Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can Flying Cause Heart Attacks

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Angry Outburst Could Trigger Heart Attack Within Hours

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Intense anger or anxiety greatly increases the risk of heart attack, a new study warns.

“While the absolute risk of any one anger episode triggering a heart attack is low, our data demonstrates that the danger is real and still there,” said Dr. Thomas Buckley, a senior lecturer and researcher from the University of Sydney and Royal North Shore Hospital in Australia.

The increased risk of heart attack after intense anger or anxiety is “most likely the result of increased heart rate and blood pressure, tightening of blood vessels and increased clotting, all associated with triggering of heart attacks,” Buckley said.

In the study, Buckley’s team assessed more than 300 heart attack patients and asked them to use a 7-point scale to rate their levels of anger over the previous 48 hours. On the scale, 1 was calm, 5 was intense anger, and 7 was enraged/out of control.

Seven of the patients experienced at least level 5 within two hours before their heart attack and one patient reached that level within four hours before the heart attack. Level 4 was reported by two patients within two hours before their heart attack, and by three patients within four hours before their heart attack.

The was published Feb. 23 in the European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care.

Events that triggered patients’ anger-triggered heart attack included arguments with family members and other people, work conflicts, and road rage.

Atrial Fibrillation Won’t Cause Heart Attack But Can Lead To Other Serious Complications

I suffer from atrial fibrillation. Are my chances of getting a heart attack higher?


Your risk of a heart attack is not increased due to atrial fibrillation, a rapid and irregular heartbeat that can cause symptoms requiring medical attention. The condition does not cause a heart attack. However, atrial fibrillation can lead to other serious complications, so it needs to be treated promptly and monitored closely.

During atrial fibrillation, the heart’s two upper chambers beat chaotically and irregularly, out of coordination with the two lower chambers . Because of the uncoordinated heartbeat it produces, atrial fibrillation causes your heart to pump less effectively than normal. The result is that the heart sends less blood out to your body with each beat. This can cause a variety of symptoms, including decreased blood pressure, light-headedness, weakness and shortness of breath.

Occasionally, the rapid heart rate associated with atrial fibrillation can result in chest pain or discomfort because of reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. People who have pre-existing heart disease are particularly susceptible to this symptom of atrial fibrillation. Angina can be hard to distinguish from other types of chest pain, so if you experience chest pain, it is important to seek medical attention right away.

Talk to your doctor about the risks associated with atrial fibrillation and what you can do to reduce those risks.

Can You Fly After A Heart Attack

by Flying Angels Editorial Team | Jul 21, 2020 | News & Resources

Flying is generally considered safe for those who have had a heart attack. However, for those who want to fly after a heart attack, its important to consider issues such as your current condition, the time since the heart attack and the type of equipment and medications you take.

Those with heart issues also can take actions that help make the flight easier, such as picking the right seat and knowing what to expect at security.

A solution for many is to have a trained flight nurse fly with them, especially if they want to fly after a heart attack or fly after a stroke. A trained nurse can provide all the care someone may need during the flight and they have experience in handling any issues that might arise.

The American Heart Association reports that flying doesnt need to be off limits for those with heart disease or who have had a heart attack or stroke. In fact, a few simple precautions can help make your trip a smooth one, the AHA writes.

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Flying Home By Commercial Jet May Be Safe After Heart Attack: Study

By Roxanne Nelson, Reuters Health

5 Min Read

NEW YORK – People who have a heart attack while traveling abroad may be able to safely fly home on a regular commercial flight, according to a new study published in the Air Medical Journal.

There is very little useful information in the literature, to guide recommendations for helping patients and family members who have a medical problem abroad and then ask when it is safe to come home, Dr. William Brady, the studys senior author, told Reuters Health.

Patients with an uncomplicated heart attack were usually able to make it home in about 10 days, flying on a regular commercial airline, he added.

Those who only had heart-related chest pain were usually able to travel even sooner, he said.

Heart attack patients who had complications while hospitalized traveled home around 15 days after the attack, on average.

The vast majority of patients in the study did not have any problems in flight. However, Brady emphasizes, patients need to be stable before attempting to return home on a commercial airline, and this can only be determined by the doctor caring for the patient in the foreign country.

If you had complications, it may be longer before you can return home, or you may need a medical transport, if you are in a situation where you cant get appropriate care, he said.

ACS refers to any condition brought on by sudden, reduced blood flow to the heart.

SOURCE: Air Medical Journal, September-October 2014.

Can Dogs Have Attacks Yes They Can They Can Have Them Just As Easily As Humans


However, as you will learn, the underlying causes of heart attacks are a little bit different for dogs than they are for humans.

What exactly is a heart attack?

A heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction, occurs when the blood that brings oxygen and nutrients to the heart is cut off or significantly reduced. In other words, blood is blocked from reaching the heart muscle or myocardium.

Blood clots by themselves are actually a normal and healthy response that the body uses to regulate blood loss. For instance, when your dog gets a cut on his paw, blood cells called platelets rush to the damaged site and begin to clot that area.

However, this same process of clotting in the blood vessels or heart is unhealthy and dangerous. This excessive clotting is the most common cause of heart attacks in dogs.

Conversely, the most common cause of heart attacks in humans in atherosclerosis when fat, cholesterol, and other substances build up plaque within the arteries.

So can dogs have heart attacks?

Yes Dogs can have heart attacks because dogs can experience myocardial infarction. Dogs can also experience heart disease, congestive heart failure, and other heart problems as well.

Because dogs are clearly different from people, the way in which they have heart attacks differs as well. Also your dog cannot tell you that they are having a heart attack! So it is very important to know what to look out for.

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Can Living In High Altitude Cause Health Problems

Other symptoms may include shortness of breath, dizziness, loss of appetite, nausea, insomnia, weakness and lethargy, and flu-like symptoms. High-altitude pulmonary edema is a serious illness that can be fatal. Uncommon at 8,000 feet, HAPE can affect up to 15% of previously healthy people at 14,000 feet.

Deep Venous Thrombosis /venous Thromboembolism

The problem of DVT has received wide coverage. Wrongly tagged economy class syndrome, it is also seen in travellers at the front of the aircraft and in those undertaking long journeys by rail or road. In 2001 the World Health Organisation commissioned an expert report to be based on prospective epidemiological and pathophysiological studies. It confirmed that the risk of VTE doubles after a flight of 4hours and is increased further with longer and multiple flights. This risk also applies to travel by car, bus and train. Obesity, extremes of height, oral contraceptive use and prothrombotic disorders all increase the absolute risk, which is 1 in 6000 in healthy people over a 4hour flight. The previously reported impact of hypobaric hypoxia on thrombosis could not be substantiated in healthy subjects, although there may be a problem, not attributable to immobility, in people at risk, yet to be identified.

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Role Of The Cabin Crew

The foremost role of the cabin crew is to ensure the safety of the passengers. The cabin crew are commonly trained in advanced first aid and intermediate life support. They undergo annual refresher training, but this does not equip them for, nor is it their responsibility to offer, nursing support, which has to be provided by others if a seriously ill patient is carried.

What To Do If You Suffer An In

What Causes a Heart Attack?

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Not every trip is going to go smoothly, but while that usually means missed connections or sitting next to a crying baby, for some passengers it can mean a life-altering medical event. Read on to learn what to do if you, or another passenger, suffers a heart attack in flight it could save a life.

First, some background. Heart attack is actually not a medical term myocardial infarction is the proper name. According to the NIH, Most heart attacks are caused by a blood clot that blocks one of the coronary arteries. The coronary arteries bring blood and oxygen to the heart. If the blood flow is blocked, the heart is starved of oxygen and heart cells die. This differs from sudden cardiac arrest, which occurs when the heart develops an arrhythmia that causes it to stop beating.

Its important to note that women and men can present very different symptoms of a heart attack. Per the American Heart Association, As with men, womens most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting, and back or jaw pain.

  • Lay them down in the aisle.
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    Travel Tips For Cardiac Patients: How Soon Can You Fly After A Heart Attack

    Do your heart a favor do take care of your heart while travelling!! Heart is indeed one of the most significant organs of our body and the paramount importance it holds cannot be denied in any particular situation. Be it a high phase of our lives or a low phase of our lives, an organ that is greatly affected by the fluctuations or disturbances going on in our life is our heart. Thus, it is very important to take proper care of the heart especially for cardiac patients as they are on a high risk of getting a heart attack in the near future.

    Take A Fearless Flying Class

    Frequent fliers or those seeking long-term assistance for their fear of flying may want to consider taking a class or online course that addresses this issue. These classes help in skill development along with cognitive-behavioral interventions that assist in changing fearful thoughts and behaviors. Similarly, you may consider therapy with a specialist who can assist you in managing this fear.

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    When To Avoid Flying

    There are no set rules for when you can fly with heart disease. However, there are some guidelines for flying with heart disease that can help you make the safest decision for your heart.

    If youve had a heart attack within the last two weeks, you shouldnt board a plane. After two weeks, air travel is considered to be generally safe for people who have had a non-complicated heart attack. If youve had an angioplasty where a stent has been placed in your artery to increase blood flow, youll also need to wait two weeks before flying to decrease your risk of developing a blood clot.

