Thursday, July 25, 2024

Congestive Heart Disease Symptoms

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How Heart Failure Is Diagnosed

Congestive Heart Failure: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options – St. Mark’s Hospital

Symptoms of heart failure can mimic those of other health issues. Its important to bring such concerns to your healthcare providers attention, so they can determine whether heart failure or another condition is the cause.

A heart failure diagnosis is usually made based on your medical history, a physical examination, and heart function tests, primarily electrocardiogram and echocardiogram . Brain natriuretic peptide measurement has gained attention because it can be done using a blood test. It can be used with an EKG and an echo to piece together a diagnosis of heart failure.


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Systolic And Diastolic Failure

Systolic and diastolic heart failure each result in a decrease in stroke volume. This leads to activation of peripheral and central baroreflexes and chemoreflexes that are capable of eliciting marked increases in sympathetic nerve traffic.

Although there are commonalities in the neurohormonal responses to decreased stroke volume, the neurohormone-mediated events that follow have been most clearly elucidated for individuals with systolic heart failure. The ensuing elevation in plasma norepinephrine directly correlates with the degree of cardiac dysfunction and has significant prognostic implications. Norepinephrine, while directly toxic to cardiac myocytes, is also responsible for a variety of signal-transduction abnormalities, such as downregulation of beta1-adrenergic receptors, uncoupling of beta2-adrenergic receptors, and increased activity of inhibitory G-protein. Changes in beta1-adrenergic receptors result in overexpression and promote myocardial hypertrophy.

Warning Signs Of Heart Failure

By themselves, any one sign of heart failure may not be cause for alarm. But if you have more than one of these symptoms, even if you havent been diagnosed with any heart problems, report them to a healthcare professional and ask for an evaluation of your heart. Congestive heart failure is a type of heart failure which requires seeking timely medical attention, although sometimes the two terms are used interchangeably.

If you have been diagnosed with heart failure, its important for you to manage and keep track of symptoms and report any sudden changes to your healthcare team.

This table lists the most common signs and symptoms, explains why they occur and describes how to recognize them.

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Have A Healthy Body Weight

Losing weight if you are overweight helps takes the strain off your heart and can help you feel better. If you are underweight or have a poor appetite, having foods that are higher in calories and protein, or high-energy drinks, can help boost your energy. Ask your doctor, nurse or dietitian for advice on how to reach a healthy weight.

About Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive Heart Failure

Heart failure, sometimes called congestive cardiac failure , is a condition in which the heart muscle is weakened and cant pump as well as it usually does. The main pumping chambers of the heart can change size and thickness, and either cant contract or cant relax as well as they should. This triggers fluid retention, particularly in the lungs, legs and abdomen.

The major causes of heart failure include coronary heart disease and heart attack, high blood pressure, damage to the heart muscle , heart valve problems and abnormal heart rhythms. Of these, coronary heart disease and heart attack are the most common causes.

The major factors that contribute to coronary heart disease include:

  • reduced emotional and social wellbeing
  • physical inactivity.

Heart failure is more common in elderly people. The survival rate for people with this disorder depends on the severity of their condition.

Most common treatments for heart failure are medications and self-managed lifestyle changes. Some less-common treatments may require insertion of implantable cardiac devices or valve replacement.

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What Are The Risk Factors For Coronary Artery Disease

There are many risk factors for coronary artery disease. Some you cant control. Others you may be able to control by making lifestyle changes or taking medications. Talk with your provider about the risk factors listed below and how you can manage them.

Risk factors you cant control

  • Age: As you get older, your risk for CAD goes up. Men and people AMAB face a higher risk after age 45. Women and people AFAB face a higher risk after age 55.
  • Family history: You have a higher risk if your biological family members have heart disease. Its especially important to learn if they have premature heart disease. This means they were diagnosed at a young age .

Lifestyle factors that raise your risk

  • Diet high in saturated fat or refined carbohydrates.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Smoking, vaping or other tobacco use.

Cardiovascular conditions that raise your risk

  • Atherosclerosis.

Signs And Symptoms Of Congestive Heart Failure

Your heart controls the main transportation system in your body your bloodstream which is necessary to carry nutrients and oxygen to all of your cells. For some people, the heart can begin to not work properly, and this is called congestive heart failure.

Many people assume that heart failure is the same thing as a heart attack or that it means that the heart has stopped, but this isnt the case. Congestive heart failure can put you at risk of damage to the heart, liver, and/or kidneys.

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What Is The Importance Of Ejection Fraction

Your ejection fraction is one way to measure the severity of your condition. If its below normal, it can mean that you have heart failure. Your ejection fraction tells your healthcare provider how good of a job your left or right ventricle is doing at pumping blood. Usually, your EF number is talking about how much blood your left ventricle is pumping out because its your heart’s main pumping chamber.

