Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Lung Cancer Cause Heart Attack

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Symptoms Of Lung Inflammation

How Smoking and Heart disease are linked in Hindi by Dr. Vinod sharma

The noticeable effects of lung inflammation can develop rapidly or slowly, depending on the extent of inflammation, the cause, and your overall health. If you have chronic inflammation, you might end up getting used to the situation and ignoring your symptoms, especially if they are mild and fairly steady.

With acute and rapidly worsening inflammation of the lungs, it’s hard to ignore the effects, and you will probably be unable to overlook that something is wrong.

Symptoms of lung inflammation can include:

  • Feeling tired after physical activity
  • A general sense of fatigue
  • Wheezing
  • A sense of lung pain
  • Gasping for air

Issues like fevers, weight loss, or hypertension can also occur. But these effects are related to the underlying medical conditions that give way to lung inflammation, not the inflammation itself.

Secondhand Smoke Causes Sids

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the sudden, unexplained, unexpected death of an infant in the first year of life. SIDS is the leading cause of death in otherwise healthy infants.6 Secondhand smoke increases the risk for SIDS.2,4

  • Smoking by women during pregnancy increases the risk for SIDS.2,4,7
  • Infants who are exposed to secondhand smoke after birth are also at greater risk for SIDS.2,4
  • Chemicals in secondhand smoke appear to affect the brain in ways that interfere with its regulation of infants breathing.2,4
  • Infants who die from SIDS have higher concentrations of nicotine in their lungs and higher levels of cotinine than infants who die from other causes.2,4

Parents can help protect their babies from SIDS by taking the following three actions:8

  • Do not smoke during pregnancy.
  • Do not smoke or allow smoking in your home or around your baby.
  • Place your baby on his or her back for all sleep timesnaps and at night.

Smoking And The Risk Of Peripheral Artery Disease

is a disease in which plaque builds up in the arteries that carry blood to your head, organs, and limbs. Smoking is a major risk factor for P.A.D.

P.A.D. usually affects the arteries that carry blood to your legs. Blocked blood flow in the leg arteries can cause cramping, pain, weakness, and numbness in your hips, thighs, and calf muscles.

Blocked blood flow also can raise your risk of getting an infection in the affected limb. Your body might have a hard time fighting the infection.

If severe enough, blocked blood flow can cause gangrene . In very serious cases, this can lead to leg amputation.

If you have P.A.D., your risk of heart disease and heart attack is higher than the risk for people who dont have P.A.D.

Smoking even one or two cigarettes a day can interfere with P.A.D. treatments. People who smoke and people who have diabetes are at highest risk for P.A.D. complications, including gangrene in the leg from decreased blood flow.

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Fluid Around The Heart

If the tumor grows into the middle of the chest or presses against the area near the heart, it may affect how well your heart works. Sometimes, it can block one of the tubes carrying blood to the heart and may lead to abnormal heart rhythms. It might also cause fluid to build up in the sac surround the heart.

To treat it, your doctor may use a needle to slightly puncture the sac and allow the fluid to drain. This treatment is called pericardiocentesis.

In some cases, your doctor may surgically remove the fluid and let it drain in the chest or belly. This may reduce the chances of the fluid building back up around the heart.

Cancer Patients Are At Higher Risk Of Dying From Heart Disease And Stroke

What is a Heart Attack
European Society of Cardiology
The largest and most comprehensive study looking at deaths from cardiovascular disease among patients with 28 types of cancer with over 40 years of data has shown that more than one in ten cancer patients do not die from their cancer but from heart and blood vessel problems instead.

More than one in ten cancer patients do not die from their cancer but from heart and blood vessel problems instead, according to new research published in the European Heart Journal today . For some cancers, like breast, prostate, endometrial, and thyroid cancer, around half will die from cardiovascular disease .

Dr Nicholas Zaorsky, a radiation oncologist, and Dr Kathleen Sturgeon, an assistant professor in public health sciences, both at Penn State College of Medicine and Penn State Cancer Institute, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, and colleagues compared the US general population with over 3.2 million US patients who had been diagnosed with cancer between 1973 and 2012.

They used information contained in the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results database to look at deaths from CVD, which included heart disease, high blood pressure, cerebrovascular disease, blocked arteries and damage to the aorta — the main artery carrying blood from the heart to the rest of the body. They adjusted their analyses to take account of factors that could affect the results, such as age, race and sex, and they looked specifically at 28 different types of cancer.

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What Raises The Risk Of Dvt

Some things can raise your risk of getting a blood clot in a deep vein. For cancer patients, the most common risk factors are

  • Injury to a vein during major surgery.
  • Slow blood flow. Staying in bed for a long time can cause this.
  • Having a catheter in a central vein. As many as half of cancer patients with a central venous catheter for long-term chemotherapy get DVT.
  • Getting older.
  • Having obesity.

