Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is An Impending Heart Attack

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What 3 Foods Cardiologists Say To Eat

Signs of a Heart Attack in Women

The basic principles of this diet are :

  • Eat whole foods and avoid processed foods.
  • Include a wide variety of vegetables and fruits.
  • Limit red and processed meat.
  • Limit full fat dairy products.
  • Eat a few portions of oily fish per week.
  • Include healthful fats, such as olive oil and avocados.
  • Add nuts, seeds, and legumes.

Is There Anything That Distinguishes These Symptoms How Do You Know When Those Subtle Atypical Symptoms Are Concerning

Its important to know your risk for heart disease in order to assess early symptoms. Dr. Xu says when he works with a patient, they discuss his or her family and personal history, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, age and disease history to determine a risk level for heart attacks.

Within this context of risk, they talk about symptoms. Are they typical or not? How are they experienced? At rest or during exertion? Are they associated with emotional stress or cold weather? Are they happening in conjunction with other symptoms such as shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat or cold sweats? This is the starting point for a treatment plan.

An Overall Feeling Of Being Uncharacteristically Unwell Or Fatigued

Many people are familiar with the Hollywood heart attack, where a middle-aged man clutches his chest and falls over dead. In reality, symptoms can wax and wane, Hayes said.

Some people who simply report not feeling well or feeling fatigued go on to have a heart attack hours later. Sometimes, the chest pain is there, but the nausea is much more prominent so people may mistake the symptoms for the flu.

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What To Do If You Experience Heart Attack Symptoms

Unlike the classic crushing chest pain, these symptoms dont guarantee that your heart is in immediate danger. But they could indicate that trouble could be brewing down the road, so make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as you can.

If youre fortunate enough to have symptoms, listen to your body and get them checked out, Park says.

If your doctor suspects that a heart attack could be looming, he might recommend an EKG, a test measures the hearts electrical activity and shows if your heart is damaged. He might also call for a coronary angiogram, which detects blockages in your arteries.

And if you experience any classic symptoms that signal youre having a heart attack right now, call 911 ASAP. These include chest pressure or tightness, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, breaking out into a cold sweat, or discomfort in the arms, neck, or jaw.

Of course, the best way to prevent a heart attack is to improve overall health by lowering high blood pressure, maintaining a normal body weight, and abstaining from smoking.

Have Someone Call An Ambulance

Signs Of An Impending Heart Attack

If others are around, tell them to stay with you until emergency medical services workers arrive. Calling 911 is usually the fastest way to get emergency care, as opposed to asking someone to drive you to a hospital in their car. EMS workers are trained to revive people experiencing heart attacks and can also transport you to the hospital for rapid care.

If youre in a public space such as a store, school, library, or workplace, theres a good chance theres a defibrillator on hand.

A defibrillator is the kind of device EMS workers use to revive people who are experiencing heart attacks. If youre still conscious at the onset of your heart attack, instruct someone nearby to find the closest defibrillator. Defibrillators come with easy-to-use instructions, so its possible for a non-EMS worker to revive you if the heart attack strikes.

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When Should I See A Doctor

Its important not to ignore symptoms and wait until they become severe. If you have a concern, talk to your doctor. If heart disease is caught early, there are many lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk of further problems: eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, get regular exercise , maintain a healthy weight, drink alcohol in moderation , and dont smoke.

A Month Before A Heart Attack Your Body Will Warn You With These 8 Signs

Are you sure that your lifestyle is healthy enough to stave off a heart attack?

Here is a list of risk factors for heart attacks: smoking, unhealthy diet and obesity, lack of exercise, alcohol use, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

If you are an average American, or an average world citizen for that matter, you probably sport one or more of these risk factors.

Why so many of us insist on neglecting out health and risking our lives unnecessarily remains a mystery, but fortunately, the internet is a treasure chest of useful information that can save our lives if we dont care too much to live more sensibly.

Over at Bright Side they have listed eight signs your body will give you a month before you get a heart attack. This will help you to recognize a heart attack a month before it happens.

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Ways To Manage A Sense Of Impending Doom

Treatment for feelings of impending doom will depend on the root cause.

If the sense of impending doom stems from an anxiety condition, stress management techniques, medication, psychotherapy, or a combination thereof may help. A therapist can help you learn how to cope with these feelings when they come on.

For people experiencing a sense of impending doom due to anaphylaxis, heart attack, focal seizures, or poisoning, treatment of the underlying condition should help lessen the feeling.

Speak to your health care provider if youre experiencing feelings of impending doom. This feeling isnt something to ignore and can indicate other health conditions that need to be addressed.

Home Health Care For Heart Failure Patients In New York

Surprising signs of heart attack in women

A heart attack is an urgent matter and should be treated as such. Having said that, theres hope for individuals living with heart disease and those whove experienced a heart attack or stroke.