Several non-invasive tests can measure your EF. With this information, your healthcare provider can decide how to treat you or find out if a treatment is working as it should.

A normal left ventricular ejection fraction is 53% to 70%. An LVEF of 65%, for example, means that 65% of the total amount of blood in your left ventricle is pumped out with each heartbeat. Your EF can go up and down, based on your heart condition and how well your treatment works.

Congestive Heart Failure Symptoms

Pathophysiology of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Lets move to the main topic of the day, which is congestive heart failure symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest every American take a deep look at the pauses and symptoms of congestive heart failure.

The cases of congestive heart failure are rising at rapid speed in the United States and becoming one of the leading causes of death in the country. Take a deep look at every symptom.

  • Shortness of breath
  • Lack of appetite

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States suggest everyone consult with their health care provider as soon as they start experiencing any of the above-given symptoms and they fall in the cause category.

For example, if you are an obese person and you start experiencing swelling in your legs along with shortness of breath, then you should consult with your health care provider as you might be struggling with heart disease.

Similar things also apply to people who already have a history of similar diseases or whose family has a history of heart disease, and they should consult with their health care provider if they start experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, etc.

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Reduced Risk Of Death From Any Cause With Pet Ownership

Given that the general population has a 24% lower risk of death due to any cause and heart attack survivors who live alone have a 33% lower risk of death due to heart attack, it is not surprising that owning a dog has a link to cardiovascular disease. Although pet ownership appears to have a protective effect on CVD risk, the mechanism by which it does so is still unclear. Furthermore, it should be noted that dogs with congestive heart failure have a median survival time of 6 to 14 months, but some may live for nearly three years if properly treated.

Center For Advanced Heart Failure/cardiomyopathy At Brigham And Womens Hospital

The Center for Advanced Heart Failure/Cardiomyopathy, an integral part of the Heart & Vascular Center at Brigham and Womens Hospital , brings together heart failure experts, including cardiologists, interventional cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, cardiovascular imaging specialists, congenital heart disease specialists, and many others, to care for patients as one team. Together, the team tailors therapies to each patients needs, offering the latest medical, interventional, and surgical approaches to congestive heart failure treatment.

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Heart Failure Expectations Unrealistic

In the study, researchers surveyed 122 people with moderate to advanced congestive heart failure about their perception of their life expectancy.

They found the heart failure patients tended to overestimate their life expectancy by about three years. The average patient survival estimate was 13 years compared with a validated medical model estimate of 10 years.

Overall, 63% of people with heart failure overestimated their remaining life expectancy by an average of 40% compared with medical model predictions. Those who were younger and with more advanced disease were most likely to overestimate how long they had left to live.

During the three-year follow-up period, 29% of the people involved in the survey died. Researchers found no relationship between longer life expectancy perceptions and survival.

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Common Causes Of Lower Limb Oedema

Congestive heart failure
  • Gravitational disorderfor example, immobility
  • Venous thrombosis or obstruction, varicose veins
  • Hypoproteinaemiafor example, nephrotic syndrome, liver disease
  • Lymphatic obstruction

Fatigue and lethargy

Fatigue and lethargy in chronic heart failure are, in part, related to abnormalities in skeletal muscle, with premature muscle lactate release, impaired muscle blood flow, deficient endothelial function, and abnormalities in skeletal muscle structure and function. Reduced cerebral blood flow, when accompanied by abnormal sleep patterns, may occasionally lead to somnolence and confusion in severe chronic heart failure.

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Heart Failure Symptoms By Class And Stage

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Heart failure is a complex, chronic syndrome that gets worse over time. During the diagnostic process, physicians classify each case of heart failure. The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association and the New York Heart Association have complementary classification systems.1-4

The ACC/AHA stages reflect the range from a high risk of developing heart failure to advanced heart failure and are associated with an approach to treatment plans.1-4 The New York Heart Association clinical classifications of heart failure reflect the severity of symptoms or functional limits due to heart failure.1-2 A diagnosis can have an assignment of a stage and a class.

What Is Heart Failure Causes Symptoms Risk Factors And Treatments

Heart failure happens when the heart cannot pump enough blood and oxygen to support other organs in your body. Heart failure is a serious condition, but it does not mean that the heart has stopped beating. Although it can be a severe disease, heart failure is not a death sentence, and treatment is now better than ever.

When this happens, blood and fluid may back up into the lungs , and some parts of the body dont get enough oxygen-rich blood to work normally. These problems lead to the symptoms of heart failure.

Heart failure develops because the heart muscle becomes weak or loses the ability to pump normally. The Ejection Fraction is a percent that lets us know how the heart is squeezing . If the heart isnt “squeezing” well to get enough blood to your body, you have heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction . If the heart can’t “relax” to fill with enough blood between contractions, you have heart failure with preserved ejection fraction . Heart muscle weakening and damage is often called cardiomyopathy, which literally means “heart muscle disease.”

