Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Much Aspirin Should I Take To Prevent Heart Attack

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How Much Should I Take

Should I Take Aspirin To Prevent a Heart Attack

Your doctor will discuss what dose is right for you. It’s important to take low-dose aspirin exactly as recommended by your doctor.

The usual dose to prevent a heart attack or stroke is 75mg once a day .

The daily dose may be higher – up to 300mg once a day – especially if you have just had a stroke, heart attack or heart bypass surgery.

Who Is Most At Risk For Heart Attacks And Stroke

Both age and sex affect risk. Older people are at greater risk of suffering heart attacks and strokes. Men tend to experience cardiovascular problems at younger ages than women.

And heart disease takes a greater toll on ethnic and racial minorities. Black Americans have among the highest rates of cardiovascular disease.

Older Adults Shouldnt Take Aspirin Daily To Prevent 1st Heart Attack Stroke: Us Panel

People over 60 shouldnt take daily aspirin to prevent a first stroke or heart attack, according to a U.S. review panel.

According to draft recommendations issued by the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force on Tuesday, the risks of taking daily aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid or ASA, outweigh the potential benefits in people over 60.

These risks include internal bleeding in the stomach, intestines and brain, according to the panel.

Guidelines in Canada are even more strict recommending that no one take daily aspirin to prevent heart attack or stroke if they have no history of cardiovascular conditions.

Read more: Healthy seniors probably shouldnt take daily aspirin, study finds

Daily aspirin use may help prevent heart attacks and strokes in some people, but it can also cause potentially serious harms, such as internal bleeding, said Task Force member Dr. John Wong, in a press release.

However, slightly younger adults aged 40 to 59 who are at high risk of cardiovascular disease should discuss with their physicians whether or not to take preventative aspirin, the panel said, as it may still have benefits for younger people.

Clinicians should consider age, cardiovascular disease risk and bleeding risk when determining whether or not to prescribe a patient aspirin, the panel said. It does not change the recommendations for people who have already had a heart attack or stroke who are taking aspirin on the advice of their doctor.

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Who Can And Cannot Take Low

Most people aged 16 or over can safely take low-dose aspirin if their doctor recommends it.

Low-dose aspirin isn’t suitable for certain people.

It’s sometimes called baby aspirin because of the small dose, but it’s not safe for children.

Never give aspirin to a child younger than 16, unless their doctor prescribes it.

There’s a possible link between aspirin and Reye’s syndrome in children.

Reye’s syndrome is a very rare illness that can cause serious liver and brain damage.

Aspirin Therapy In Heart Disease

Does aspirin stop a heart attack?

For more than 100 years, aspirin has been used as a pain reliever. Since the 1970s, aspirin has also been used to prevent and manage heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends baby aspirin for “those at risk of heart attack and for those who have survived a heart attack”. The Food and Drug Administration , however, believes that aspirin should only be taken by patients who have heart disease or a history of heart attack or stroke. The FDA states that taking aspirin creates a risk of bleeding that outweighs the benefits of taking aspirin for people who do not have a history of heart attack or stroke.

Talk to your doctor first before taking aspirin. The following facts are meant to help you talk to your doctor about whether aspirin therapy is right for you.

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Most Adults Should Not Take Daily Low

  • The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force updated its recommendations on who should and should not be taking daily low-dose aspirin
  • The task force says adults over aged 60 who are at increased risk of a heart attack or stroke, but have not suffered either, should not take baby aspirin
  • Officials say this is because the bleeding risks far outweigh any potential benefits from daily aspirin
  • Daily low-dose aspirin can still be taken by patients who already have had a heart attack or stroke or younger adults without bleeding risks
  • The UPSTF also backtracked on guidance that a daily baby aspirin should be taken to prevent colorectal cancer for adults in their 50s and 60s

Aspirin And Bowel Cancer

Recent years have also seen a flurry of studies suggesting a possible role for low-dose aspirin in reducing bowel cancer in some people. Recent results of a study following over 135,000 people for up to 32 years suggested that taking this dose for at least five years might reduce the risk by as much as 19%. But again, the benefit was partly offset by an increased risk of bleeding from the gut. So while people with a strong family history of bowel cancer might want to consider this option, it’s worth checking out with a doctor first for a full look at your individual risks.

Who should take aspirin every day?

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What Kind Of Research Was This

According to the abstract this was a randomised, open-label crossover trial involving 290 people who were reported to be taking aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease .

An open-label is a type of clinical trial in which both the researchers and participants know which treatment is being administered. Open-label trials are generally considered inferior to blinded studies where participants and/or researchers are not aware which treatment is being given because this knowledge may influence the results. However, in some studies open-label is unavoidable. Though in this case it could be feasible to give one dummy aspirin tablet and one active aspirin tablet at both morning and bedtime.