See a detailed list of risk factors for blood clots with cancer and a blood clot risk checklist for cancer patients.

Why Does My Back Hurt When I Have Pneumonia

It may be pleurisy. I get back pain always when I have it. Ive had pleurisy caused by pneumonia before basically when the lung is inflamed, the pleural lining rubs against the lining on the inside of your ribcage, and there are a lot of nerves there so its painful. The pain can be felt in odd places like your back or shoulder.

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Preparing For End Of Life

Because of the poor survival rate of many types of lung cancer, you may eventually need to confront the question of what the end stages of lung cancer will be like.

This can be a terrifying time, but you have the ability to make it less frightening and more physically, emotionally, and spiritually peaceful.

The timeline for the decline in end-stage lung cancer varies greatly depending on the type of cancer and other health complications. There are, however, ways to prepare for some aspects of final care.

One of the decisions you should be prepared to make is setting a point when it may be time to move from palliative care to hospice care. While the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably to mean the same thing, there are differences in where and how you are taken care of.

Smoking And Cardiovascular Disease

Smoking Causes Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema

Smokers are at greater risk for diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels .1,2

  • Smoking causes stroke and coronary heart disease, which are among the leading causes of death in the United States.1,3
  • Even people who smoke fewer than five cigarettes a day can have early signs of cardiovascular disease.1
  • Smoking damages blood vessels and can make them thicken and grow narrower. This makes your heart beat faster and your blood pressure go up. Clots can also form.1,2
  • A stroke occurs when:

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What Are The Complications Of Heart Cancer

Heart cancer affects your heart function. It can lead to a host of potentially life-threatening problems. With a heart tumor, you have a higher risk of having a heart attack, stroke or severe heart failure.

Small pieces of a heart tumor can break free and travel through the bloodstream. These pieces can lodge in a blood vessel, causing a blood clot that can lead to stroke if it goes to the brain, or respiratory problems if it goes to the lungs.

Heart cancer can affect the pericardium, the sac that surrounds the heart. Inflammation called pericarditis can result. Your healthcare provider may need to use a catheter to drain excess fluid and ease pressure on the heart and send the cells in the fluid for diagnostic analysis. This procedure is pericardiocentesis.

Can Lung Cancer Cause Sudden Death

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Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

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Better Assessing Stroke Heart Attack Risk

Dr. Navi said he was not surprised to see that people with more advanced disease had a greater risk of heart attack or stroke. From a biological perspective, he explained, the observations makes sense because tumors can release enzymes and proteins that can create an environment in which blood clots are more likely to form.

And, he added, Its no shock that the highest risk is in patients whose cancer is poorly controlled, because either their treatment hasnt started or their disease is resistant to treatment, he said.

The larger excess risk in patients with lung cancer is also to be somewhat expected, said Lori Minasian, M.D., deputy director of NCIs Division of Cancer Prevention and chair of the institutes Community Oncology Cardiotoxicity Task Force, which coordinates NCI-supported research on the cardiac effects of cancer treatments.

Many of the risk factors for lung cancer overlap with those for cardiovascular disease, and some therapies commonly used to treat lung cancer can damage the heart, she said.

From a broader perspective, multiple factors could influence arterial thromboembolism risk in people with cancer, Drs. Yeh and Chang wrote. The fact that the increased risk largely resolves within a year suggests that it could be a byproduct of the cancer itself, with successful treatment eventually diminishing the risk, they speculated.

Other Possible Causes Of Death From Lung Cancer

Common medication for heart failure patients does not ...

Additional research has looked at other specific causes of death from all types of cancer. These factors can also impact lung cancer patients.

  • Chemotherapy: These medications cause a low white blood cell count, which predisposes you to infections that can be fatal.
  • Radiation therapy: In some instances, you can develop radiation pneumonitis , an inflammation of the lungs due to radiation therapy. In fewer than 2% of cases, this can be fatal.
  • Complications of surgery: Reactions to anesthesia, bleeding, and other complications can lead to unexpected fatalities.
  • Medical errors: It’s estimated that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States. Unfortunately, anyone under a healthcare provider’s care could be at risk for errors. Staying informed and involved in your treatment, though, can help you avoid some common problems.

In addition to lung cancer complications, you may be at risk for other diseases and disorders. Heart disease, including heart attack and blockage, is one of the most common problems cancer patients face.

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Palliative Procedures For Non

Palliative care is meant to relieve symptoms and improve a persons quality of life.

People with lung cancer often benefit from procedures to help with problems caused by the cancer. For example, people with advanced lung cancer can have shortness of breath. This can be caused by a number of things, including fluid around the lung or an airway that is blocked by a tumor. Although treating the cancer with chemotherapy or other drugs may help with this over time, other treatments may be needed as well.