The care you receive can determine the difference between living with minor symptoms and coping with severe complications. In other words, proper management of heart disease can make a seniors quality of living substantially better. At Alliance Homecare in New York, we provide specialty services for aging adults suffering from chronic illnesses while giving them the support they need to continue living in the comfort of their own homes.

Our compassionate, personalized plans involve private-duty nursing with specialized training and home health aide care. Contact us today at Alliance Homecare to learn more.

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What Is The Life Expectancy For A Heart Attack

A heart attack is not necessarily fatal.

About one in five patients 45 years and older have another heart attack within five years of their first. Life expectancy after a heart attack depends on several factors, such as:

  • Ethnicity: African Americans typically have a shorter post-heart attack life expectancy by about 6% compared with people of European descent.
  • Gender: Women lose about 10% more of their life expectancy post-heart attack compared with men

What Does The Sense Of Impending Doom Feel Like

A sense of impending doom is a feeling of dread, terror, and worry that something terrible is going to happen for example, that the world may end or that you may die.

People dealing with fear and anxiety often experience strong feelings of dread and doom. These feelings can be especially intense when they occur for seemingly no reason. As these feelings seem to stem from no logical reason or threat, some people respond to them with fear, which makes the worry worse. The fear of impending doom is often described in some of the following terms:

  • A feeling that something dangerous is about to occur
  • A sense that something awful is about to happen
  • An intense feeling of certainty that youre about to die
  • An intense feeling that something horrible is about to happen and that you wont be able to do anything about it
  • A strong sense of death and destruction that suddenly washes over you
  • Intense fear of impending doom, despair, destruction, and gloom
  • An overwhelming fear of impending doom that begins or occurs during a panic attack
  • A horrible feeling of doom and gloom that suddenly comes over you
  • Such an overwhelming sense of impending doom that you feel you must immediately escape to avoid something terrible happening to you

This feeling of impending doom can occur suddenly, without apparent provocation, and can happen anywhere.

The frequency of this feeling of impending doom can vary. It might come and go only very occasionally, occur frequently, or be a regular occurrence.

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Chest Pain Pressure Squeezing And Fullness

Picture someone having a heart attack, and chances are you imagine them gasping for air and clutching their chest before falling unconscious. While you may experience chest pain during a heart attack, it may not be as dramatic. In some cases, it may not even be described as pain. Instead, it may feel more like pressure or squeezing in the chest.

Chest pain or chest discomfort is caused by an insufficient supply of oxygen-rich blood to your heart. During a heart attack, you may feel this pain in the center of the chest. It can last for a few minutes and disappear, or it may recur after a short break.

This symptom is a warning sign of blocked or narrowed arteries. Dont hesitate to report this to your doctor, even if this and other symptoms are not intense.

Major Risk Factors You Can Control

Heart Attack: Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

Smoking: Research shows that smoking increases your risk of heart attack. In fact, even people who inhale second-hand smoke are an increased risk.

High blood cholesterol: Higher cholesterol score is correlated as having higher chances of heart attack.

A low-density-lipoprotein is considered good for your heart health.

Keep in mind that a diet high in trans fats and saturated fats can increase your LDL cholesterol.

The other kind of cholesterol is high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol.

Higher levels are better. Low levels put you at greater risk of heart disease.

Smoking and being overweight can result in lower HDL cholesterol.

Triglycerides: These are the most common type of fat in the body, and a high triglyceride level combined with a low HDL cholesterol or high LDL cholesterol is associated with atherosclerosis.

High blood pressure: Having high blood pressure puts more pressure on the heart making it worker harder.

This can increase your risk of stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, and congestive heart failure.

Physical inactivity: An inactive lifestyle can be a significant risk factor for coronary heart disease.

Regular, moderate exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Obesity and being overweight: Excess body weight means the heart works harder to push blood around the body.

This can often co-occur with high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Heart Attack

The major symptoms of a heart attack are

  • Chest pain or discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center or left side of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or that goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain.
  • Feeling weak, light-headed, or faint. You may also break out into a cold sweat.
  • Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, or back.
  • Pain or discomfort in one or both arms or shoulders.
  • Shortness of breath. This often comes along with chest discomfort, but shortness of breath also can happen before chest discomfort.

Other symptoms of a heart attack could include unusual or unexplained tiredness and nausea or vomiting. Women are more likely to have these other symptoms. Learn more about women and heart disease.

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack.1Learn more facts about heart attack and heart disease.

Prepare For The Worst And Hope For The Best: Signs And Symptoms Of A Heart Attack

Heart disease remains one of the leading killers in the world.

With obesity levels on the rise and more people being diagnosed with medical conditions than ever before, the strain on our bodies continues to increase.

