Friday, July 26, 2024

Heart Failure Right Sided

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Current Therapies Available To Target The Rv In Ph

Congestive Heart Failure: Left-sided vs Right-sided, Systolic vs Diastolic, Animation.

Current therapies approved for PAH target the balance between excessive vasoconstriction pathway) and lack of vasodilation pathways) in the pulmonary arterial system .

ET-1 is a potent endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor peptide which is stimulated by a variety of factors including hypoxia, growth factors, cytokines, shear stress, thrombin and angiotensin II, and acts on ETA and ETB receptors. These receptors are then blocked, causing

Atrial Natriuretic Peptide And B

ANP and BNP are endogenously generated peptides activated in response to atrial and ventricular volume/pressure expansion. ANP and BNP are released from the atria and ventricles, respectively, and both promote vasodilation and natriuresis. Their hemodynamic effects are mediated by decreases in ventricular filling pressures, owing to reductions in cardiac preload and afterload. BNP, in particular, produces selective afferent arteriolar vasodilation and inhibits sodium reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule. It also inhibits renin and aldosterone release and, therefore, adrenergic activation. ANP and BNP are elevated in chronic heart failure. BNP especially has potentially important diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognostic implications.

For more information, see the Medscape Drugs & Diseases article Natriuretic Peptides in Congestive Heart Failure.

Clinical Symptoms Of Rhf In Ph Patients

Exercise limitation is the earliest symptom of RHF and is a strong predictor of survival in PAH patients , . This is related to a decrease in cardiac output during exercise . Patients with severe PH also have an elevated incidence of arrhythmias, estimated at 12% with SVT which can contribute to exercise limitations , .

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What Can I Do To Recover After A Heart Attack

Take our quiz to see how much you know about cardiac rehabilitation.

If youve had a heart attack, your heart may be damaged. This could affect your hearts rhythm and its ability to pump blood to the rest of the body. You may also be at risk for another heart attack or conditions such as stroke, kidney disorders, and peripheral arterial disease .

You can lower your chances of having future health problems following a heart attack with these steps:

  • Physical activityTalk with your health care team about the things you do each day in your life and work. Your doctor may want you to limit work, travel, or sexual activity for some time after a heart attack.
  • Lifestyle changesEating a healthier diet, increasing physical activity, quitting smoking, and managing stressin addition to taking prescribed medicinescan help improve your heart health and quality of life. Ask your health care team about attending a program called cardiac rehabilitation to help you make these lifestyle changes.
  • Cardiac rehabilitationCardiac rehabilitation is an important program for anyone recovering from a heart attack, heart failure, or other heart problem that required surgery or medical care. Cardiac rehab is a supervised program that includes
  • Physical activity
  • Education about healthy living, including healthy eating, taking medicine as prescribed, and ways to help you quit smoking
  • Counseling to find ways to relieve stress and improve mental health

What Are The Current Treatment Options

Right sided failure

The proper treatment for right-sided heart failure depends on the underlying condition causing it. Treating right-sided heart failure usually involves using one or more medications, lifestyle measures, and possibly implanted devices that support the hearts ability to pump. Treating left-sided heart failure is also important.

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Heart Failure

The signs and symptoms depend on how severe your heart failure is. The signs and symptoms you have may be due to the backup of fluid and blood in your tissues. It may also be due to decreased oxygen in your blood. You may have any of the following:

  • Trouble breathing with activity that worsens to trouble breathing at rest
  • Shortness of breath while lying flat
  • Severe shortness of breath and coughing at night that usually wakes you
  • Feeling lightheaded when you stand up
  • Purple color around your mouth and nails
  • Confusion or anxiety
  • Periods of no breathing, then breathing fast
  • Lack of energy , or trouble sleeping
  • Swelling in your ankles, legs, or abdomen
  • Heartbeat that is fast or not regular
  • Fingers and toes feel cool to the touch

What Is Heart Failure

Although the term heart failure suggests your heart isnt able to function at all, it actually means your heart muscles just arent functioning well enough to support your bodys needs. It develops when your heart muscles are either too weak or not elastic enough to pump blood properly. About 6.2 million people in the United States are living with heart failure.