In a crossover study, participants are randomised to all the treatments being compared , at different periods. This can have the advantage of each participants acting as his or her own control. However, unless there is a suitable interval between treatments, there is a risk of carry-over effects.

In their abstract, the researchers say the aim of this trial was to compare the effects of aspirin taken at bedtime with aspirin taken on awakening on both blood pressure and on platelet reactivity. This is the ability of platelets to stick together to form clots.

The End Of The Line For Aspirin In Healthy Over

Older adults should not take daily aspirin to prevent heart attack or stroke, US task force says

The studies involved volunteers aged over 70 who did not have a history of cardiovascular disease, dementia or disability – so the results do not apply to anyone who has had a heart attack, stroke or TIA . Over 19,000 people took part, and were followed up for almost five years to assess their risk of being diagnosed with cardiovascular disease or dementia, or of dying.

The results showed clearly that unlike people who have existing cardiovascular disease, taking a daily aspirin tablet did not reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke, of developing another disability including dementia, or of dying. In fact, mortality rates in the aspirin group were slightly higher than in the placebo group. In addition, people taking aspirin were more likely to suffer internal bleeding due to aspirin’s well-known irritant effects on the stomach.

So as far as recommendations to take aspirin ‘just in case’ if you’re aged over 70 and don’t have cardiovascular disease goes, Professor Perry Wilson sums up the mood among doctors neatly:”Aspirin, my old friend: Goodnight, sweet prince, and flights of platelets sing thee to thy rest.”

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How Does Aspirin Help Prevent Stroke

A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is blocked by a clot or bursts. When that happens, part of the brain cant get the blood and oxygen it needs, and it begins to die. This usually starts with atherosclerosis, a process in which deposits of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium and other substances build up in the inner lining of an artery. This buildup is called plaque.

Plaque usually affects large and medium-size arteries. Plaques can grow large enough to significantly reduce the bloods flow through an artery. But most of the damage occurs when a plaque becomes fragile and ruptures. Plaques that rupture cause blood clots that can block blood flow or break off and travel to another part of the body. This is called an embolism.Aspirin prevents platelets from clumping and forming clots.Certain patients will be prescribed aspirin combined with another anti-clotting agent. Learn more about antiplatelets and anticoagulants.

Aspirin For Heart Attack Prevention

Aspirin can help prevent heart attacks in people with coronary artery disease and in those who have a higher than average risk. Only low dose, usually just 1 a day, is needed. But people who think they may be having an attack need an extra 325 mg of aspirin, and they need it as quickly as possible. For the best results, chew a single full-sized 325-mg tablet, but don’t use an enteric-coated tablet, which will act slowly even if chewed. And don’t forget to call 911, then your doctor. It’s a contemporary update on the old reminder to take two aspirin and call in the morning and it’s good advice to chew over.

Heart failure is manageable. To learn the mechanics of the heart, the symptoms and warning signs of heart failure, and, most of all, the keys to an effective treatment plan, buy the Harvard Special Health Report Heart Failure: Understanding the condition and optimizing treatment.

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How Much What Type And How To Take It

The current recommendation for people who may be having a heart attack is to chew and swallow one non-coated adult aspirin as soon as possible. Chewing or crushing the aspirin gets it into your bloodstream more quicklywithin four to five minutesand researchers have measured a significant effect on platelets within that short period of time.

Swallowing a whole aspirin with water, as you normally would, takes 10 to 12 minutes to achieve the same effect. This time difference may seem small, but, once again, minutes count when your heart is at risk.

Aspirin As A Preventive Measure

Aspirin May Not Prevent Heart Attacks In Most People

A healthcare professional may prescribe a daily low dosage of aspirin to prevent heart attacks.

One 2019 study found that people who regularly took aspirin had a 14% reduced risk of experiencing a first heart attack. However, the same study cautions against the widespread use of aspirin for this purpose. This is because regularly taking aspirin may increase the risk of major bleeding problems by 46%.

Also, a 2020 study concluded that the potential benefits of aspirin are not the same for everyone. For example, the researchers found that regular aspirin use only reduced the chances of a first heart attack for some people who had an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

People with this increased risk include those who:

So, while aspirin can help prevent a first heart attack for some people, this benefit may not be widespread.

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Different Types Of Low

Low-dose aspirin comes as several different types of tablet:

  • standard tablets – that you swallow whole with water
  • soluble tablets – that you dissolve in a glass of water
  • enteric coated tablets – that you swallow whole with water. These tablets have a special coating that means they may be gentler on your stomach. Do not chew or crush them because it’ll stop the coating working. If you also take indigestion remedies, take them at least 2 hours before or after you take your aspirin. The antacid in the indigestion remedy affects the way the coating on these tablets works.

