart rate in response to morning sympathetic surge. This rise in heart rates and blood pressure in response to the circadian rhythms makes the cardiovascular system more irritable during the mornings.”

Another study by the Queen Mary University of London discovered that cardiovascular disease patients have lower levels of an essential family of protective molecules in their blood in the morning, which could increase the risk of blood clots and heart attacks during those times.

While many believe that and are similar and are often used interchangeably, experts have laid out the distinction between the two. A occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked, while a cardiac arrest occurs when the heart malfunctions and suddenly stops beating.

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