Heart failure is usually a chronic and progressive condition, but it can develop quickly after a heart attack or other conditions that damage your heart. The most common cause of heart failure is coronary artery disease, which is a narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to your heart.

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Medicines For Heart Failure

Most people with heart failure are treated with medication. Often youll need to take 2 or 3 different medicines.

Some of the main medicines for heart failure include:

  • SGLT2 inhibitors

You may need to try a few different medicines before you find a combination that controls your symptoms but doesnt cause unpleasant side effects.

What Do I Need To Know About Heart Failure

Right Sided Heart Failure Nursing Mnemonic | HEAD

Heart failure is a condition that does not allow your heart to fill or pump properly. Heart failure may begin on the left or right side of the heart. If one side does not work properly, the other side has to work harder to function. Over time, heart failure affects both sides of the heart. Heart failure is a long-term condition that tends to get worse over time. It is important to manage your health to improve your quality of life.

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Myocytes And Myocardial Remodeling

In the failing heart, increased myocardial volume is characterized by larger myocytes approaching the end of their life cycle. As more myocytes drop out, an increased load is placed on the remaining myocardium, and this unfavorable environment is transmitted to the progenitor cells responsible for replacing lost myocytes.

Progenitor cells become progressively less effective as the underlying pathologic process worsens and myocardial failure accelerates. These featuresnamely, the increased myocardial volume and mass, along with a net loss of myocytesare the hallmark of myocardial remodeling. This remodeling process leads to early adaptive mechanisms, such as augmentation of stroke volume and decreased wall stress and, later, to maladaptive mechanisms such as increased myocardial oxygen demand, myocardial ischemia, impaired contractility, and arrhythmogenesis.

As heart failure advances, there is a relative decline in the counterregulatory effects of endogenous vasodilators, including nitric oxide , prostaglandins , bradykinin , atrial natriuretic peptide , and B-type natriuretic peptide . This decline occurs simultaneously with the increase in vasoconstrictor substances from the RAAS and the adrenergic system, which fosters further increases in vasoconstriction and thus preload and afterload. This results in cellular proliferation, adverse myocardial remodeling, and antinatriuresis, with total body fluid excess and worsening of heart failure symptoms.

Other Causes Of Heart Failure Include:

  • abnormal heart rhythms where your heart beats too fast, too slow or irregularly
  • amyloidosis a build-up of abnormal proteins in organs such as your heart and tissues. When it affects the heart its called cardiac amyloidosis stiff heart syndrome and can lead to heart failure
  • anaemia a lack of red blood cells carrying oxygen in your blood
  • congenital heart conditions different heart problems that youre born with
  • endocarditis a viral infection affecting the heart muscle
  • heart valve disease where blood struggles to flow through the heart properly, putting extra strain on the muscle
  • pulmonary hypertension raised blood pressure in the blood vessels that supply your lungs. This condition can damage the right side of your heart, leading to heart failure. Find out more about pulmonary hypertension on NHS Choices and PHA UK
  • some cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy
  • thyroid gland disease an underactive or overactive thyroid gland which produces too few or too many hormones
  • too much alcohol .

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How Does Heart Failure Affect Liver

The majority of patients in their study with liver failure had severe underlying cardiac disease that had often led to passive congestion of the liver. They conclude that right-sided heart failure resulting in hepatic venous congestion, may predispose the liver to hepatic injury induced by a hypotensive event.

Causes Of Heart Failure

Right sided heart failure

Heart failure is often the result of a number of problems affecting the heart at the same time.

Conditions that can lead to heart failure include:

Sometimes obesity, anaemia, drinking too much alcohol, an overactive thyroid or high pressure in the lungs can also lead to heart failure.