Pain With Lung Cancer

Pain is a common symptom of lung cancer. It can occur in the ribs or chest muscles, or in other parts of the body that lung cancer has spread to or affected. It may be worse if you laugh, take a deep breath, or cough.

Pain usually increases in more advanced stages of the disease. Treating the cancer may help with these symptoms, though treatments like surgery or chemotherapy may cause other discomfort.

Lung cancer pain can often be managed with medication and radiation.

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Back Or Shoulder Pain

A Pancoast tumor is a type of lung cancer that grows in the upper part of your lung and spreads to your ribs, vertebrae in your spine, nerves, and blood vessels. Because of where these tumors grow, they rarely affect your respiratory system. They’re more likely to make your shoulder blade, upper back, and arm hurt instead.


How Cancer Treatment And Heart Disease Are Connected

Can DVT cause stroke or heart attack? – Dr. Durgaprasad Reddy B

Some cancer medications can also pose dangerous cardiovascular risks. Trained specialists can help patients find the safest treatment and monitor for side effects.

After a cancer diagnosis, most patients and providers have one goal: treat the disease at hand.

But an unexpected and equally serious complication can arise when doing so.

We are seeing more and more patients undergoing treatment for cancer who are experiencing cardiac complications of their therapy, says Salim Hayek, M.D., a cardio-oncologist at Michigan Medicines Frankel Cardiovascular Center.

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Those complications affect patients with no known risk factors for heart disease as well as individuals with other health issues unrelated to cancer.

In either case, the connection is gaining more attention from researchers and specialists.

Cardio-oncologists focus on preventing and minimizing heart damage caused by chemotherapy and radiation, an effect known as cardiotoxicity.

And they work as part of a larger cancer team.

Our role is to advise our oncology colleagues on their patients risk of experiencing cardiovascular side effects of cancer treatment, recommend preventive measures, address cardiac complications, and monitor them closely throughout the course of their therapy, Hayek says.

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Common Lung Conditions Linked To Heart Disease

by Mike Addelman, University of Manchester

Patients with some of the most common lung diseases are substantially more likely to suffer a heart attack and develop other major heart problems according to new research.

The team of heart and lung doctors from the University of Manchester and Aston Medical School found people with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung fibrosis, were more likely to develop, and die from, heart disease and heart failure.

The study of nearly 100,000 people with lung disease in the North West of England who were followed up for up to 14 years is published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

The increased risk was in addition to the risk posed by other common conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

However, despite the association, the team found that patients with lung disease were less likely to receive heart bypass surgery or angioplasty.

First author Dr. Paul Carter, part of the ACALM Study Unit, Aston Medical School said: “The most striking findings were that the risk of coronary heart disease was increased by 50 percent in patients with asthma, 60 percent in patients with lung fibrosis and 70 percent in patients with COPD. Furthermore, having COPD more than doubled the risk of developing heart failure.”

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What Safety Concern Is Fda Announcing

Based on a completed U.S. Food and Drug Administration review of a large randomized safety clinical trial, we have concluded there is an increased risk of serious heart-related events such as heart attack or stroke, cancer, blood clots, and death with the arthritis and ulcerative colitis medicines Xeljanz and Xeljanz XR . This trial compared Xeljanz with another type of medicine used to treat arthritis called tumor necrosis factor blockers in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The trials final results also showed an increased risk of blood clots and death with the lower dose of Xeljanz. A prior DSC based upon earlier results from this trial, reported an increased risk of blood clots and death only seen at the higher dose.

We are requiring new and updated warnings for two other arthritis medicines in the same drug class as Xeljanz, called Janus kinase inhibitors, Olumiant and Rinvoq . Olumiant and Rinvoq have not been studied in trials similar to the large safety clinical trial with Xeljanz, so the risks have not been adequately evaluated. However, since they share mechanisms of action withXeljanz, FDA considers that these medicines may have similar risks as seen in the Xeljanz safety trial.

Common Lung Cancer Symptoms

Chest Pain from Lung Cancer vs. Heart Disease: Comparison ...

Often, when patients receive a lung cancer diagnosis, they have been experiencing symptoms such as persistent breathing difficulty, recurring respiratory infections or chest pain for a while. But the patient likely didnt realize these were symptoms of lung cancer, so they waited to see a doctor.

While every cough or case of bronchitis isnt a reason to believe you have lung cancer, if you are at high risk of developing lung cancer, paying attention to the early warning signs is critical, saysRussell Hales, M.D., a board-certified radiation oncologist and director of the multidisciplinary clinic at The Lung Cancer Program at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Common lung cancer symptoms include:

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