You can buy low-dose enteric coated aspirin and low-dose soluble aspirin from pharmacies, shops and supermarkets.

Fact: Once Your Doctor Decides That Daily Use Of Aspirin Is For You Safe Use Depends On Following Your Doctor’s Directions

There are no directions on the label for using aspirin to reduce the risk of heart attack or clot-related stroke. You may rely on your health professional to provide the correct information on dose and directions for use. Using aspirin correctly gives you the best chance of getting the greatest benefits with the fewest unwanted side effects. Discuss with your health professional the different forms of aspirin products that might be best suited for you.

Aspirin has been shown to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have cardiovascular disease or who have already had a heart attack or stroke, but not all over-the-counter pain and fever reducers do that. Even though the directions on the aspirin label do not apply to this use of aspirin, you still need to read the label to confirm that the product you buy and use contains aspirin at the correct dose. Check the Drug Facts label for “active ingredients: aspirin” or “acetylsalicylic acid” at the dose that your health professional has prescribed.

Remember, if you are using aspirin everyday for weeks, months or years to prevent a heart attack, stroke, or for any use not listed on the label without the guidance from your health professional you could be doing your body more harm than good.

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Study: A Daily Baby Aspirin Has No Benefit For Healthy Older People

“Aspirin use can cause serious harms, and risk increases with age,” he said.

If finalized, the advice for older adults would backtrack on recommendations the panel issued in 2016 for helping prevent a first heart attack and stroke, but it would be in line with more recent guidelines from other medical groups.

Doctors have long recommended daily low-dose aspirin for many patients who already have had a heart attack or stroke. The task force guidance does not change that advice.

The task force previously said a daily aspirin might also protect against colorectal cancer for some adults in their 50s and 60s, but the updated guidance says more evidence of any benefit is needed.

The guidance was posted online to allow for public comments until Nov. 8. The group will evaluate that input and then make a final decision.


The independent panel of disease-prevention experts analyzes medical research and literature and issues periodic advice on measures to help keep Americans healthy. Newer studies and a re-analysis of older research prompted the updated advice, Wong said.

Aspirin is best known as a pain reliever but it is also a blood thinner that can reduce chances for blood clots. But aspirin also has risks, even at low doses mainly bleeding in the digestive tract or ulcers, both of which can be life-threatening.

How Does Aspirin Help Prevent Heart Attack And Stroke

Healthy People Should Not Be Taking Aspirin To Prevent Heart Attacks, Strokes, Study Says

Most heart attacks and strokes occur when the blood supply to a part of your heart muscle or brain is blocked. This usually starts with atherosclerosis, a process in which deposits of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium and other substances build up in the inner lining of an artery. This buildup is called plaque.

Plaque usually affects large and medium-sized arteries. Plaques can grow large enough to significantly reduce the bloods flow through an artery. But most of the damage occurs when a plaque becomes fragile and ruptures. Plaques that rupture cause blood clots to form that can block blood flow or break off and travel to another part of the body. This is called an embolism.

  • If a blood clot blocks a blood vessel that feeds the heart, it causes a heart attack.
  • If a blood clot blocks a blood vessel that feeds the brain, it causes a stroke.

Aspirin thins the blood, which helps prevent blood clots from forming.

Certain patients will be prescribed aspirin combined with another antiplatelet drug also known as dual antiplatelet therapy . Learn more about DAPT.

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Aspirin No Longer Recommended As A Preventative Measure Against Heart Attacks And Strokes In Older Individuals

The guideline change is based on bleeding risks some may face when taking the blood thinner

Daily Correspondent

The United States Preventive Services Task Force released a draft guideline on October 12 stating that a daily regimen of low-dose aspirin is no longer recommended as a preventative measure to reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems in older adults without heart disease, reports Lindsey Tanner for the Associated Press.

Individuals over 60 should not take preventive aspirin because of the age-related risk for life-threatening bleeding. The guidelines are not yet final but may affect tens of millions of adults at high risk for cardiovascular disease, reports Roni Caryn Rabin for the New York Times.

Ultimately, those currently on a low-dose aspirin regimen or who have cardiovascular risk factors should talk to their doctors about what is best for them.

We dont recommend anyone stop without talking to a clinician, and definitely not if they have already had a heart attack or stroke, says Chien-Wen Tseng, a USPTF member and a University of Hawaii research director, to the New York Times.

The report also states that those aged between 40 and 60 and worried about their heart health should decide to take aspirin on a case-by-case basis, reports Ed Cara for Gizmodo.

The draft recommendation statement is currently open for public comment until November 8, before a final version of the report Is published, the New York Times reports.

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