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Causes And Pathophysiology Of Right Ventricular Failure

The normal RV function is an interplay between preload, contractility, afterload, ventricular interdependence and heart rhythm. Most cases of RV failure follow existing or new-onset cardiac or pulmonary diseases or a combination of both, which may increase RV afterload, reduce RV contractility, alter RV preload or ventricular interdependence or cause-related arrhythmias . To understand RV failure, it is crucial to assess these five components.

What Is The Difference Between Left And Right

Heart failure can occur in the left side of the heart, the right side of the heart or on both sides. The major difference between left-sided heart failure and right-sided heart failure is in the side of the heart that is weakened. In left-sided heart failure, the left side of the heart is weakened and results in reduced ability for the heart to pump blood into the body. In right-sided heart failure, the right side of the heart is weakened and results in fluid in your veins, causing swelling in the legs, ankles, and liver.

To understand these conditions, it is important to know a little about how blood flows through the heart.

The heart is made up of four chambers. The upper chambers are called atria and the lower chambers are called ventricles. Each side of the heart has paired upper and lower chambers. Blood returns from the body and enters the right atrium. From there it moves to the right ventricle, which pumps it to the lungs where it is oxygenated. Blood moves from the lungs into the left atrium, down to the left ventricle and then out to the body to supply organs and tissues with oxygen and nutrients.

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Pathophysiology Of Right Ventricular Dysfunction In Pulmonary Hypertension

PAH is a progressive disorder that affects both the pulmonary vasculature as well as the heart , . In animal studies, it has been demonstrated that right ventricular hypertrophy is the first sign that is acutely apparent in a right ventricle under pressure overload . Initially then the right ventricle adapts to the increased afterload by increasing its wall thickness and contractility. In most cases however, this compensation is insufficient leading to worsening right ventricle

What Are The Causes

Right Heart Failure

Sometimes it just happens. But usually itâs left-side heart failure that causes right-side heart failure. As the left chamber of your heart loses some of its ability to pump, blood continues to back up — sometimes into your lungs.

Heart failure is a long-term condition that gets worse over time. In most cases, you get it because you have other health issues that have damaged or weakened your heart.

Some other causes of right-side heart failure include:

Coronary artery disease. This is the most common form of heart disease and cause of heart failure. When you have coronary artery disease, plaque blocks your arteries, causing blood flow to your heart muscle to slow or even stop. Read more on clogged arteries and the causes of arterial plaque.

High blood pressure. It measures how hard your heart pumps blood through your arteries. The higher your blood pressure, the harder your heart is working to pump it. That means over time, your heart muscles can thicken and weaken because of the extra work they do. Learn about the symptoms of high blood pressure.

Damaged heart valves. Valves keep blood flowing in the right direction through your heart. If they get damaged, by an infection or heart defect, for instance, your heart has to work harder to pump blood. Eventually, it will become weakened. Get more information on heart valve disease symptoms and causes.

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Types Of Heart Failure

divides heart failure into one of three categories based on the part of your heart thats affected:

  • Left-sided systolic heart failure. There are two types of left-sided heart failure:
  • Systolic failure. This is when your left ventricle isnt able to contract normally and your heart cant push an adequate amount of blood into circulation.
    • Diastolic failure. This means your left ventricle doesnt relax properly due to stiffness and your heart doesnt fill with enough blood between beats, or the pressure for the heart to function is very high.
  • Right-sided failure. In right-sided heart failure, your right ventricle loses pumping power and blood backs up in your veins.
  • Congestive heart failure. The term heart failure is sometimes used interchangeably with congestive heart failure.
    • shortness of breath when lying down
    • sleeping on extra pillows at night

    Can Hepatomegaly Be Caused By Heart Failure

    Hepatomegaly is prominent in patients with chronic right-sided heart failure, but it may occur rapidly in acute heart failure. When hepatomegaly occurs acutely, the liver is usually tender.