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What Is Congestive Heart Failure In Cats

Congestive heart failure is a term that refers to the heart’s inability to pump enough blood to the body. Due to this, blood starts to back up into the lungs and fluid accumulates in the chest, abdomen, or both. This lead to further constriction of the heart and lungs, and limits oxygen flow throughout the body. There are many causes of CHF in cats, but the two most common causes are:

  • Mitral valve insufficiency , which refers to a leaky mitral valve, which is the valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle.
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy , which is when the heart chambers enlarge and lose their ability to contract.

Clinical signs of CHF vary depending on whether the cat has left- or right-sided heart failure.

Right-sided congestive heart failure

This occurs when a heart contraction causes some blood to leak into the right atrium from the right ventricle rather than being pushed through the lungs and becoming oxygenated. As a result, the main circulation system becomes congested with blood, and fluid accumulates in the abdomen, interfering with adequate organ function. Excess fluid might also build up in the limbs and cause swelling known as peripheral edema.

Left-sided congestive heart failure

Stages Of Heart Failure

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Pathophysiology, Nursing, Treatment, Symptoms | Heart Failure Part 1

In 2001, the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology described the “Stages of Heart Failure.” These stages, which were updated in 2005, will help you understand that heart failure is often a progressive condition and can worsen over time. They will also help you understand why a new medication was added to your treatment plan and may help you understand why lifestyle changes and other treatments are needed.

The stages classified by the AHA and ACC are different than the New York Heart Association clinical classifications of heart failure that rank patients as class I-II-III-IV, according to the degree of symptoms or functional limits. Ask your doctor what stage of heart failure you are in.

Check the table below to see if your therapy matches what the AHA and ACC recommend. Note that you cannot go backward in stage, only forward.

The table below outlines a basic plan of care that may or may not apply to you, based on the cause of your heart failure and your special needs. Ask your doctor to explain therapies that are listed if you do not understand why you are or are not receiving them.

The New York Heart Association clinical classifications of heart failure rank people as class I-II-III-IV, according to the degree of symptoms or functional limits. You can ask your doctor if you want to know what stage of heart failure youâre in.

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What Is The Outlook For Heart Failure Patients

Very good, particularly now compared to prior generations, says Dr. Jacoby. We have medicines and treatments that reverse many cases of heart failure, and in most cases, the outlook is generally very good.

In cases where reversal of damage to the heart and affected areas is not possible, Dr. Jacoby says that the Yale Medicine team follows the patient closely and works to optimize quality of life while treating him or her.

How Can I Prevent Coronary Artery Disease

You cant always prevent coronary artery disease. Thats because some risk factors are out of your control. But theres a lot you can do to lower your risk. Many strategies to lower your risk also help manage your condition once youre diagnosed.

You can lower your risk of coronary artery disease and help prevent it from getting worse by doing the following:

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What Is A Heart Failure Flare

A flare-up is when your heart failure symptoms suddenly get worse. This might include increased shortness of breath, increased swelling of your ankles or tummy or worsening cough. A flare-up might be triggered by an infection, but there may be no apparent reason. A flare-up is also known as an exacerbation.

Each flare-up can make your heart weaker. Its a common cause of admission to hospital. Its important to be prepared and know how to recognise the symptoms of a flare-up and what to do when they happen.

Symptoms Of Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive Heart Failure doesnât happen in a day  it takes many months ...

The symptoms of congestive heart failure are also associated with other diseases and ailments.

In the early stages of congestive heart failure, there is a possibility that you might not feel any changes or symptoms. But as the disease progresses, symptoms appear.

Following symptoms would indicate a person has congestive heart failure:

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Congestive Heart Failure

Shortness of breath

The hallmark and most common symptom of left heart failure is shortness of breath and may occur:

  • While lying flat
  • While awakening the person from sleep or
  • Due to fluid accumulation in the lungs or the inability of the heart to be efficient enough to pump blood to the organs of the body when called upon in times of exertion or stress.
  • Chest Pain

  • Chest pain or angina may be associated, especially if the underlying cause of the failure is coronary heart disease.
  • Right heart failure, left heart failure, or both

  • People with right heart failure leak fluid into the tissue and organs that deliver blood to the right heart through the vena cava.
  • Backpressure in capillary blood vessels causes them to leak water into space between cells and commonly the fluid can be found in the lowest parts of the body.
  • Gravity causes fluid to accumulate in the feet and ankles but as more fluid accumulates, it may creep up to involve all of the lower legs.
  • Fluid can also accumulate within the liver causing it to swell and within the abdominal cavity .
  • Ascites and hepatomegaly may make the patient feel bloated, nauseated, and have abdominal pain with the feeling of distension.
  • Depending upon their underlying illness and the clinical situation, patients may have symptoms of right heart failure, left heart failure, or both.
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