We are more stressed out than humans have ever been before. We work harder than we ever have before. Our jobs are more demanding and we spend less time at home than we ever did before.

No wonder people are suffering heart attacks all around us. People in their twenties are starting to have heart attacks now.

With anxiety, depression, and dwindling economic status, people are getting older before their time.

But if you know what to look for and you get help fast enough, you can come through a heart attack.

Not everyone survives, but not everyone dies either. There is hope. Heres what to look for if you think you or someone you know is having a heart attack.

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Do Your Vitals Change During Heart Attack

  • How do you feel after a mild heart attack?
  • In some people, there may be little change to your blood pressure at all. In other cases, there may be an increase in blood pressure. Any blood pressure changes that may occur during a heart attack are unpredictable, so doctors generally dont use them as a sign of a heart attack.

    Water And Cayenne Pepper

    Stephen’s Story: Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of a Heart Attack

    Another online recommendation thats not effective is to drink a glass of water with a spoonful of cayenne pepper in it. Some people say cayenne pepper is a stimulant capable of increasing the heart rate and carrying blood all over the body, balancing circulation. Some claim that cayenne pepper can stop bleeding instantly.

    There is no proof, however, that cayenne pepper or other types of pepper are useful when taken at the onset of a heart attack. Whats more, its not understood how capsaicin might interact with aspirin when taken during a heart attack and experts know that aspirin is helpful.

    While you cant control all your heart attack risk factors, such as aging, gender , and heredity, there are some that you can control. To prevent your risk of a heart attack:

    • Stop smoking and minimize your exposure to secondhand smoke.
    • Get your high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure under control by modifying your diet, losing weight, taking medication, or doing a combination of these things.
    • Stay physically active daily.
    • Control your weight if youre overweight or obese.
    • If you have diabetes, take care by sticking to your treatment plan and managing your blood sugar.
    • Get a handle on the stress in your life by practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga, or try talk therapy.
    • Limit your alcohol consumption.

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    Sign Of Potential Heart Attack: Your Erection Falters

    Erections occur when more blood flows into your penis, making it firm and hard. But if those blood vessels are damaged, blood flows less freely, meaning youre less likely to get an erection, or maintain an erection, when aroused. Thats a main cause of erectile dysfunction.

    As Segal explains, if your blood vessels down there are damaged, theres a good chance the ones near your heart could be damaged as well.

    A major cause of this blood vessel damage is plaque buildup. When that occurs in the vessels to your heart, you could be at risk of a heart attack, he says.

    Having a one-time performance problem isnt likely a big dealit could just mean youre tired or stressed. But if the issue persists after a few sessions in the sack, it could be a sign of something more serious.

    What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of A Heart Attack

    The most common symptom of a heart attack is chest pain or discomfort. Other symptoms of a heart attack include:

    • shortness of breath
    • to the neck, jaw or shoulders
  • paleness, sweating or weakness
  • chest pain with possible feelings of:
  • fullness
  • nausea, vomiting and possible indigestion
  • anxiety or fear
  • Most symptoms of a heart attack are the same for men and women.

    Women are more likely to feel some discomfort in the chest rather than a sharp pain or tightness. The milder symptoms do not mean that a woman’s heart attack is any less severe than a man’s heart attack. Any symptoms of a heart attack should be taken seriously.

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    What Are The Early Signs Of A Heart Attack

    There are heart attack symptoms in women that are different from heart attack symptoms in men. But the common signs and symptoms they usually share are as follows:

    • Chest pain or discomfort: The discomfort usually lasts for more than a few minutes or it may go away and come back. The discomfort may feel like pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain at the center of the chest.
    • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body: This may include pain or discomfort in the back, jaw, stomach or in one or both arms.
    • Shortness of breath: This may occur with, before or without chest pain or discomfort.
    • Breaking out in a cold sweat
    • Nausea or light-headedness

    Meanwhile, heart attack symptoms in women sometimes go unnoticed. These include the following:

    • Back pain
    • Dizziness
    • Fainting
    • Pressure, fullness, squeezing pain in the center of the chest, spreading to the neck, shoulder or jaw
    • Unusual fatigue
    • Treating or managing conditions that can be a risk factors of heart attack such as diabetes

    Nausea Indigestion Heartburn Or Stomach Pain

    Heart attack symptoms: A sign in your left shoulder may ...

    Some people have these symptoms during a heart attack. They may even vomit, Chambers says.

    Women are more likely to report this type of symptom than men are.

    Of course, you can have an upset stomach for many reasons that have nothing to do with your heart. It could just be something you ate, after all. But you need to be aware that it can also happen during a heart attack.

    So if you feel this way and youâre at risk for heart problems, let a doctor find out whatâs going on, especially if you also have any of the other symptoms on this list.

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