    Can CHF cause enlarged liver?

    An enlarged liver can have many possible causes. An enlarged liver is one thats bigger than normal. The medical term is hepatomegaly . Rather than a disease, an enlarged liver is a sign of an underlying problem, such as liver disease, congestive heart failure or cancer.

    Why does cor pulmonale cause hepatomegaly?

    Cor pulmonale is right ventricular enlargement secondary to a lung disorder that causes pulmonary artery hypertension. Right ventricular failure follows. Findings include peripheral edema, neck vein distention, hepatomegaly, and a parasternal lift. Diagnosis is clinical and by echocardiography.

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    Right Sided Vs Left Sided Heart Failure

    When right sided heart failure occurs, the increased pressure in the veins causes dispersion of fluid to surrounding tissues. This happens because this side of the heart is too weak to pump blood forward to the lungs.

    The result may be a buildup of fluid in various parts of the body, including the legs, abdomen, and liver.

    When left sided heart failure occurs, a person

    Right sided heart failure can be due to the following conditions:

    Left Ventricular Assist Devices

    Pin by Pam Logalbo on Medical Information

    Left ventricular assist devices are mechanical pumps that can help if your left ventricle isnt working properly and medication alone isnt helping.

    They may be used as a permanent treatment if you cant have a heart transplant, or as a temporary measure while you wait for a transplant.

    In addition to the pump, LVADs also include an external battery. A wire connecting this to the pump will need to be placed under your skin during the operation.

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    Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

    Right heart failure is a systemic disorder that can affect many organs and hence is best managed by an interprofessional team. The outcomes of patients with RVF is worse than those with LVF, but it does depend on the cause and other comorbidities. Patients with persistently elevated pulmonary artery pressures have the worst outcomes. Many of these patients require repeat admissions and also have prolonged stays. Despite the various therapies for RVF, the outcomes have not greatly improved over the past two decades. While heart transplant is the ideal treatment for patients with no lung pathology, the shortage of donors is a limiting factor.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Right

    The main sign of right-sided heart failure is fluid buildup. This buildup leads to swelling in your:

    • Feet, ankles and legs.
    • Gastrointestinal tract and liver .

    Other signs include:

    Where you accumulate fluid depends on how much extra fluid and your position. If youre standing, fluid typically builds up in your legs and feet. If youre lying down, it may build up in your lower back. And if you have a lot of excess fluid, it may even build up in your belly.

    Fluid build up in your liver or stomach may cause:

    Once right-sided heart failure becomes advanced, you can also lose weight and muscle mass. Healthcare providers call these effects cardiac cachexia.

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    When To See A Doctor

    Its a good idea to speak with your doctor to check your heart health if you:

    • Notice swelling in your legs
    • Become winded easily with normal activities

    There is no cure for heart failure. Still, with treatment, you can slow the progression of it and stay feeling better for longer.

    You should seek immediate medical attention or call 911 if you or a loved one is experiencing:

    • Sudden shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, or chest pain
    • Trouble breathing and blood-tinged phlegm
    • Fainting or loss of consciousness

    What Are The Symptoms Of Heart Failure

    Left vs Right Heart Failure | Heart Failure (Part 3)

    The symptoms of heart failure depend on which side of your heart is affected and how serious your condition has become. Most symptoms are caused by reduced blood flow to your organs and fluid buildup in your body.

    Fluid buildup happens because the flow of blood through your heart is too slow. As a result, blood backs up in the vessels that return the blood to your heart. Fluid may leak from the blood vessels and collect in the tissues of your body, causing swelling and other problems.

    Symptoms of heart failure may include:

    • Feeling short of breath when you do things like climbing stairs. This may be one of the first symptoms you notice.
    • Fatigue or weakness even after rest.

    Also Check: Causes Of Systolic Heart Failure

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