    If youve undergone major heart surgery, such as a coronary artery bypass, its best to wait at least three weeks before flying. If you suffer from uncontrolled blood pressure or other conditions such as angina that cause you frequent symptoms, it might be best to keep your feet planted on the ground. If youre uncertain about flying with a heart condition, its always best to check with your heart doctor.

    Using Oxygen Whilst Flying

    Heart attack and cardiac arrest: THIS is what to do if you ...

    If you have a lung or heart condition, your symptoms might become worse during or after a flight, particularly if you become dehydrated or have over exerted yourself. You may need oxygen during the flight, even if you do not usually need it:

    • In advance of your flight you must arrange with the airline the use of oxygen and any assistance you need at the airport.
    • If you use your own home oxygen, you must still contact the airline in advance to discuss if you are able to use it on the flight.
  • You will need to contact your GP or specialist as they may need to provide medical information to the airline.
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    Guidelines For Flying With Heart Disease

    Having heart disease usually doesn& #39 t mean you have to give up traveling by air. Here are guidelines to safely fly with heart disease. If you have heart disease, you can fly safely as a passenger on an airplane, but you need to be aware of your risks and take necessary precautions.Heart conditions that can lead to health emergencies when flying include coronary artery disease

    If you have heart disease, you can fly safely as a passenger on an airplane, but you need to be aware of your risks and take necessary precautions.

    Heart conditions that can lead to health emergencies when flying include coronary artery disease , cardiac arrhythmia , recent heart surgery, an implanted heart device, heart failure, and pulmonary arterial disease.

    When planning air travel, anxiety about the prevention and treatment of a heart attack on a plane or worrying about questions such as “can flying cause heart attacks” may give you the jitters. You can shrink your concern about things like fear of having a heart attack after flying by planning ahead.

    Managing Panic Attacks While Flying

    Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

    Whether caused by a fear of flying or by a different mental health condition, many people experience panic attacks while traveling by airplane. These attacks can be challenging enough to manage while on the ground, and may seem even more difficult when you are on a flight. Here are some strategies for managing panic attacks while traveling.

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    Can High Altitude Cause Irregular Heartbeat

    The symptoms of acute altitude sickness fall into four main categories: respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath upon exertion, and deeper and more rapid breathing mental or muscular symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, dizziness, lassitude, headache, sleeplessness, decreased mental acuity, decreased

    Flying With A Pacemaker Or Other Implanted Device

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    Pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators are susceptible to electromagnetic interference however, modern devices are well protected against EMI. Advise security staff of the implanted device, present the device identification card, and follow security staff instructions.

    Airport metal detectors produce EMI at a very low frequency and interference is highly unlikely, although the metal casing of the implanted device may trigger the alarm walk normally through the detector and then move away from it. Full-body scanners are considered safe. Hand-held metal detectors contain a magnet and may alter the implanted device settings if held over the chest request a pat-down search or that the hand-held detector not be passed over the chest.

    In the aircraft, the risk to pacemakers and ICDs from EMI is negligible, but cosmic radiation may, rarely, reset an ICD. After a long-haul flight, have the device settings checked and reset if necessary.

    Pacemaker or ICD rate settings may increase as a result of high levels of vibration when traveling by helicopter but will return to normal once the engine has been switched off or by external magnet application.

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    Treatments For The Flu

    According to the Centers for Disease Control, the most effective weapon against the flu is the flu vaccine.

    What groups are recommended for the flu vaccine? Routine annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all persons aged 6 months who do not have contraindications. Recommendations regarding the timing of vaccination, considerations for specific populations, the use of specific vaccines, and contraindications and precautions are summarized in the sections that follow.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control,

    Travel Precautions Help People With Heart Disease

    Traveling to a faraway place doesnt need to be off limits because you have heart disease or are a caretaker of someone who has had a cardiac event like heart attack or stroke. In fact, a few simple precautions can help make your trip a smooth one.

    An obvious step is to be as equipped for your vacation or business trip as you would be at home.

    Make sure when you travel that you have your medicine, said Winston H. Gandy Jr., M.D., a cardiologist at Northside Hospital in Atlanta.

    Some people feel more comfortable bringing a copy of their original prescriptions in case they lose their medication. Thats fine, Gandy said, but its sufficient to have a list of your medications and your cardiologists phone number. Download this medication chart to help keep track. Its also a good idea to let your cardiologist or internist know where youll be. Your doctor might know physicians or reputable heart institutes in the area if help is needed.

    Chances are your cardiologist is going to know someone there, either personally or by reputation, said Gandy.

    Do a little research. Be aware of a medical facility at your destination and understand what your health insurance covers. For instance, some insurance policies pay part of the cost of an emergency flight home from abroad. That can help you make quick decisions if a problem arises. Some healthcare providers recommend taking a copy of your pertinent medical records with you while traveling.

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